
low-pass to other filter transform

Calling Sequence



:hz a single input single output discrete transfer function, the low
pass filter

: :pd Vector of given filter poles : :zd Vector of given filter zeros : :gd scalar: the given filter gain : :tr_type string, the type of transformation, see description for

possible values
: :frq 2-vector of discrete cut-off frequencies (i.e., 0<frq<.5).
see description for details.

: :hzt transformed filter transfert function. : :pt vector of transformed filter zeros. : :zt vector of transformed filter poles. : :gt a scalar: transformed filter gain. :


function for transforming standardized low-pass filter given its poles-zeros_gain representation into one of the following filters:

:tr_type=’lp’ low pass filter, the cutoff frequency is given by the
first entry of frq, the second one is ignored.
: :tr_type=’hp’ high pass filter, the cutoff frequency is given by the
first entry of frq, the second one is ignored.
: :tr_type=’bp’ band pass filter, the frequency range is given by
frq(1) and frq(2).
: :tr_type=’sb’ stop band filter, the frequency range is given by
frq(1) and frq(2).


Used functions



Hlp=`iir`_(3,'lp','ellip',[0.1 0],[.08 .03]);
Hbp=trans(Hlp,'bp',[0.01 0.1]);
Hsb=trans(Hlp,'sb',[0.01 0.1])

l=`legend`_(['original low pass';'band pass';'stop band']);

See Also

  • iir iir digital filter
  • bilt bilinear or biquadratic transform SISO system given by a zero/poles representation

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