
fill a polygon

Calling Sequence



:xv,yv two vectors of same size (the points of the polygon). : :fill integer, the color used to fill the polygon. :


xfpoly fills a polygon with the current color or a color specified by the optional fill argument.

If fill is omitted, the polygon is filled with the current color and its contour is drawn with the current color and line style. If fill is present, it is used to fill the polygon as follows:

  • if fill<0, the polygon is filled with the color -fill, and its contour is not drawn.
  • if fill=0, the polygon is filled with the current color and its contour is drawn with the current color and line style (equivalent to fill omitted).
  • if fill>0, the polygon is filled with the color fill and its contour is drawn with the current color and line style.



`plot2d`_(0,0,-1,"010"," ",[-2,-2,2,2]);

e=`gce`_(); // get the current entity (the last created: here the polyline)
e.fill_mode='off'; // shows only the contour


// Create a new polygon filled with color 3
// and its contour drawn with the current color

See Also

  • xfpolys fill a set of polygons
  • xpoly draw a polyline or a polygon
  • xpolys draw a set of polylines or polygons

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