
A function which performs a random selection of individuals

Calling Sequence

[Pop_out,FObj_Pop_out,Efficiency,MO_Total_FObj_out] = selection_ga_random(Pop_in,Indiv1,Indiv2,FObj_Pop_in,FObj_Indiv1,FObj_Indiv2,MO_Total_FObj_in,MO_FObj_Indiv1,MO_FObj_Indiv2,param)


:Pop_in The initial population of individuals. : :Indiv1 a first set of children generated via crossover + mutation. : :Indiv2 a second set of children generated via crossover + mutation. : :FObj_Pop_in a vector of objective function values associated to

each individuals of Pop_in.
: :FObj_Indiv1 a vector of objective function values associated to
each individuals of Indiv1.
: :FObj_Indiv2 a vector of objective function values associated to
each individuals of Indiv2.
: :MO_Total_FObj_in a matrix of multi-objective function values
associated to each individuals of Pop_in.
: :MO_FObj_Indiv1 a matrix of multi-objective function values
associated to each individuals of Indiv1.
: :MO_FObj_Indiv2 a matrix of multi-objective function values
associated to each individuals of Indiv2.

: :param a list of parameters.

  • ‘pressure’: the selection pressure coefficient. Each individuals with 0 efficiency will have an efficiency value equal to ‘pressure’.
: :Pop_out all the selected individuals in a population of size
: :FObj_Pop_out all the objective function values associated to each
individuals of Pop_out.
: :Efficiency all the efficiency values associated to each individuals
of Pop_out.
: :MO_Total_FObj_out all the multi-objective function values
associated to each individuals of Pop_out.



  • This function performs the random selection function. We select pop_size individuals in the set of parents and children individuals at random.

See Also

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