Format a Scilab variable into XML
xmlCode = xmlFormat(scilabVar)
:scilabVar scilabVar, a Scilab’s variable : :xmlCode xmlCode, a string containing XML code :
This function does nothing by itself ! It needs to be overloaded to be useful.
It is used when a Scilab variable is inserted in the XML tree.
doc = `xmlReadStr`_("<root><a att=""foo"" rib=""bar""><b>Hello</b></a></root>");
// This code will fail:
// doc.root.children(1.5) = 1.23456;
// Now we define %s_xmlFormat to handle double type
// Take care, in this example, the double matrix is not handled
function y=%s_xmlFormat(x), y="<number>" + `string`_(x) + "</number>", endfunction;
// we retry a number insertion
doc.root.children(1.5) = 1.23456;
Version Description 5.4.0 XML module introduced.