Set the attributes name and value.
xmlObj = xmlSetAttributes(xmlObj, nameValue)
Set the attributes of an element or a list of elements.
doc = `xmlReadStr`_("<root><a><b><c></c></b></a><b></b></root>");
// Retrieve all the nodes
xp = `xmlXPath`_(doc, "//*");
// Add the attributes hello="world" and bonjour="monde" to all the nodes
xmlSetAttributes(xp, ["hello" "world" ; "bonjour" "monde"]);
// Add the attribute foo="bar" to the first child of root
xmlSetAttributes(doc.root.children(1), ["foo" "bar"]);
// Add the attribute bar="foo" to all the children of root
xmlSetAttributes(doc.root.children, ["bar" "foo"]);
// Add the attribute truc="machin" to the list of the attributes of the second <b>
xmlSetAttributes(doc.root.children(2).attributes, ["truc" "machin"]);
Version Description 5.4.0 XML module introduced. .. _XMLObjects: XMLObjects.html