Chapter 6: Programming ProjectsΒΆ

 1. Write  a  program that allows the user to do a payroll
    listing on any number of employees, up to a maximum of
    20, for a one week period.   **This program must be
    written using functions**.  The program is to be
    broken into various tasks, each task will be coded as a
    function.  Each function will be passed arguments and
    possibly will return a value back from the function.

    When the user indicates he/she wishes to stop the input
    of employee data, the program will display totals for
    the computed values.

    The following shows a sample run of the program with
    user inputs in  **boldface**.

    > **payroll**
    BOJ Payroll v2.0

    Enter Employee Number                   :  **123-45-6789**
    Enter Regular Hours Worked              :  **40**
    Enter Overtime Hours Worked             :  **0**
    Enter Hourly Pay Rate                   :  **15.00**
    Enter Marital Status( M or S )          :  **M**
    Enter number of Exemptions taken(0-4)   :  **2**
    Computed Gross Pay                      : $600.00
    Computed Federal Tax                    :-$126.90
    Computed State Tax                      :-$ 63.45
    Computed Net Pay                        : $409.65

    Do you wish to do another(Y/N)?  **Y**

    Enter Employee Number                   :  **234-56-7890**
    Enter Regular Hours Worked              :  **40**
    Enter Overtime Hours Worked             :  **0**
    Enter Hourly Pay Rate                   :  **20.00**
    Enter Marital Status( M or S )          :  **S**
    Enter number of Exemptions taken(0-4)   :  **0**
    Computed Gross Pay                      : $800.00
    Computed Federal Tax                    :-$217.50
    Computed State Tax                      :-$108.00
    Computed Net Pay                        : $474.50

    Do you wish to do another(Y/N)?  **N**

                Employee Payroll Summary

                        Gross     Federal   State     Net
                        Pay       Tax       Tax       Pay
                        --------- --------- --------- ----------
    Totals         $1400.00  $ 471.30  $ 171.45  $ 933.65

    Employee  Number  is  declared  as a variable and
    assigned a value by the user as each employee's data is
    processed. Character Data.

    Regular Hours Worked is declared as a variable and is
    input by the user as each employee's data is processed.
    Integer Data. Not to exceed 40 hours.

    Overtime  Hours  Worked  is  declared  as a variable
    and is input by the user as each employee's data is
    processed. Integer Data.

    Hourly Pay Rate is declared as a variable and is input
    by the user as each employee's data is processed. Float
    Data.  Not to exceed 55.00 dollars per hour.

    Marital Status is declared as a variable and is input
    by the user as each employee's data is processed.  Only
    M or S may be input.

    Exemptions is declared as a variable and is input by
    the user as each employee's data is processed.   This
    is the number of tax exemptions the employee is taking.
    In this  program,  the only allowable values for
    exemptions is 0 thru 4. Integer Data.

    Weekly  Gross Pay is a computed value derived from
    Regular Hours Worked  multiplied  by  Hourly  Pay  Rate
    plus  Overtime  Hours Worked multiplied by the product
    of Hourly Pay Rate multiplied by 1.5.

    Deductions  is  a  computed value to indicate the
    amount of tax deductions, both federal and state,
    needed to be subtracted  from the Adjusted  Gross  Pay.
    Adjusted  Gross  Pay is computed by taking the number
    of Exemptions an employee has and multiplying that by
    $13.50. This  amount  is  then  subtracted from the
    Weekly Gross Pay amount to give Adjusted Gross Pay.
    Adjusted Gross Pay is then used to determine the amount
    of federal tax owed and the amount of state tax owed.
    The following indicates how to calculate the federal
    and state tax amounts based on the Adjusted Gross Pay.

For Married Employees:

                                                                        Of Amount
Adjusted Gross Pay  Federal       State          Over
------------------  ----------    -----------   ---------------
$0.00    - $100      10%           5%            $50.00
$101     - $300      $20.00 + 20%  $10.00 + 10%  $150.00
$301     - $600      $60.00 + 30%  $30.00 + 15%  $350.00
$601     - $9999     $180.00 + 50% $90.00 + 25%  $650.00

For Single Employees:

                                                                        Of Amount
Adjusted Gross Pay  Federal       State          Over
------------------  ----------    -----------   ---------------
$0.00    - $100      10%           5%            $50.00
$101     - $300      $20.00 + 10%  $10.00 + 5%   $150.00
$301     - $600      $60.00 + 15%  $30.00 + 8%   $350.00
$601     - $9999     $180.00 + 25% $90.00 + 12%  $650.00

   Weekly Net Pay a computed amount showing  the  take
   home  or net pay  for the employee.  Weekly Net Pay is
   computed by subtracting Deductions from Weekly Gross

   When all employee's payroll data has been processed,
   display  the totals for gross pay, state and federal
   withholding and net pay.

 2. Write a program that acts as a simple "printing"
    calculator. The program should allow the user to type
    in expressions of the form

    number    operator

    The following operators should be recognized by the

    +    -    *    /    %    S    E

    The S operator tells the program to set the
    "accumulator" to the typed-in number.  The E operator
    tells the program that execution is to end.  The
    arithmetic operations are performed on the contents of
    the accumulator with the number that was keyed in
    acting as the second operand.  The following is a
    "sample run" showing how the program should operate.
    The user input is in  **boldface **.

    > **calc**
    Begin Calculations
     **10 S**                /* set accumulator to 10 */
    = 10.000000         /* contents of accumulator */
     **2 /**                 /* divide by 2 */
    = 5.000000          /* contents of accumulator */
     **55 -**                /* subtract 55 */
    = -50.000000        /* contents of accumulator */
     **2 %**                 /* modulo divide by 2 */
    = 2.000000          /* contents of accumulator */
     **100.25 S**            /* set accumulator to 100.25 */
    = 100.250000        /* contents of accumulator */
     **4 ***                 /* multiply by 4 */
    = 401.000000        /* contents of accumulator */
     **0 E**                 /* end of program */
    = 401.000000        /* contents of accumulator */
    End of Calculations.

 3. Write a program that will update a bank balance.  A
    sample run is below.  The user's response is in

    Bank Account Program

    Enter the old balance:  **1234.50**
    Enter the transactions now. Enter an  **F** for the transaction
    type when you are finished.
    Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished):  **D**
    Amount:  **568.34**
    Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished):  **W**
    Amount:  **25.68**
    Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished):  **W**
    Amount:  **167.40**
    Transaction Type (D=deposit, W=withdrawal, F=finished):  **F**
    Your ending balance is $1609.76
    End of Program

 4. The sequence of Fibonacci numbers is defined
    recursively by

    f(0) = 0,      f(1) = 1, f(i+1) = f(i) + f(i+-1)

    for i = 1, 2, ..

    Except for f(0) and f(1), every element in the sequence
    is the sum of the previous two elements.  It is easy to
    write down the first few elements of the sequence.

    0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, ...

    Fibonacci numbers have lots of uses and many
    interesting properties.  One of the properties has to
    do with the Fibonacci quotients defined by

    q(i) = f(i) / f(i-1)     for i = 2, 3, ...

    It can be show that the sequence of quotients converges
    to the golden mean, which is the real number
    (1+ sqrt(5)) / 2.  We want to write a program that
    prints Fibonacci numbers and quotients.  If  **f1**
    contains the value of the current Fibonacci number and
     **f0** contains the value of the previous
    Fibonacci number, then we can

    1.   Save the value of  **f1** (the current Fibonacci
         number in a temporary.

    2.   Add  **f0** and  **f1** and store the value in
          **f1**, the new Fibonacci number.

    3.   Store the value of the temporary in  **f0** so
         that  **f0** will contain the previous Fibonacci

    4.   Print, and then repeat this process.

    Because the Fibonacci numbers grow large very quickly,
    we are not able to compute many of them.


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