Supported and compatible compilers

supported and compatible compilers by Scilab

Scilab supported and compatible compilers

Some features of Scilab require that you have a third-party compiler installed on your system.


– Visual studio C++ 2005, 2008, 2010 Professionnal 32 and 64 bits

– Visual studio C++ 2008, 2010 Express Edition (available at no charge)

On 64-bit Windows, Visual Studio C++ 2008/2010 Express Edition requires you to install some optional component. See `”How can I set up Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/2010 C++ Express Edition for use with Scilab x64 on 64-bit Windows ?”`_ on scilab wiki.

– Intel Fortran 9, 10, 11, XE 2011

– LCC-Win32 requires to install a ATOMS module:

`atomsInstall`_('lcc_windows'); `atomsLoad`_('lcc_windows');

– MinGW requires to install a ATOMS module:

`atomsInstall`_('mingw'); `atomsLoad`_('mingw');


On GNU/Linux, GNU compilers (gcc, g++ and gfortran) are packaged in all distributions.

While they are not official supported, Scilab supports LLVM/clang and Intel compilers.

Mac OS X

Apple’s development environment for OS X, Xcode, is available from Apple at no charge.

See Also

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