
least-square filter design

Calling Sequence

Hz = yulewalk(N,frq,mag)


:N integer (order of desired filter) : :frq real row vector (non-decreasing order), frequencies. : :mag non negative real row vector (same size as frq), desired


: :Hz filter B(z)/A(z) :


Hz = yulewalk(N,frq,mag) finds the N-th order iir filter

n-1         n-2
B(z)   b(1)z     + b(2)z    + .... + b(n)
H(z)= ---- = ---------------------------------
n-1       n-2
A(z)    z   + a(2)z    + .... + a(n)

which matches the magnitude frequency response given by vectors frq and mag. Vectors frq and mag specify the frequency and magnitude of the desired frequency response. The frequencies in frq must be between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 corresponding to half the sample rate. They must be in increasing order and start with 0.0 and end with 1.0.


fs=1000;fhz = f*fs/2;
`xtitle`_('Desired Frequency Response (Magnitude)')
`xtitle`_('Obtained Frequency Response (Magnitude)')

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