
Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of numbers

Calling Sequence

nums = xmlAsNumber(xp)


:xp xp, a XML mlist typed XMLSet or XMLList : :nums nums, a single row of doubles :


The result of a XPath query or the chidren of a node can be a set of XMLElements which contains numbers, so the aim of this function is to convert the contents of each nodes into a double.


doc = `xmlReadStr`_("<root><a>12</a><a>13</a><a>1.2345678</a><a>45e3</a><a>.23E-2</a></root>");

// Retrieve the content of the nodes with name equals to "a"
xp = `xmlXPath`_(doc, "//a/text()");

// convert the result into doubles
data = xmlAsNumber(xp)


See Also

  • `xmlXPath`_ Make an XPath query on a XML document
  • `xmlAsText`_ Convert the result of a XPath query into a row of strings


Version Description 5.4.0 XML module introduced. .. _xmlXPath: xmlXPath.html .. _xmlAsText: xmlAsText.html

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