cubic spline interpolation
d = splin(x, y [,spline_type [, der]])
: :y a vector of same format than x : :spline_type (optional) a string selecting the kind of spline to
This function computes a cubic spline or sub-spline s which interpolates the (xi,yi) points, ie, we have s(xi)=yi for all i=1,..,n. The resulting spline s is completely defined by the triplet (x,y,d) where d is the vector with the derivatives at the xi: s’(xi)=di (this is called the Hermite form). The evaluation of the spline at some points must be done by the `interp`_ function. Several kind of splines may be computed by selecting the appropriate spline_type parameter:
: :”natural” the cubic spline is computed by using the conditions: : :”periodic” a periodic cubic spline is computed ( y must verify
y1=yn) by using the conditions:
From an accuracy point of view use essentially the clamped type if you know the end point derivatives, else use not_a_knot. But if the underlying approximated function is periodic use the periodic type. Under the good assumptions these kind of splines got an O(h^4) asymptotic behavior of the error. Don’t use the natural type unless the underlying function have zero second end points derivatives.
The monotone, fast (or fast_periodic) type may be useful in some cases, for instance to limit oscillations (these kind of sub- splines have an O(h^3) asymptotic behavior of the error).
If n=2 (and spline_type is not clamped) linear interpolation is used. If n=3 and spline_type is not_a_knot, then a fast sub-spline type is in fact computed.
// example 1
`deff`_("y=runge(x)","y=1 ./(1 + x.^2)")
a = -5; b = 5; n = 11; m = 400;
x = `linspace`_(a, b, n)';
y = runge(x);
d = splin(x, y);
xx = `linspace`_(a, b, m)';
yyi = `interp`_(xx, x, y, d);
yye = runge(xx);
`plot2d`_(xx, [yyi yye], style=[2 5], leg="interpolation spline@exact function")
`plot2d`_(x, y, -9)
`xtitle`_("interpolation of the Runge function")
// example 2 : show behavior of different splines on random data
a = 0; b = 1; // interval of interpolation
n = 10; // nb of interpolation points
m = 800; // discretisation for evaluation
x = `linspace`_(a,b,n)'; // abscissae of interpolation points
y = `rand`_(x); // ordinates of interpolation points
xx = `linspace`_(a,b,m)';
yk = `interp`_(xx, x, y, splin(x,y,"not_a_knot"));
yf = `interp`_(xx, x, y, splin(x,y,"fast"));
ym = `interp`_(xx, x, y, splin(x,y,"monotone"));
`plot2d`_(xx, [yf ym yk], style=[5 2 3], strf="121", ...
leg="fast@monotone@not a knot spline")
`plot2d`_(x,y,-9, strf="000") // to show interpolation points
`xtitle`_("Various spline and sub-splines on random data")
Version Description 5.4.0 previously, imaginary part of input arguments were implicitly ignored. .. _interp: interp.html .. _lsq_splin: lsq_splin.html