Visualization of principal components analysis results
show_pca(lambda, facpr, N)
This function visualize the pca results.
The function produces a graphics with two subplots.
Implementation notes. The right part of the graphics is based on the second column of the lambda output argument of the pca function.
// Test a table of standard Normal random numbers
// 100 observations in 10 dimensions.
[lambda,facpr,comprinc] = `pca`_(a);
// See how the points are inside the circle:
// more than 2 components are required to represent
// the data.
// Source : "Analyse en composantes principales",
// Jean-François Delmas et Saad Salam
// Weight of several parts of 23 cows
// X1: weight (alive)
// X2: skeleton weight
// X3: first grade meat weight
// X4: total meat weight
// X5: fat weight
// X6: bones weight
x = [
395 224 35.1 79.1 6.0 14.9
410 232 31.9 73.4 8.7 16.4
405 233 30.7 76.5 7.0 16.5
405 240 30.4 75.3 8.7 16.0
390 217 31.9 76.5 7.8 15.7
415 243 32.1 77.4 7.1 18.5
390 229 32.1 78.4 4.6 17.0
405 240 31.1 76.5 8.2 15.3
420 234 32.4 76.0 7.2 16.8
390 223 33.8 77.0 6.2 16.8
415 247 30.7 75.5 8.4 16.1
400 234 31.7 77.6 5.7 18.7
400 224 28.2 73.5 11.0 15.5
395 229 29.4 74.5 9.3 16.1
395 219 29.7 72.8 8.7 18.5
395 224 28.5 73.7 8.7 17.3
400 223 28.5 73.1 9.1 17.7
400 224 27.8 73.2 12.2 14.6
400 221 26.5 72.3 13.2 14.5
410 233 25.9 72.3 11.1 16.6
402 234 27.1 72.1 10.4 17.5
400 223 26.8 70.3 13.5 16.2
400 213 25.8 70.4 12.1 17.5
[lambda,facpr,comprinc] = `pca`_(x);
// Extract the two first columns.
x = x(:,1:2);
[lambda,facpr,comprinc] = `pca`_(x);
// See how the points are perfectly on the circle.
Saporta, Gilbert, Probabilites, Analyse des Donnees et Statistique, Editions Technip, Paris, 2011, 3ème Edition.
Analyse en composantes principales, Jean-François Delmas et Saad Salam,