Chapter 10 Classes

This module will cover how to create classes in C++ and thus create objects. Defining an object involves describing a new data type together with the functions that can manipulate that type.

10.1 Naming and Coding Conventions

In order to introduce consistency in the naming of classes and the components of those classes, such as data items and functions, a naming and coding convention is needed. Both Microsoft and Borland have put forth recommendations for naming conventions of classes and the associated components of those classes. Some common characteristics exist between both recommendataions. Both companies suggest that all variable and class names use a mixed case convention in which words are capitalized and concatenated. Names of classes begin with a capital letter, while names of instances begin with a lower-case letter. Borland supplied class names start with a capital T, for type, where Microsoft supplied class names start with a capital C, for class. Both suggest that the next letter also be capitalized.

Fig. 10-1

Borland                     Microsoft
---------------------       -------------------------
class TMainWindow       class CMainWindow
{                       {
   ...                     ...
};                      };

Data members and member functions of a class also are to use mixed case, and start with a lower-case letter. Borland makes no suggestions about data member naming. Microsoft suggests that data members start with a m_ pair of characters. The m_ indicates that the data items are member variables. Other sources suggest that private and protected data member names start with an underscore character. Using an underscore for the private data member allows the access function to have the same name as the data member, but without the underscore. The use of the underscore has been a common convention used by C programmers to indicate private symbols. The functions with the class should represent whether they belong to a group of accessor functions or mutator functions. Accessor functions only return the value of data members within the class. Mutator functions allow for the setting or changing of data members within the class. Accessor functions should start with the word get and mutator functions should start with the word set. Both types of functions should be followed by the name of the member variable that is being accessed.

Fig. 10-2

Borland                           Microsoft
---------------------                 -------------------------
class TMainWindow                 class CMainWindow
{                                 {
private:                          private:
   int _data;                            int m_data;
public:                               public:
// Accessor                       // Accessor
   int getData();                    int getData();
// Mutator                        // Mutator
   void setData( const int x );      void setData( const  int x );
};                                };

Occasionally, it is only possible or reasonable for one instance of a particular class to exist in a program. When this situation occurs, the name of that instance begins with the word the.

Application *theApplication;

All classes should use encapsulation as much as possible. Therefore, classes contain no public data members. When other classes need access to a data member, the class provides an inline accessor function. So, a sample class that contains some data needed outside the class can be written as:

Fig. 10-3

class CSampleClass
   int  _someData;     // an internally used int member
   char *_aString;     // an internally used string member

   SampleClass();      // constructor
   //   Accessor functions
   int getSomeData() { return (_someData); }
   const char *const getAString() { return (_aString); }

If a class needs to allow an outside entity to set the value of a data member, the class can provide a function that assigns a new value to the protected data. If we wish to extend the previous example to allow the _someData member to be changed, we can provide a setSomeData() member function like this:

Fig. 10-4

class CSampleClass
   int  _someData;     // an internally used int member
   char *_aString;     // an internally used string member

   SampleClass();      // constructor
   //   Accessor functions
   int getSomeData() { return (_someData); }
   const char *const getAString() { return (_aString); }
   //   Mutator function sets private data
   void setSomeData( int newValue )
   { _someData = newValue; }

It is usually most convenient to maintain each C++ class separately, in two files. The class is declared in a header file, while the member functions are implemented in a separate source file. The name of the header file is usually the name of the class, with a .h suffix (i.e. Stack.h), while the name of the source file is the name of the class with a .cpp suffix for PC compilers and .cxx or .C or .cc for UNIX compilers. (i.e. stack.cpp or Stack.cxx). The GNU C++ compiler as of version 2.7.0 allows the use of .cpp as a source file extension. Some programmers also use a .H or .hpp suffix for the header file. Some compilers, GNU C++, may still require the use of a #pragma statement in both the header file and the C++ source file. In the header file the statement has the form

#pragma interface

and in the C++ source file the statement is

#pragma implementation

Both statements must appear as the first statement in the their respective source files. The #pragma interface statement is used to indicate that the file holds the declaration of the interface to the class. The #pragma implementation indicates that the file holds the definition or implementation of the interface. These statements are required in older versions of the GNU C++ compiler and are recognized in the Borland C++ compiler, but have no effect. To prevent problems with multiple declarations, which can easily occur when header files are nested, all class header files have the form:

Fig. 10-5

#ifndef   CLASSNAME_H
#define   CLASSNAME_H

//   class declaration goes here
class SampleClass

In each file, CLASSNAME is replaced by the name of the class. In defining C++ classes it is usually the practice to include all header files needed by the class in the interface or .h file of that class. For example, a header file for a class named CStack would look like this:

Fig. 10-6

// *********************************************************
//   CStack.h:  Header file for the Stack class
// *********************************************************
#pragma interface

#ifndef   CSTACK_H
#define   CSTACK_H

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

class CStack
    CStack();  // constructor
    //   miscellaneous members

The file CStack.cpp contains the implementation of all CStack member functions, as follows:

Fig. 10-7

// *********************************************************
//   CStack.cpp:     Implementation file for CStack class
// *********************************************************
#pragma implementation

#include "CStack.h"

    // various initialization statements

Notice that CStack.cpp includes CStack.h, which contains the class declaration. Any other class that wishes to use an instance of CStack needs to include the file CStack.h as well. Because class headers may be included in many different source files in a program, it is important that the header contain only the class member declarations for both data members and function prototypes (except for inline functions) and does not define global variables or functions. The use of #define defined constants global to the class declaration is acceptable, although, the use of class local const identifiers is recommended. The terminology used by C++ differs slightly from that used by many other object-oriented languages. C++ defines member functions instead of methods; calls a member function for an object instead of sending a message; creates base classes and derived classes instead of subclasses and superclasses, and so on. This book will primarily use the C++ terminology, but occasionally slips into the more traditional object- oriented mode when these terms make more sense in the context of a discussion.

10.2 Discovering Classes

One of the first decisions that must be made in creating an object- oriented application is the selection of classes. Classes in object- oriented programming can have several different types of responsibilities, and thus not surprisingly there are different categories of classes. The following categories, however, cover the majority of cases. :Data Managers, Data, or State Classes. These are classes whose

principle responsibility is to maintain data or state information of one sort or another. Data manager classes are often recognizable as the nouns in a problem description and are usually the fundamental building blocks of a design. :Data Sinks, or Data Sources. These are classes that generate data, such as a random number generator, or accept data and then process them further, such as a class performing output to a disk file. Unlike a data manager, a data sink or data source does not hold the data for a period of time, but generates it on demand (for a data source), or processes it when called upon (for a data sink). :View or Observer classes. An essential portion of most applications is the display of information on an output device, such as a terminal screen. Because the code for performing such activity is often complex, frequently modified, and largely independent of the actual data being displayed, it is good programming practice to isolate display behavior in separate classes from those classes that maintain the data being displayed. Often the base data is called the model class while the display class is called the view. The model and view classes are coordinated through a control class, thus the term Model/View/Controller (MVC). The MVC types of classes are so common and important that this association of classes is described in a design pattern. Because we separate the model, also known as the document, from the view, the design of the model is usually greatly simplified. Ideally, the model should neither require nor contain any information about the view. This facilitates code reuse, since a model can then be used in several different applications. It is not uncommon for a single model to have more than one view. For example, financial information could be displayed as bar charts, pie charts, or tables of figures, all without changing the underlying model. Occasionally interaction between a model and a view is unavoidable. If the figures in the financial table just described are permitted to change dynamically, for example, the programmer might wish the view to be instantly updated. Thus it is necessary for the model to alert the view that the model has been changed and that the corresponding view should be updated. Some programmers refer to such a model as a subject, in order to distinguish it from a model with no knowledge of use. :Facilitater or Helper classes. These are classes that maintain little or no state information themselves but assist in the execution of complex tasks. For example, in displaying a card image on the screen, the programmer could use the services of a facilitater class that handles the drawing of lines and text on the display device. Another facilitater class would be one that helps maintain a linked list. These categories are intended to be representative of the most common uses of classes, and hence useful as a guide in the design phase of object-oriented programming, but the list is certainly not complete. Most object-oriented applications will include examples of each of these categories, as well as some that do not seem to fit into any group. If a class appears to span two or more of these categories, it can often be broken up into two or more classes.



10.3 Classes as Objects

Defining an object involves describing a new data type together with the functions that can manipulate that type. A previous chapter has shown how to declare a data type using a struct. The struct in C++ allows for the data hiding of the implementation of a String and for the presentation of a public interface to be used by the programmer. But structures are limited in functionality in C++. To gain complete access to object-oriented capabilities, an object must be able to exist as part of a hierarchy of objects, where objects have inherited behavior and data members from base objects. The structure mechanism does not allow for inheritance or the inclusion into a hierarchy. The class in C++ provides all the functionality of the struct but also allows for the object being described to exist within a hierarchy of objects and to participate in polymorphic behavior. Behavior that structures cannot accomplish.

Listing 10-1

#if (__BORLANDC__ || __GNUC__)
#pragma interface

#ifndef _CSTRING_H      // Make sure file is included only once
#define _CSTRING_H

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stddef.h>    // for size_t type
#include <string.h>    // for ANSI C string library
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef bool
     enum bool
     { false, true };

#define MAXLEN     256

class CString
//  Constructor

    CString( const size_t );
    CString( const char *);
    CString( const CString& );
    CString( const char *, const size_t );
    CString( const CString&, const size_t );

//  Destructor

    ~CString() { delete s; }

//  Internal data members of this class

    char *_s;           //   pointer to allocated space
    size_t _length;     //   current length of string
    size_t _maxlen;     //   numbers of bytes allocated
    size_t _sizeIncr;   //   increment on resize


The public section lists the members that are accessible to any function in the program. Only member functions of the class can access the private and protected section. When inheritance is discussed it will be shown why the protected section is needed. For now, remember that the members in the protected section are accessible to other members of this class and to classes that are derived from this one. The class can have multiple public, private, and protected sections in a class. Each section label determines the access level of the members listed between that label and the next label or the closing right brace that marks the end of the class declaration. If the programmer does not provide any label at the beginning of a class, the compiler considers as private all members up to the next access control label.

10.4 Returning private values with public Functions

The public section of a class usually declares all the member functions of the class that can be invoked through an instance of the class in the program. These functions are the interface of the class to the outside world. To provide the value of a private variable to the outside world, the programmer can write a public member function, usually classified as an accessor function. For example, the following will give the length of the string held in the CString class:

    CString x.

            if( x.getLength() > 0 ) ...

Caution must be taken when returning a private data member is a pointer. By simply returning the value the pointer holds, which is an address, the value at that address is now open to modification from outside the class. It is best to return a const to a pointer type, which will prohibit the receiver of the address from using it to modify the data item through the address. A better and safer way to limit access to private data members would be to not use pointer data types but use an instance of another class, such as CString or CVector and return a reference to a class.

10.5 Member Functions

Member functions are the functions that are designed to implement the operations allowed on the data type represented by a class. To declare a member function, place its prototype in the body of the class. The definition of the function can be inside the class, outside the class but in the same file or in a separate file.

10.5.1 Inline Member Functions

Defining a function inside the body of a class has a special consequence. Such definitions are considered to be inline and the entire body of an inline function is repeated whenever that function is called. The programmer does not have to define a function within a class to make it inline. Use the inline keyword in front of the function’s definition and the function becomes an inline function. However, the programmer can define an inline function only in the file in which it is defined. This is because the compiler needs the entire definition of an inline function so that it can insert the body of the function wherever the function is called. The programmer should place the definitions of inline functions in the same header file that declares a class to ensure that every program that uses the class can also use its inline functions.

10.5.2 Typical Public Member Functions.

The public member functions of a class are important because they provide the user interface to the class. Public member functions should include the following categories of functions: :Class Management Functions: This is a standard set of functions that

perform chores such as creating an instance of the class (constructor), destroying it (destructor), creating an instance and initializing it by copying from another instance (copy constructor), assigning one instance to another ( operator= function), and converting an instance to some other type (type conversion operator). :Class Implementation Functions: These functions implement the behavior of the data type represented by the class. They are the workhorse of the class. For a CString class, these functions might include operator+ for concatenating strings and comparison operators such as operator==, operator>, and operator<. :Class Accessor Functions: These functions return information about the internal variables of a class. The outside world can access the object’s internal state through these functions. The getLength() function in the CString class is a good example of this type of member function. These types of functions should avoid returning pointers to private or protected data members. Returning a pointer gives direct access to the data member whose address has been returned. For example, suppose there is an accessor function that returns the null terminated array of characters held in the CString class, getString(). To limit the exposure to this internal data member by returning its address, return a const char * type. The use of const char * as the return type allows the return of the address but prohibits the use of the pointer to modify the data held at that address. In most cases the return of a pointer is discouraged. :Class Mutator Functions: These member functions allow for the passing of values into the class and the setting of private or protected data members. The data values passed must be protected so that the class member function does not have access to a data member outside the class. The arguments receiving the data values should be typed with const to access to the outside data variables. :Class Utility Functions: These member functions, often declared to be private, are used internally within the class for miscellaneous tasks such as error-handling.


10.5.3 const Member Functions

If a member function does not alter any data in the class, the programmer should declare that member function to be a const function. For instance, the getLength() function of the CString class simply returns the value of a member variable. It is definitely a const function, because it does not change any data of the CString class. The programmer can declare it as such by appending a const to the usual function prototype:

size_t getLength( void ) const;

This informs the compiler that the getLength() function is not supposed to alter any variable in the class. The compiler will generate an error message if the definition of the getLength() function includes any code that inadvertently assigns a value to any variable in the CString class.

10.6 Implementing a Class

When the programmer implements a class, he/she should think of the class as a provider of some service that other classes or functions need. The class is a server that acts on the requests of its clients. This is the idea behind the client-server architecture, and it works well when the programmer is implementing classes in object-oriented programs. The clients of a class make requests by calling the member functions of that class. The interface to the class refers to the information that a client must have in order to use the facilities of a class. At a minimum, the client has to know the following:

  1. The names of the public member functions of the class.
  2. The prototypes of the member functions.
  3. The purpose of each member function.

The header file describes the interface to a class. In fact, it shows the programmer everything except the functions that are defined in another file, but the application can access only those members that appear in the public section. Because the public section interface to the class is important to its clients, the programmer should place these declarations at the very beginning of a class. These can be followed by the protected section which is the same as private except when inheritance is involved . The private members can come last, because these members are visible only to the member functions of that class. A simple version of a CString class would be as follows:

Listing 10-2

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>  // required by strlen, and strcpy

class CString
    CString(const char *s);
    void print() { cout << str;}
    char *_str;    // A traditional string
    int _size;     // Size of str buffer

CString::CString(const char *s)
    _size = strlen(s);
    _str = new char[size + 1];
    strcpy(_str, s);

    delete _str;

int main()
CString s("Strings should be easy to use.\n");
    return 0;

Make sure that the header file includes all other header files that are required by the class. That way all that a user of the class has to remember is to include the particular class header file. The clients of a class do not need the definition of the member functions of a class. The programmer should place the actual definitions of the member functions in a separate file. For a class defining a CString, the programmer would define the interface to the class in the file cstring.h, and the member functions would be implemented in a second file, such as cstring.cpp. When the programmer defines a member function outside the body of a class, he/she has to associate each function with the class by explicitly using the scope resolution operator ( ::). For the CString class, the programmer has to use a CString:: prefix with each member function. A well-designed C++ class behaves like one of the basic data types such as int, char, or double, except that a class is likely to allow different types of operations than those allowed for the basic types. This is because the operations defined for a class include all of its public member functions, which can be as diverse as the functionality of a class warrants. Like the basic data types, to use a class in a program, the programmer has to follow these steps:

  1. Define one or more instances of the class. These are the objects of object-oriented programming. Just as the programmer would write:
 double x, y, z;     // doubles named x, y and z

to create three instances of double variables, the programmer can
create three **CString** objects with this code:
 CString s1, s2, s3;  // CStrings names s1, s2, s3

For a class that provides all required interface functions, the
programmer should be able to create and initialize instances in a
variety of ways:
CString s1 = "String 1";
CString s2("Testing.1..2...3");
CString s3 = s1;

In each of these cases, the compiler calls the appropriate constructor and creates the CString. #. Call the member functions of the objects and use the available operators to manipulate the objects. For CString objects, the programmer might write code such as this:

Listing 10-3

//   tstring.cpp
#include "cstring.h"

int main()
CString one, two("My Name is Charles Babbage"), both;
CString a, b(20), c("I came by horse.");

static char *str="I came on foot.";

    a = "I came by bus.";
    b = str;
    one = "My name is Alan Turing.";
    // Print shorter of one and two
    cout << "One Length: " << one.length() << endl;
    cout << "Two Length: " << two.length() << endl;
    if( one.getLength() <= two.getLength() )
         cout << two;
    cout << "************* Begin Concatenation Test\n";
    //  plus overloaded to be concatenated
    both = one + two;
    // using print method of String class
    // using overloaded << operator of String
    both = one + "::" + two;
    cout << both;

    cout << "************* End Concatenation Test\n";

    // print each CString value
    // do it again showing the use of an overloaded operator
    cout << a;
    cout << b;
    cout << c;


10.7 Creating Objects on the Fly

There are two ways of creating instances of classes:

  1. Define the objects just like defining int or double variables.
  2. Create the objects dynamically as needed.

When the programmer creates objects through a class definition, the compiler can reserve storage for the objects during compilation. To dynamically create objects, the programmer needs a way to get a chunk of memory for the object. In C, the programmer can dynamically create variables or arrays by calling the functions such as malloc() or calloc() from the C library. Although the programmer can often create objects by defining instances of classes, dynamic allocation of objects is more interesting because this approach enables the programmer to use as much memory as is available in a system.

10.8 Allocating Objects on the Free Store

In C++, what was referred to as the heap in C is now referred to as the free store. In C++, the programmer gets the functionality of malloc() and calloc() by using the new operator, which allocates enough memory to hold all members of a class or a struct. If the programmer were to define a structure such as Opcode:

struct Opcode
     char *name;
     void (*action)( void );

the programmer would allocate space for an instance of this structure as follows:

Opcode *p_code;
p_code = new Opcode;

In addition to the cleaner syntax, the new operator provides another advantage. If the Opcode structure has a constructor that takes no arguments, the new operator automatically calls that constructor to initialize the newly created instance of Opcode. In fact, the programmer has the option of specifying other initial values for an object allocated by new, if the class has additional constructors.. For example, the programmer can write:

CString *file_name = new CString("cpphelp.doc");
int *first_byte = new int(128);

to allocate and initialize a CString and an int object. The CString is initialized to cpphelp.doc, whereas the int is set to **. The **CString is initialized by calling the CString(const char *) constructor of the CString class.

10.9 Destroying Objects on the Free Store

In C++, the delete operator serves the same purpose as C’s free. Like free, the delete operator expects a pointer to an object as its operand. Thus, if p_code is the pointer to an instance of Opcode created by the new operator, the programmer can destroy it by the statement:

delete p_code;

In addition to freeing up storage used by the object, if that object’s class has a destructor defined, delete calls the destructor to ensure a proper clean-up.

10.10 Arrays of Objects on the Free Store

One use of new is to allocate an array of objects. The syntax for this is very much like the way the programmer would define arrays. For example, the programmer could define an array of CString objects by writing:

CString edit_buf[128];

To create the same array on the free store, the programmer would use this:

CString *edit_buf = new String[128];

The programmer can use the array of CString items as he/she would any other array. The first CString is edit_buf[0], the second one is edit_buf[1], and so on. There is a special syntax for deallocating the array of objects on free store. The programmer has to specify the size of the array when deallocating it by using the delete operator as follows:

delete[128] edit_buf;   or      delete [] edit_buf;

This ensures that the destructor of the CString class is called for each element of the array. Each CString object maintains an internal pointer to a character array that is allocated by the constructor and freed by the destructor. Thus, a call to the destructor of each CString in the array takes care of properly deallocating the internal char arrays used by the CString objects.

10.11 Handling Errors in Memory Allocation

If the programmer can allocate many objects dynamically, chances are that sooner or later the free space will be exhausted and the new operator will fail. In ANSI C, when malloc() or calloc() fails, the function returns a NULL pointer. C++ gives the programmer a way to intercept allocation errors. When the new operator fails, it tests a function pointer named _new_handler. If this pointer is zero, new returns a NULL just as malloc() and calloc(). However, if _new_handler is nonzero, new calls the function whose address is in _new_handler. The programmer can handle all memory allocation errors in a central function by setting _new_handler to the address of the error-handling function. The advantage of handling errors this way is that the programmer no longer has to test each use of the new operator for a return value of NULL. The programmer can install an error-handler for new in one of two ways:

  1. The function pointer _new_handler pointer is defined in the header file as follows:
     void (*_new_handler)();

Thus, the programmer can simply include and directly set the
**_new_handler** pointer as follows:

void my_new_handler();   // our own error_handler
_new_handler = my_new_handler;
  1. The second method is to use the set_new_handler function to install the error-handling function as follows:

set_new_handler( my_new_handler );

10.12 Calling Member Functions

In C++, object-oriented programs are built by creating instances of classes ( the objects ) as necessary. The program does its work by calling the member functions of the objects. The syntax for calling the member functions is similar to the syntax used to call any other function, except that the programmer has to use the . and -> operators to identify the member function within the object. For example, to use the getLength() function of a CString object named s1, the programmer must use the . operator to specify the function:

CString s1;
size_t len;
len = s1.getLength();

Apart from the use of the . operator to identify the function, the calling syntax is like other function calls. As with any function, the programmer has to know the member function’s return type as well as the number and type of arguments that it takes. For dynamically allocated objects, use the -> operator as illustrated here:

CString *p_s = new CString( "Hello, World!");
size_t len;
len = p_s->getLength();

10.13 Using static Member Variables

When the programmer defines the member variables for a class, each instance of the class gets its own unique copy of the member variables. However, sometimes the programmer may want a single variable for all instances of a class. C++ makes use of the static keyword to introduce this type of member variable. Here the static member variables appear in the context of a rather useful class. Most C programmers at some time have debugged their program by inserting calls to printf() or fprintf() and printing out messages as well as values of variables of interest. These messages can help the programmer pinpoint where a program fails. Often programmers enclose these calls to fprintf() in an #if directive like this:

#if defined(DEBUG)
fprintf(stderr,"Loop ended. Index = %d\n",i);

so that such messages are printed only when the preprocessor macro DEBUG is defined. In C++, the programmer can use a similar strategy for debugging, but instead of inserting calls to fprintf(), he/she can get the work down by a CDebug class. The class is designed so that whenever an instance of the CDebug class is created, it prints a message, properly indented to make it easier to follow the sequence of function calls. The CDebug class also provides a member function called print that can be used just like printf.

Listing 10-4

//  File:     CDebug.h
//  A class for debugging C++ programs.

#if !defined(__DEBUG_H)
#define __DEBUG_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

class CDebug
    CDebug( const char *label = " " );
    void print( const char *format, ... );
    unsigned int indent();
    void draw_separator();

    static unsigned int debug_level;
    static unsigned int debug_on;
    static unsigned int indent_by;
    static unsigned int line_size;
    enum { off = 0, on = 1 };


// Destructor for the Debug class
inline CDebug::~CDebug()


//  CDebug.cpp - Implementation of Methods (Functions) for CDebug Class
#include "cdebug.h"
// Constructor for CDebug class
CDebug::CDebug( const char *label )
int i;
    if( debug_on )
         (void) indent();
         fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", label);
// Use ANSI C's vfprintf() function to print debug message
void CDebug::print( const char *format, ... )
va_list argp;
    if( debug_on )
         va_start( argp, format );
         vfprintf(stderr, format, argp );
// Indent line according to debug_level; return the number
// of spaces indented
unsigned int CDebug::indent()
int i;
unsigned int num_spaces = debug_level * indent_by;
    for( i = 0; i < num_spaces; ++i )
         fputc(' ', stderr );
    return( num_spaces );
// Draw a separator using dashes (-) to identify debug levels
void CDebug::draw_separator()
unsigned int i;

    if( debug_on )
         for( i = indent(); i < line_size; ++i )
              fputc( '-', stderr );

//  File:     tdebug.cpp
//  Test the "Debug" class.

#include "cdebug.h"

// Initialize the debug_level to 0 and debug_on to "on"
// Static members MUST be initialized outside the scope of a
// class member function

unsigned int CDebug::debug_level = 0;
unsigned int CDebug::debug_on = Debug::on;

// Set number of characters per line to 55

unsigned int CDebug::line_size = 55;

// Indent by four spaces for each level

unsigned int CDebug::indent_by = 4;

// Recursive function that evaluates factorial
unsigned long factorial( int n )
CDebug dbg( "factorial" );
    dbg.print( "argument = %d\n", n);
    if( n == 1 )
         return 1;
         return n*factorial( n - 1 );
// Main function to test "CDebug" class

int main()
CDebug dbg("main");
unsigned long n = factorial(4);
    dbg.print("result = %ld\n", n );
    return 0;

10.14 Static Member Functions

Like static member variables, the C++ programs can also use static member functions. In C programs, programmers often define static functions to confine the visibility of a function to a specific file. In C, by using the static keyword, the programmer can have more than one function with the same name in different files. C++ goes one step further and enables the programmer to use functions that are static within a class. The programmer can invoke such functions without creating any instance of the class. All the programmer has to do is use the scope resolution operator with the name of the class. As an example, suppose the programmer wants a static member function of the CDebug class that sets the debug_on variable. The programmer can declare such a function inside the body of the class as follows:

Fig. 10-8

class CDebug
//   ...
static void set_debug( int on_off);
//   ...
//   ...

The function is defined just like any other member functions (notice that the programmer does not need the static keyword in the definition):

Fig. 10-9

void CDebug::set_debug( int on_off )
     if( on_off )
          debug_on = on;
          debug_on = off;

Once defined, the programmer can call this function just like an ordinary function but with a CDebug:: prefix as follows:

Fig. 10-10

//   Turn debugging off
//   ...
//   Turn debugging on

Notice that the programmer does not need an instance of the CDebug class to call the set_debug function. The scope resolution prefix ( CDebug::) is necessary to indicate which set_debug function the programmer is calling. After all, another class may have also defined a static member function named set_debug.

10.15 Using Pointers to Class Members

Because of encapsulation of data and functions in a class, C++ includes the notion of a pointer to a class member in addition to ordinary pointers to class and functions. The pointer to a class member is actually the offset of the member from the beginning of a particular instance of that class. In other words, a pointer to a class member is a relative address, whereas regular pointers denote the absolute address of an object. The syntax for declaring a pointer to a class member is classname::*, where classname is the name of the class. Thus, if the programmer declares a class as follows:

Fig. 10-11

class CSample
     short step;
     void set_step( short s );
//   ...

the programmer can define and initialize a pointer to a short member variable of the Sample class like this:

short CSample::*p_s; // pointer to short in class sample
p_s = ::step; // initialize to member "step"

Notice that to define and even initialize the pointer, the programmer does not need an instance of the Sample class. Contrast this with the way the programmer would initialize a regular pointer to a short variable. With the regular pointer the programmer would have to define a short variable before he/she can assign its address to the pointer. With pointers to class members, the programmer needs a concrete instance of the class only when using the pointers. Thus, the programmer has to define an instance of the Sample class before he/she can use the pointer p_s. A typical use of p_s might be to assign a new value to the class member through the pointer:

CSample s1;
s1.*p_s = 5;

Note that the syntax for dereferencing the pointer is of the form instance. *p, where instance is an instance of the class and p is a pointer to a class member. Instead of a class instance, if the programmer had a pointer to an instance of a Sample class, the syntax for using p_s changes to this:

CSample s1;
CSample *p_sample1 =
p_sample->*p_s = 5;

10.16 Pointer to Member Functions

The syntax for declaring a pointer to a member function of the class is similar to the syntax used for declaring pointers to ordinary functions. The only difference is that the programmer has to use the class name together with the scope resolution operator ( ::). Here is an example that defines a pointer to a member function of the class Sample. The definition says that the member function to which p_func points will return nothing but requires a short as argument:

void (CSample::*p_func)(short) = CSample::set_step;

The sample definition also initializes the pointer p_func to the address of the function set_step of class Sample. The programmer can call the function through the pointer like this:

CSample s1;
(s1.*p_func)(2);    // call function through pointer

The following is another small program that shows how pointers to member functions are used:

Listing 10-5

<< “Inside the Help Function!” << endl; return SUCCESS; } Result moveLeft() { cout << “Inside the MoveLeft Function!” << endl; return SUCCESS; } Result moveRight() { cout << “Inside the MoveRight Function!” << endl; return SUCCESS; } Result quit() { cout << “Inside the Quit Function!” << endl; return FAILURE; } private: // ... }; // Initialize array of pointers to member functions Result (CCommandSet::*(pCmd[]))() = {CCommandSet::help ,CCommandSet::moveLeft ,CCommandSet::moveRight ,CCommandSet::quit }; int main() { int cmd = 0; Result val; CCommandSet cmdSet; // // loop on command input // do { // // prompt for command input // cout << “Command(0-3): ”; cin >> cmd; // Invoke a member function through the pointer array val = (cmdSet.*pCmd[cmd])(); } while( val != FAILURE ); return 0; } The example makes calls to the functions via the array of pointers. This example could be developed further to be the command set handler for a text editor or a word processor.

10.17 The this Pointer

Here is an observation about the member variables and member functions of a class. Although there is a unique copy of member variables for each instance of a class, all instances share a single set of member functions. Yet none of the member functions that the programmer has seen thus far have any way of indicating the class instance whose member variables are being used in the function. Take, for instance, the getLength() function of the CString class. If the programmer writes this:

CString s1("hello"), s2("Hi");
len1 = s1.getLength(); // len1 = 5
len2 = s2.getLength(); // len2 = 2

each call to getLength() returns a unique answer, yet the getLength() function is defined as follows:

inline size_t CString::getLength( void ) const
     return len;

where len is a member variable of the CString class. How did the function know how to return the current length for each string? The answer is in this.

10.17.1 this Points to Instance of Class

The C++ compiler alters each member function in a class by making two changes:

#. It passes an additional argument named this, which is a pointer to the specific object for which the function is being invoked. Thus, the call s1.getLength() will include an argument this set to the address of the CString instance s1. #. It adds the this-> prefix to all member variables and

functions. Thus, the len variable in the getLength() function becomes this->len, which refers to the copy of the len in the class instance whose address is in this.

Typically, the programmer does not have to use this explicitly in a member function, but he/she can refer to this if there is a need. For example, if the programmer has to return the object to the calling program, you can do so with the following statement:

return (*this);

The programmer can return a reference to the object with the same statement. The programmer has to return references when defining certain operators such as the assignment operator ( operator=).

10.17 friend Functions

The friend construct is a useful adjunct to encapsulation and data hiding, but one that should be used with caution. Some benefits of encapsulation and data hiding, namely, the localization of maintenance if changes are made to the representation of the underlying data type and consistency of usage for a class of objects throughout the software system may be compromised by friend functions. A possible drawback of encapsulation and data hiding using classes is that they tightly bind a data type to a set of methods and force the user to manipulate the underlying data type using the methods specified for the underlying type. That is, only a prescribed set of messages can be send to an object of the given class. The private data and methods of a class are available only within the class definition and also within the implementation of the methods, which might be in different files. This limited availability imposes an enormous responsibility on the software designer to ensure that each class has sufficient methods to provide manipulation of the underlying data for all situations that might be encountered. A class can bestow a special privilege on a function external to the class or to another class. This privilege is called friendship. By declaring another class or function to be a friend, all member function definitions in the friend class or the definition of the function external to the class can directly access all fields of the class bestowing the friendship. This limited violation of data-hiding can be very useful if used in a disciplined manner. Clearly, the function or class enjoying the friendship relationship must be very closely related to the class bestowing this friendship. The motivation for establishing friendship is efficiency. Instead of relying on access methods (member functions that provide access to the private fields of an object), friendship provides direct access to these private fields.