
Open standard dialog box for selecting and saving file.

Calling Sequence


Input parameters

:file_mask a string matrix which gives the file masks to use for file
selection. file_mask is written with Unix convention. The default value is ‘*’. we can also add descriptions for masks, for example [“.x”,”X files”;”*.bin”,”BIN files”].
: :dir a character string which gives the initial directory used for
file search. By default uiputfile uses the previously selected directory.
: :boxTitle a character string which gives the title of the uiputfile
window. By default uiputfile’s title is ‘uiputfile’.


Output parameters

:FileName string which give the user selected file (path + file name)
if user answers “Ok” or the ” ” string if user answers “Cancel”.
: :PathName is the user selected file path if user answers “Ok” or the
” ” string if user answers “Cancel”.
: :FilterIndex is the user selected filter index on the list box if
user answers “Ok” or ‘0’ string if user answers “Cancel”



Creates a dialog window for file saving.


uiputfile(["*.x*","X files";"*.bin","BIN files"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/")
uiputfile(["*.sce";"*.bin"],"SCI/modules/gui/macros/", "Choose a file name");

See Also

  • uigetfile dialog window to get a file(s) name(s), path and filter index
  • uigetdir dialog for selecting a directory

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