Opens a dialog for selecting a font.
[fontname [,fontsize [,bold [,italic]]]] = uigetfont([defaultfontname [,defaultfontsize [,defaultbold [,defaultitalic]]]]);
[fontname ,fontsize ,bold ,italic] = uigetfont(defaultfontname ,defaultfontsize ,defaultbold ,defaultitalic);
defaultfontname String: | |
the default font name to select in the dialog. |
: :fontname The selected font name (“” if the user cancels). : :fontsize The selected font size ([] if the user cancels). : :bold %T if bold attribute has been selected, %F otherwise ([] if
the user cancels).
Creates a dialog window for selecting a font.
uigetfont("arial", 24)
uigetfont("arial", 24, %T)
uigetfont("arial", 24, %T, %F)