
get current values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.

Calling Sequence



:str string. : :flag optional. Set to 1 gives a verbose mode. :


Warning this function is obsolete. Use the Scilab graphic objetcs representation instead (see the `set`_ and `get`_ functions as well as the `graphics_entities`_ help page).

This function is used to get values from the graphics context on the topic specified by the string str. When called with no argument, a choice menu is created showing the current values and changes can be performed through toggle buttons.

:str=xget(“auto clear”) Get the auto clear status ( “on” or
: :color=xget(“background”) Get the background color of the current
Axes object. The result is a colormap index corresponding to the color.
: :rect=xget(“clipping”) Get the clipping zone as a rectangle
rect=[x,y,w,h] (Upper-Left point Width Height).
: :c=xget(“color”) Get the default color for filling, line or text
drawing functions. c is an integer projected in the interval [0,whiteid]. 0 stands for black filling and whiteid for white. The value of whiteid can be obtained with xget(“white”).
: :cmap=xget(“colormap”) Get the colormap used for the current
graphics window as a m x 3 RGB matrix.
: :dash=xget(“dashes”) Get the dash style dash=[dash_number] where
dash_number is the id of the dash. This keyword is obsolete, please use xget(“color”) or xget(“line style”) instead.
: :font=xget(“font”) Get font=[fontid,fontsize], the default font and
the default size for fonts. size.

: :fontsize=xget(“font size”) Get the default size for fonts size. : :color=xget(“foreground”) Get the foreground color of the current

Axes object. The result is a colormap index corresponding to the color.
: :str=xget(“fpf”) Get the floating point format for number display in
contour functions. Note that str is “” when default format is used.
: :color=xget(“hidden3d”) Get the color number for hidden faces in
: :pat=xget(“lastpattern”) Get the id of the last available pattern or
color, with the current colormap of the current window. In fact pat+1 and pat+2 are also available and stand respectively for black and white pattern.
: :type=xget(“line mode”) Get the line drawing mode. type=1 is
absolute mode and type=0 is relative mode. (Warning: the mode type=0 is has bugs)
: :xget(“line style”) Get the default line style (1: solid, >1 for
dashed lines).
: :mark=xget(“mark”) Get the default mark id and the default marks
size. mark=[markid,marksize].

: :marksize=xget(“mark size”) Get the default marks size. : :pat=xget(“pattern”) Get the current pattern or the current color.

pat is an integer in the range [1,last]. When one uses black and white, 0 is used for black filling and last for white. The value of last can be obtained with xget(“lastpattern”).
: :value=xget(“thickness”) Get the thickness of lines in pixel (0 and
1 have the same meaning: 1 pixel thick).
: :flag=xget(“use color”) Get the flag 0 (use black and white) or 1
(use colors). See xset.
: :[x,y]=xget(“viewport”) Get the current postion of the visible part
of graphics in the panner.
: :dim=xget(“wdim”) Get the width and the height of the current
graphics window dim=[width,height].

: :win=xget(“window”) Get the current window number win. : :pos=xget(“wpos”); Get the position of the upper left point of the

graphics window pos=[x,y].


See Also

  • `xset`_ set values of the graphics context.This function is obsolete.
  • `getcolor`_ opens a dialog to show colors in the current colormap
  • `getsymbol`_ dialog to select a symbol and its size. Obsolete function
  • `ged`_ Scilab Graphic Editor
  • `set`_ set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
  • `graphics_entities`_ description of the graphics entities data structures


Version Description 5.4.0 The “alufunction” property is no more supported, this property was no more used for rendering since Scilab 5.0.1. .. _getsymbol: getsymbol.html .. _set: set.html .. _graphics_entities: graphics_entities.html .. _get: get.html .. _ged: ged.html .. _xset: xset.html .. _getcolor: getcolor.html

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