Function to compare two Xcos Blocks.
[status, message] = xcosValidateCompareBlock(block1, block2)
block1: | An Xcos block.: :block2: An Xcos block.: |
This function is used to compare two Blocks. Function will go through each block field and compare the two values. The function returns true if the two blocks are equal, false otherwise. message will contain some information about non- homogeneous fields.
block1 = CONST_m("define");
block2 = CONST_m("define");
[status, message] = xcosValidateCompareBlock(block1,block2)
block2.model.rpar = 42;
[status, message] = xcosValidateCompareBlock(block1,block2)
Version Description 5.4.0 Function xcosValidateCompareBlock introduced. .. _scs_m structure: scicos_diagram.html .. _xcos: Block diagram editor and GUI for the hybrid simulator: xcos.html