Chapter 4: Review QuestionsΒΆ

 1. The shorthand expression for x = x + 10 is:

    a) x += 10;
    b) +x = 10;
    c) x =+ 10;
    d) x = 10+;

 2. The result of the following arithmetic expression is?

    y = 6 * 4 % 3 * 5;

    a) 0
    b) 9
    c) 30
    d) 40

 3. What value does the computer give to the following
    expression if x is -4?

    ((x <= 5) && (x != 0) && (x >= -5))

    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) 2
    d) 3

 4. What is the value of  **sum** after the following     expression?

    sum = 5 + 3 * 4 - 1 % 3;

    sum = __________

 5. True or False

___ a) i + j * l - k is evaluated as (i + (j * l )) - k

___ b) Logical operators evaluate left to right only if
       there is no higher precedence operator in the

___ c) 10 % 3 yields a result of 3.

___ d) A side effect occurs when the same data item is used
       twice in an expression and changes value during at
       least one of the uses.

 6. Evaluate the following expressions that use the
    arithmetic operators where i = 10, j = 2, and k = 3.

    Expression                         Result
    ---------------------------------  --------------------
    i - j * k

    i - i / j

    k % i + j

    i % 2 * k

    i + j * k - i / j

 7. Evaluate the following logical expressions where
    i = 10, j = 2, and k = 3.

    Expression                         Result
    ---------------------------------  --------------------
    i - 2 * (j + k ) || i

    i - 2 * (j + k ) && i

    j = i || k

    j = i || k || j

    j - k || j && k

 8. Identify what is wrong with the following expressions
    where i = 10, j = 2, and k = 3.

    Expression                         Result
    ---------------------------------  --------------------
    i ^^ j

    i =+ j

    ++i = j + k--

    ( i || j ) = k - j

 9. The expression,

         i = (k = x * y ) + (q ? r : s );

    is equivalent to

    a) i = x * y + r;
       k = s;

    b) q ? r : s;
       k = x * y ;
       i = k + q;

    c) k = x * y;
       i = k + (q ? r : s);

    d) none of the above

10. What is the resulting type of the expression

    (int)q = (int)k - l + (char)m;

    given that k is float, l is float and m is int

    a. char
    b. float
    c. int
    d. long int

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