sensitivity functions
:G standard plant ( syslin list) : :K compensator ( syslin list) : :flag character string ‘o’ (default value) or ‘i’ : :Se output sensitivity function (I+G*K)^-1 : :Re K*Se : :Te G*K*Se (output complementary sensitivity function) :
sensi computes sensitivity functions. If G and K are given in state-space form, the systems returned are generically minimal. Calculation is made by lft, e.g., Se can be given by the commands P = augment(G,’S’), Se=lft(P,K). If flag = ‘i’, [Si,Ri,Ti]=sensi(G,K,’i’) returns the input sensitivity functions.
[Se;Re;Te]= [`inv`_(`eye`_()+G*K);K*`inv`_(`eye`_()+G*K);G*K*`inv`_(`eye`_()+G*K)];
[Si;Ri;Ti]= [`inv`_(`eye`_()+K*G);G*`inv`_(`eye`_()+K*G);K*G*`inv`_(`eye`_()+K*G)];
Se1=`inv`_(`eye`_()+G*K); //Other way to compute
`ss2tf`_(Se) //Se seen in transfer form