Chapter 13 File Processing

This chapter is designed to explore the mechanisms used by C and C++ to access external files residing on disk.

13.1 High Level, Buffered or Stream I/O

C programs have access to two completely different sets of file input- output functions. High level file functions are recognized by the ANSI C standards committee. Low level file access are what the high level functions are built upon. The low level routines reside as intrinsics built into the operating system in most multi-user, multi-tasking operating systems and as such provide improvements in speed and size over functions residing within a library. In MS-DOS, the low-level routines are functions that reside in the standard C library and provide no benefit over the high-level file functions. High-level file access structures the file access through memory buffers. These buffers hold data going to or coming from the file. On a file being accessed for write, the data being written to the file is actually written to the memory buffer for the file. When the buffer is full, then the data is transferred to the disk with one physical write. Therefore, it is proper to say that high-level file access has two distinct views of the file, the logical view and the physical view. The logical view is where the programmer assumes that each time a write is performed the data is written to the file, where in reality the data is placed into a memory buffer for later transfer to the file. The physical view is where the input-output subsystem of the operating system is used to transfer the memory buffer contents to the disk with one input-output operation. High-level file access makes life easier for the programmer because there is no need to know about sector sizes, buffer lengths or other operating system dependent considerations. The only need is to have a pointer to FILE type data and through that pointer access to the caching buffer that holds the data.

FILE *fp;

High-level file access has the following functions available:

**FILE *fopen(char *filename, char *mode);**

The argument filename is the physical name of the file on disk, including the drive designator, path, and extension. This argument can be a string literal, or variable. The mode is a string literal or variable holding the mode that the file is to be opened with. Allowable modes for IBM PC are:

"r" => read; file must exist

"w" => write; file does not exist it is created;
       if it does exist, it is overwritten

"a" => append; data added to the end of the
       existing data, or new file created

"r+" => open for both read and write; the file must exist

"w+" => open for both read and write; if file
        exists contents over-written; if doesn't exist,

"a+" => open for both read and appending; if
        doesn't exist, create

The function returns an address if the file is opened. If the file could not be opened, the function returns a NULL value for the address.

Fig. 13.1

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *fp;
    if((fp=fopen("test.dat","w")) == NULL)
         puts("Cannot Open File");
**int fclose( FILE *stream);**

This function closes an open stream in an orderly fashion, which includes the flushing of any data held in internal data buffers to the disk. The function returns an EOF if an error is detected, otherwise it returns zero.

**int fputc(char c, FILE *fp);**

The argument c is a character to be written to the disk and fp is the FILE pointer to the data stream where the data is to be written. The function returns an EOF, usually a -1, to indicate an end-of- file or error. If the function succeeded, the function returns the character that was written.

Fig. 13-2

#include <stdio.h>
*   The following statements send a line of output to a stream
    for(i = 0;
        (i < 80) && (fputc( str[i], stream) != EOF)
         && (str[i] != '\n'); i++);
**int fgetc( FILE *fp );**

The argument fp is a pointer to a FILE type object that has been opened and is capable of handling output. On success the function returns the integer ASCII value that represents the read. If the function fails, meaning it encountered an end-of-file condition or someother error, it returns an EOF, usually -1.

Fig. 13-3:

#include <stdio.h>
*   The following statements gathers a line of input from a
*   stream
    for(i = 0;
         (i < 80) && ((ch = fgetc(stream)) != EOF)
         && (ch != '\n'); i++)
              buffer[i] = ch;
    buffer[i] = '\0';
**char *fgets(char *str, int num, FILE *fp);**

The argument str is a character array or pointer to a character array and num is the maximum number of characters to be read into the string str **. The argument **fp is the FILE pointer into the data stream. Characters are read from the input stream into str until

  1. a newline is seen,
  2. end-of-file is reached, or
  3. num-1 characters have been read without encountering end-of-file or a newline character.

On success the function returns the address of the buffer that was filled, in the example, that would be the address of str. If an error or end-of-file is encountered, the function returns a NULL value.

Fig. 13-4:

#include <stdio.h>
*   The following statement gets a line of input from a stream.
*   No more than 99 characters, or up to \n, are read from the
*   stream
    result = fgets(line,100,stream);

int fputs(char *str, FILE *fp); The argument str is the character array or pointer to an array of null-terminated characters that are to be written to the stream fp. The function returns the last character output, if successful. If the string is empty, the return value is 0 on most systems, but some UNIX implementations return an indeterminate value. A return of EOF, usually -1, indicates an error.

Fig. 13-5:

#include <stdio.h>
*   The following statement writes a string to a stream
    result = fputs(buffer,stream);

int fprintf(FILE *stream,char *format-string[,arguments...]); The argument stream is the data stream where the data is to be written. format-string contains escape-sequences and format- specifiers exactly like those used in printf(), and the arguments are data items that correspond to the format-specifiers. On success the function returns the number of characters printed. If the function cannot write to the data stream, the return value is EOF.

Fig. 13-6:

#include <stdio.h>
File *stream;
int i = 10;
double fp = 1.5;
char *s = "this is a string";
char c = '\n';
    stream = fopen("results","w");

int fscanf(FILE *stream,char *format-string[,arguments...]); The argument stream is the data stream to be read. format- string contains the format-specifiers for data conversion, arguments are those variables that data is to be stored into. On success the function returns the number of fields that were successfully converted and assigned. The return value does not include fields that were read but not assigned. The EOF value is returned on attempt to read end-of-file. The value 0 is returned, if no fields were assigned.

Fig. 13-7:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
long l;
float fp;
char s[81];
char c;
    stream = fopen("data","r");

int fread(char *buffer, int size, int count, FILE *stream); This function reads up to count items of length size from the input stream and stores them in the given buffer. The file pointer is incremented by the number of bytes actually read. If the given stream was opened in text mode, carriage- return/linefeed pairs are replaced with single linefeed characters. The replacement has no effect on the file pointer or the return value. On success the function returns the number of full items actually read, which may be less than count if an error occurs or if the end-of-file is encountered before reaching count.

Fig. 13-8:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
long list[100];
int numread;
    stream = fopen("data","r+b");
    numread = fread((char *)list,sizeof(long),100,stream);

int fwrite(char *buffer,int size,int count,FILE *stream); The function writes up to count items of length size from buffer to the output stream. The file pointer associated with stream is incremented by the number of bytes actually written. If the given stream was opened in text mode, each carriage-return is replaced with a carriage-return/linefeed pair. The replacement has no effect on the return value. On success the function returns the number of full items actually written, which may be less than count if an error occurs.

Fig. 13-9:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
long list[100];
int numwritten;
    stream = fopen("data","w+b");
    numwritten = fwrite((char *)list,sizeof(long),100,stream);

int fseek(stream,offset,origin) stream **to a new location that is **offset bytes from the origin. The next operation on the stream takes place at the new location. On a stream open for update, the next operation can be either a read or a write. The origin can be one of the following defined constants that appear in io.h.

constant          origin         meaning

SEEK_SET             0            beginning of file
SEEK_CUR             1            current position
                                  of file pointer
SEEK_END             2            end of file

On success the function returns the value 0 if the pointer was successfully moved. A nonzero return value indicates an error. On devices incapable of seeking, the value returned is undefined.

Fig. 13-10:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
int result;
    stream = fopen("data","r");
    result = fseek(stream,0L,0);  /* beginning of file */

int feof(FILE *stream); This function determines whether the end of the given stream has been reached. Once end-of-file is reached, read operations return an end-of-file indicator until the stream is closed or rewind() is called. On success the function resturns a nonzero value when the current position is end-of-file. The value 0 is returned if the current position is not end-of-file. There is no error return.

Fig. 13-11:

#include <stdio.h>
char string[100]
FILE *stream;

int ferror(FILE *stream); This function tests for a reading or writing error on the given stream. If an error has occurred, the error indicator for the stream remains set until the stream is closed, rewound or until clearerr() is called. On success this function returns a nonzero value to indicate an error on the given stream. The return value 0 means no error has occurred.

Fig. 13-12:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
char *string;
         perror("write error");

void perror(char *string); This function prints an error message to stderr. The string argument is printed first, followed by a colon, the system error message for the last library call that produced an error, and a newline. The actual error number is in the variable errno, which should be declared at the external level. The system error messages are accessed through the variable sys_errlist, which is an array of messages ordered by error number. This function has no return values.

Fig. 13-13:

#include <stdio.h>
FILE *stream;
    if((stream = fopen("data","r")) == NULL)
         perror("Couldn't open file");

13.2 Low Level Unix Like I/O or Un-buffered I/O

Although these functions are defined within the ANSI C standard, they are available on all C compilers. The true use of these functions when a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system such as UNIX is used. On such operating systems these routines are built into the operating system kernel and give low-level access to all devices available on the system. All device drivers for such operating systems are written using these system routines to open, close, read and write to the specified device. In the MS- DOS operating system and Microsoft Windows operating environment, these are functions that reside within the standard C library and do not necessarily provide any low-level access to devices. When these routines are used there is no buffering within the operating system between the application and the disk file. The programmer is responsible for setting up a buffer within the application that holds the data to be written or filled on a read. Since there is no operating system buffer to contend with, these routines are more efficient than standard high-level I/O functions. Use of the low-level routines tend to produce smaller programs and faster execution speeds. The functions available: int open(char *pathname, int oflag[, int pmode]); This function opens the file specified by pathname and prepares the file for subsequent reading or writing as defined by oflag. The argument oflag is an integer expression formed by combining one or more of the following manifest constants, defined in fcntl.h. When more than one manifest constant is given, the constants are joined with the bitwise OR operator.

O_RDONLY            Open for reading only.
O_WRONLY            Open for writing only.
O_RDWR              Open for reading and writing.
O_APPEND            Each write to the file will be at the
                    end of the file.
O_CREAT             If the file exists, O_CREAT is ignored.
                    However, if the file does not exist, it
                            is created with mode  **pmode**.
O_TRUNC             If the file exists, its contents will
                    be discarded.
O_EXCL              If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, then
                             **open()** fails if the file exists.
O_NDELAY            When opeing pipes, FIFOs, and
                    communication-line special files, this
                            flag determines whether  **open()** waits
                    or returns immediately.  Subsequent reads
                    and writes are also affected.  This has
                    no effect on ordinary files and
O_BINARY            Can be given to explicitly open the file
                    in binary mode.
O_TEXT              Can be given to explicitly open the file
                    in text mode.

The argument pmode is only if the O_CREAT flag is in effect. This argument is used in constructing the access permissions to the file. The permissions are found as manifest constants in the sys/stat.h header file. Those constants are defined as follows:

S_IWRITE            Permission to write for the user.
S_IREAD             Permission to read for the user.

The above two constants are the only ones available on a PC compiler. With UNIX the above constants are defined as S_IRUSR and S_IWUSR and the following constants are also available:

S_ISUID             set user ID on executions
S_ISGID             set group ID on execution
S_IRWXU             read, write, execute permission (owner)
S_IRUSR             read permission (owner)
S_IWUSR             write permission (owner)
S_IXUSR             execute permission (owner)
S_IRWXG             read, write, execute permission (group)
S_IRGRP             read permission (group)
S_IWGRP             write permission (group)
S_IXGRP             execute permission (group)
S_IRWXO             read, write, execute permission (other)
S_IROTH             read permission (other)
S_IWOTH             write permission (other)
S_IXOTH             execute permission (other)

On success the function returns a file handle or descriptor for the opened file. A return value of -1 indicates an error, and errno is set to an error code value.

Fig. 13-14:

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int fh1, fh2;
    fh1 = open("data1",O_RDONLY);
    if(fh1 == -1 )
         perror("Open Failed");
    fh2 = open("data2",O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC);
    if(fh2 == -1)
         perror("Couldn't Open Output");

int creat(char *pathname, int pmode); This function creates a new file or opens and truncates an existing file. The permission setting, pmode, applies to newly created files only. The new file receives the specified permission setting after it is closed for the first time. The pmode is an integer expression containing one or both of the manifest constants defined in /sys/stat.h. On success the function returns a handle for the created file if the call is successful. A return value of -1 indicates an error, errno is set to one of the manifest constant error codes.

Fig. 13-15:

int fh;
    fh = creat("data",S_IREAD|S_IWRITE);
    if(fh = -1)
         perror("Couldn't Create File");

int read(int handle, char *buffer, int count); This function attempts to read count bytes from the file associated with handle into buffer. After the read, the file pointer points to the next unread character in the file. On success this function returns the number of bytes actually read, which may be less than count if there are fewer than count bytes left in the file or if the file was opened in text mode. A value of 0 indicates end-of-file. A value of -1 indicates an error.

Fig. 13-16:

int fh, bytesread;
unsigned int nbytes = BUFSIZ;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
    bytesread = read(fh,buffer,nbytes);

int write(int handle,char *buffer,int count); This function attempts to write count bytes from buffer into the file associated with handle. On success this function returns the number of bytes actually written. The value of -1 is returned to indicate an error.

Fig. 13-17:

int fh, byteswritten;
unsigned int nbytes = BUFSIZ;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
    byteswritten = write(fh,buffer,nbytes);

long lseek(int handle,long offset,int origin) This function moves the file pointer associated with handle to a new location that is offset bytes form the origin. The origin can be one of the following defined constants that appear in io.h.

constant          origin         meaning

SEEK_SET             0            beginning of file
SEEK_CUR             1            current position
                                  of file pointer
SEEK_END             2            end of file

On success this function returns the offset, in bytes, of the new position relative to the beginning of the file. A return value of -1L indicates an error.

Fig. 13-18:

#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int fh;
long position;
    fh = open("data",O_RDONLY);
    /* 0 offset from beginning */
    position = lseek(fh, 0L, SEEK_BEG);
    if(position == -1L)
         perror("lseek failed");

int unlink(char *pathname); This function deletes the file specified by pathname. On success this function returns the value of 0 if the file is successfully deleted. A return value of -1 indicates an error and errno is set to hold the system error number.

Fig. 13-19:

#include <io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int result;
    result = unlink("tmpfile");
    if(result == -1)
         perror("Couldn't Delete File");

Listing 13-1

*   Program Name    :   testio
*   Source Name     :   testio.c
*   Description     :   Demonstration program to show different
*                   :   techniques for writing to and reading
*                   :   from the disk.

#include <stdio.h>  /* all I/O functions */
#include <fcntl.h>  /* all UNIX low level functions*/
#include <string.h> /* all string manipulation functions */
#include <stdlib.h> /* permission modes for UNIX low level */
#include <io.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

extern int errno;   /* needed to go with perror() */
*       describe a structure template, no variable of declared
struct tagPERSON
    char name[30];
    char street[20];
    char city[20];
    char state[3];
    char zip[6];
    char ssn[13];
    int age;
    int height;
    int weight;
*   function prototypes
int getdata( PERSON * );
int showdata(PERSON * );
int puts_gets( void );
int fprnt_fscan( void );
int fread_fwrite( void );
int read_write( void );
int err_handler(FILE *, char *, int );
*       S T A R T   O F   P R O G R A M
int main()
char ans[2];
int which;
    *       which functions are to be executed
    do {
        printf("\nWhich set of I/O functions are to be tested?");
        printf("\n    1. fputs and fgets");
        printf("\n    2. fprintf and fscanf");
        printf("\n    3. fread and fwrite");
        printf("\n    4. read and write");
        printf("\n    5. quit this program");
        printf("\nEnter your selection: ");
        which = atoi(ans);
            case 1:
            case 2:
            case 3:
            case 4:
            case 5:
                printf("\n\nInvalid selection . . . try again!");
*   read data from screen into structure elements
getdata( PERSON *ptr)
int result;

    printf("\nEnter your name: ");
    printf("\nEnter your street: ");
    printf("\nEnter your city: ");
    printf("\nEnter your state: ");
    printf("\nEnter your zip code: ");
    printf("\nEnter your ssn: ");
    printf("\nEnter your age: ");
    printf("\nEnter your height: ");
    printf("\nEnter your weight: ");
    *    flush the input data stream so no newlines are left
    if((result = fflush(stdin)) == EOF)
    return 0;
*   display the data held in structure elements on the screen
showdata(PERSON *ptr)
    printf("\nPERSON: %s",ptr->name);
    printf("\n      : %s",ptr->street);
    printf("\n      : %s",ptr->city);
    printf("\n      : %s",ptr->state);
    printf("\n      : %s",ptr->zip);
    printf("\n      : %s",ptr->ssn);
    printf("\n      : %d",ptr->age);
    printf("\n      : %d",ptr->height);
    printf("\n      : %d",ptr->weight);
    return 0;
*   Using fputs() and fgets() write data to and read data back
*   from the disk.  These functions only work with string data.
FILE *fp;
char *val;
char ans[2],filename[16],text[80];
    *       load file name
    *       open test data set
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL)
    do {
        *       acquire data
        printf("\nEnter Text:");
        *       write to disk
        lgth = strlen(text);
        text[lgth] = '\n';      /* replace NULL terminator */
        text[lgth + 1] = '\0';  /* place NULL terminator  */
        if((rtnval = fputs(text,fp)) == EOF)
        *       keep going?
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    if((rtnval = fclose(fp)) == EOF)
    *       open test data set
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL)
    *       print the data back on the screen
    linecnt = 0;
    do {
        *   read data from disk, newline is only way to
        *   distinguish records
        if((val = fgets(text,sizeof(text),fp)) == NULL)
        *       display data on screen
        printf("\nLine %d:%s",linecnt,text);
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    if((rtnval = fclose(fp)) == EOF)
    return 0;
*   Using fprintf() and fscanf() functions write data to and
*   read data from the disk.  Notice that fscanf() has same
*   limitations as scanf()
FILE *fp;
char filename[16],lname[20],tstreet[20],ans[2];
    *       load filename
    *       open test data set
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL)
        perror("FPRNT_FSCAN(): cannot open file for write");
         *    inform user of limitations
         printf("\nEnter only a single string ");
         printf("for name, street and city");
        *       acquire data
        *       write to disk
        if((rtnval = fprintf(fp,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %d\n",
                             my.weight)) == EOF)
            perror("FPRNT_FSCAN(): cannot fprintf to file");
        *       keep going?
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    *       open test data set
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"r")) == NULL)
        perror("FPRNT_FSCAN(): cannot open file for read");
    *       print the data back on the screen
        *     read data from disk, notice fscanf has same
        *     limitation in scanning disk data as scanf has
        *     in screen data; it delimits values by whitespace
        if((rtnval = fscanf(fp,
                            "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %d",
                            )) == NULL)
            perror("FPRNT_FSCAN(): cannot fscanf from file");
        *       display data on screen
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    return 0;
*   Using the fwrite() and fread() functions write data to and
*   read data from the disk.  These are block oriented,
*   high-level buffered I/O functions.
FILE *fp;
char filename[16],ans[2];
    *       load filename
    *    open test data set, binary mode because of integer
    *    values to be written
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"w+b")) == NULL)
        perror("FREAD_FWRITE(): cannot open file for write");
    do {
        *       acquire data
        *     write to disk;
        *      = the address of the buffer to be written
        *     sizeof(my) = the number of bytes to be written
        *     1 = the number of items of the above size to be
        *         written
        *     fp = the stream pointer
        if((rtnval = fwrite(,sizeof(my),1,fp)) == EOF)
            perror("FREAD_FWRITE(): cannot fwrite to file");
        *       keep going?
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    *    open test data set, allow for binary data because of
    *    integer type values
    if((fp = fopen(filename,"r+b")) == NULL)
        perror("FREAD_FWRITE(): cannot open file for read");
    *       print the data back on the screen
    do {
        *     read data from disk; must be tested for less than
        *     the count of items (1) to detect EOF
        if((rtnval = fread(,sizeof(my),1,fp)) < 1)
        *       display data on screen
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    return 0;
*   Using the write() and read() functions, write data to and
*   read data from the disk.  These are low-level, unbuffered,
*   UNIX like I/O functions.
char buf[512];
int fp;
char filename[16], ans[2];
    *       load filename
    *    open test data set, binary mode because of integer
    *    values to be written; create dataset if not there
    *    O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_BINARY = open the file and write
    *         only if the file is not there then create it and
    *         write to the file in binary mode.
    *    S_IWRITE = if the file has to be created then create
    *         it as as read/write file, which implies read and
    *         write capability allowed.
#ifdef PC
    if((fp =
         == EOF)
        perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot open file for write");
    if((fp =
         == EOF)
        perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot open file for write");
#ifndef PC
        *    inform user of limitations
        printf("\nEnter only a single string ");
        printf("for name, street and city");
        *       acquire data
        *       write to disk
#ifdef PC
        if((rtnval = write(fp,,sizeof(my))) == EOF)
            perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot write to file");
        sprintf(buf,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %d",
        if((rtnval = write(fp,buf,sizeof(my))) == EOF)
            perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot write to file");
        *       keep going?
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    *    open test data set, allow for binary data because of
    *    integer type values
#ifdef PC
    if((fp = open(filename,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) == EOF)
        perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot open file for read");
    if((fp = open(filename,O_RDONLY)) == EOF)
        perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot open file for read");
    *       print the data back on the screen
        *     read data from disk, notice fscanf has same
        *     limitation in scanning disk data as scanf has
        *     in screen data; it delimits values by whitespace
#ifdef PC
        if((rtnval = read(fp,,sizeof(my))) < 0)
            perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot read from file");
        if( rtnval == 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"\nEnd Of File Reached");
        if((rtnval = read(fp,buf,sizeof(my))) <0)
            perror("READ_WRITE(): cannot write to file");
        if( rtnval == 0 )
            fprintf(stderr,"\nEnd Of File Reached");
        sscanf(buf,"%s %s %s %s %s %s %d %d %d",
        *       display data on screen
        strcpy(ans," ");
        printf("\nContinue(Y/N)? ");
    return 0;
*   Sample error handler for I/O functions.  Will determine if
*   error was encountered or simply end-of-file
err_handler(FILE *fileptr, char *filename, int exitnum)
char errmsg[80];

    if ferror(fileptr)
        sprintf(errmsg,"ERROR - cannot access file:%s",filename);
    if feof(fileptr)
        sprintf(errmsg,"End of File reached on file:%s",
    return 0;

13.3 C++ Input/Output Classes

The C++ input/output mechanism (provided with C++ compilers that support at least AT release 2.0) is comprised of a series of classes that have been created to handle the problem of sending and receiving data. Here is a brief description of these classes:

#. The streambuf class provides memory for a buffer along with class methods for filling the buffer, accessing buffer contents, flushing the buffer, and managing the buffer memory. It handles the most primitive functions for streams on a first-in-first-out basis. #. The filebuf class is derived from class streambuf and extends it by providing basic file operations. #. The strstreambuf class is derived from class streambuf and is designed to handle memory buffers. #. The ios class represents general properties of a stream, such as whether it’s open for reading and whether it is a binary or a text stream, and it includes a pointer member to a streambuf class. #. The ostream class derives from the ios class and provides output methods. That is, it formats the data you send to an output device so that it appears in the way you expect. #. The istream class also derives from the ios class and provides input methods. That is, it accepts data from an input device in the way you expect. #. The iostream class is based on the istream and ostream

class and thus inherits both input and output methods.

13.3.1 Instances of the class ostream

Of course, classes in and of themselves do no good unless they are used to create instances, or objects, of those classes. Fortunately, this has already been done at a global scope, so that these objects are immediately available for use. Here is a list of the objects to which messages can be sent:

#. The cout object corresponds to the standard output stream. By default, this stream is associated with the standard output device, typically a monitor. cout is an instance of the class ostream. #. The cerr object corresponds to the standard error stream, which can be used for displaying error messages. By default, this stream is associated with the standard output device, typically a monitor, and the stream is unbuffered. Unbuffered means that information is sent directly to the screen without waiting for a buffer to fill or for a newline character. #. The clog object also corresponds to the standard error stream.

By default, this stream is associated with the standard output device, typically a monitor, and the stream is buffered.

C++ treats the terminal screen as an object in the real world. This object has a state and a public interface. By sending both mutator and accessor messages to this object, the programmer can effectively perform all the same operations that were available using the output functions provided in the stdio library. The global instance cout of class ostream is used to initiate all output operations to the monitor. In the class ostream, the function usee the most often is the overloaded bitwise left-shift operator, <<. It is typically called the insertion operator. The name “insertion” comes from the fact that characters are being “inserted” into an output buffer, as represented by the object cout. Within the class ostream the operator << (left_shift) has been overloaded many times as a binary member function (requires two operands). The one implicit argument is, of course, the instance of cout, and the one explicit argument is the data item that is to be output. It is recommended that a listing of the file iostream.h be printed. Inside the file can be seen the many declarations for this overloaded function within the ostream class.

ostream& operator<<( int );
ostream& operator<<( long );
ostream& operator<<( double );
ostream& operator<<( char );
ostream& operator<<( const signed char * );
ostream& operator<<( unsigned char );
ostream& operator<<( short int );
ostream& operator<<( unsigned long );
ostream& operator<<( float );
ostream& operator<<( long double );
ostream& operator<<( void * );
ostream& operator<<( streambuf * );
ostream& operator<<( ostream& (*) (ostream&) );

These are essentially all of the types that printf() can accept. The last item is designed to accommodate a manipulator function.

13.3.2 Stream Input

The class istream is derived from the class ios and controls the handling of input from the keyboard. The global instance that the programmer uses is called cin. Think of cin as being the keyboard object, from which data will be extracted. The function used the most often to read input from the keyboard is called the extraction operator, >>. Note that it is the overloaded right-shift operator, whereas the insertion function operator<<() is the overloaded left-shift operator. Within the class istream it has been overloaded many times as a binary member function. Thus, it is declared as:

istream& operator>>( ... );

The name “extraction” comes from the fact that data is being “extracted” (taken) from the input data stream. The argument to this function is the variable name that references the storage location for the data. Note that all such overloaded functions ignore leading whitespace characters from the keyboard, and terminate upon encountering a whitespace character within the data. The extraction operator function has been overloaded to accommodate these types:

unsigned char *
signed char *
unsigned char&
signed char&
unsigned short int&
short int&
unsigned int&
unsgined long&
long double&
streambuf *
istream& (*) (istream&)

Note that unlike scanf(), there is no need to use the address operator (for a non-array type), nor is there a need to specify any type of conversion specification. The function knows which overloaded function is to be used because it matches the type of function argument to the corresponding overloaded operator>> function that takes the same type of argument. All arguments are passed by reference.

13.4 Writing Manipulators

Manipulators really are functions, but when the name of a function is stated without writing parentheses, the compiler generates the address of that function. Therefore, in the following statement there are no direct function calls occurring, so the left-to-right order of items to be output when sending data to the cout instance can be guaranteed. This means that when the following in written:

cout << arg1 << manipulator << arg2;

the compiler assures that first arg1 will be sent, followed by the manipulator and finally arg2. In the case of a manipulator function, since we are supplying the address of a function, that takes as its one argument a reference to cout and returns a reference, the compiler will look for an overloaded operator<<() function that conforms to this scheme. Since a pointer-to-function is usually what is being passed in the cout or cin stream, the function being pointed to can be executed by dereferencing the pointer variable that was passed and enclosing the entire expression within parentheses. Since *this always refers to the invoking instance of any nonstatic member function call, in this case it’s the object cout, which will be passed to the manipulator function as an actual argument. Finally, since the manipulator function itself returns a reference to cout, this reference must, in turn, be passed back to the original statement to allow the function chaining to occur. This is how the insertion function to accommodate manipulators is written:

ostream& ostream::operator<< (ostream& (*ptr) (ostream&))
     return (*ptr)(*this);

13.4.1 Manipulator with No Arguments

This is the simplest type of manipulator and only a reference to the data stream be passed and that a reference be returned.

Listing 13-2

#include <iostream.h>

ostream& showDollars( ostream& stream )
    stream.setf( ios::fixed );
    stream.fill( '$' );
    stream.width( 8 );
    stream.precision( 2 );
    stream.setf( ios::right );
    return stream;


int main()
float cash = 123.45;

    cout << "The amount " << showDollars
         << cash << " is due." << endl;
    return 0;

13.4.2 Manipulator with One Argument

The generic form of an output manipulator that accepts one argument is:

ostream& manipulator(ostream& stream, type arg)
     //   your code goes here that uses arg
     return stream;

where type is either int or long, and arg is the formal argument name. Next, the following code must be included:

OMANIP(type) manipulator( type arg)
     return OMANIP(type) (manipulator, arg);

where OMANIP is a class defined in the file iomanip.h. ( NOTE: This only works on Microsoft C++ v7.0, Visual C++ v1.5x and Borland C/C++ v3.1.) As an example, here is a manipulator called set that sets the field width to whatever the argument happens to be, and also sets the fill character to an ‘*’.

Listing 13-3

//  example of manipulator set
//  source file: setmanip.cpp
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>

ostream& set( ostream& stream, int length )
    return stream << setw(length) << setfill('*');

OMANIP(int) set( int length )
    return OMANIP(int) (set, length );

int main()
    cout << set(7) << 123 << endl;
    cout << set(5) << 45 << endl;
    return 0;

Here is another manipulator that is designed to tab to an absolute column position on some output device. This would be useful when column alignment of data is needed on a report. If the tab position is less than the current file position marker, then a newline is performed.

Listing 13-4

#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#include <string.h>
//  Declaration
ostream& TAB( ostream&, long );
OMANIP(long) TAB(long);

//  Definition
ostream& TAB( ostream& stream, long col )
    long here = stream.tellp();
    if( col < here )
         stream << endl;
         here = 0L;
    return stream << setw(col-here) << " ";

OMANIP(long) TAB(long col)
    return OMANIP(long) (TAB, col);

class Person
    char *name;
    long age;
    long income;

    Person( const char * = "", int = 0, float = 0.0 );
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const Person& );

inline Person::Person(const char *n, int a, float i)
    name = new char[strlen(n) +1];
    age = a;
    income = i;

inline Person::~Person()
    delete [] name;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const Person& p )
    stream <<;
    stream << TAB(20) << p.age;
    stream << TAB(30) << p.income;
    stream << endl;
    return stream;

int main()
Person staff[] =
         Person("John Doe", 21, 34566.67 )
         ,Person("Mary Jones", 23, 35700.33)
         ,Person("Pat Lowry", 20, 33100.10)

const int size = sizeof( staff ) / sizeof( Person );

    for( int i = 0; i < size; ++i )
         cout << staff[i];

    return 0;

13.4.3 Manipulator with Two Arguments<

There are no built-in manipulators in the standard C++ language definition that takes two arguments. However, Borland C++ provides a constream class that supplies some manipulators that handle two arguments. Suppose a manipulator that requires two arguments is needed to output a line consisting of a variable number of any given character. This means that the manipulator requires two arguments: (1) the number of characters to be output, and (2) the character itself. The first thing that must be done is to package the arguments into a structure object. Here it is called args.

Fig. 13-18

#include <iostream.h> #include <iomanip.h> struct ARGS { char ch; int number; }; Next, the name of the structure becomes the type that is used in the IOMANIPdeclare declaration.

IOMANIPdeclare( ARGS );

Next, write the manipulator function as though it were taking just one argument. This argument is of the type of the structure. The name of manipulator is fill. It loops the requisite number of times and outputs the character.

Fig. 13-19

ostream& fill( ostream& stream, ARGS a )
    for( int i = 0; i < a.number; ++i )
         stream <<;
    return stream;

Finally, write the OMANIP macro shown below. Note that the arguments are listed individually, and the body of the macro creates an instance of the structure and assigns the input values to it.

Fig. 13-20

OMANIP( ARGS ) fill(char ch, int number )
ARGS a; = ch;
    a.number = number;
    return OMANIP( ARGS )(fill,a);

int main()
    cout << "How many characters? ";
    int number;
    while( !(cin >> number).eof() )
         if( )
              cout << "Invalid entry\n";
              cout << "Enter the character: ";
              char ch;
              cin >> ch;
              cout << fill(ch, number) << endl;
         cout << "How many characters? ";
    return 0;

13.5 File I/O<

In ANSI C, file I/O is handled by functions such as fopen to open a file, fclose to close it, and fscanf and fprintf to read from and write to a file. In the iostream package, the classes meant for file I/O are defined in the header file ** . There are three classes of interest in ** **: the **ifstream class is meant for input, ofstream for output, and the fstream supports both input and output. The simplest way to open a file for I/O is to create an instance of the ifstream or ofstream class, as follows:

Fig. 13-21

#include <fstream.h>
// open file named "infile" for input operations only and
// connect it to the istream "ins"
ifstream ins("ifile");
// open file name "outfile" for output operations only and
// connect it to the ostream "outs"
ofstream outs("outfile");

As can be seen, the file can be opened and connected to a data stream when the the instance of the ifstream or ofstream class is declared. There are two distinct streams for input and output. The ANSI C equivalent for connecting a file to an ifstream is to call fopen with the “r” mode. On the other hand, using ofstream in C++ is similar to calling fopen with the “w” mode in ANSI C. Before using the stream connected to a file, it should be checked to see if the stream was successfully created. The logical NOT operator ! is overloaded for the stream classes so that it can be used to check a stream using a test like this:

Fig. 13-22

// open stream
ifstream ins("infile");
// check whether stream has been opened successfully
if( !ins )
    cerr << "Cannot open : infile" << endl;
    exit( 1 );

An ifstream or ofstream does not have to be attached to any file at the time of creation. The instance of the class can be created first and then at a later point in the logic flow the open member function of the stream can be used to connect the class instance to a file:

Fig. 13-23

ifstream ins; "infile" );

if( !ins )          // open failed

When the data stream is close with the close() method the file is disconnected from the stream.

Fig. 13-24

// close file

This does not destroy the instance of the class or the data stream, so the stream can be reconnected to another file by calling open() again.

13.5.1 Controlling the Stream Operating Modes

When a data stream is opened by simply providing the name of a file to the stream’s constructor, the method is taking advantage of C++’s allowance for default argument values. When an instance of ifstream is declared as follows:

ifstream ins("infile");

the constructor that gets invoked is declared as follows:

ifstream( const char *, int = ios::in,
     int = filebuf::openprot);

The last two integer-valued arguments are used with the default values. The second argument to the constructor indicates the mode in which the stream operates. For ifstream, the default is ios::in, which means the file is opened for reading. For an ofstream object, the default mode is ios::out, implying that the file is opened for writing. The constructors allow you to declare a file stream without specifying a named file. Later, the file can be associated with the data stream.

Fig. 13-25

ofstream ofile;      // creates output file stream
..."payroll");   // ofile connects to file "payroll"
//   do some payrolling...

ofile.close();      // close the ofile stream"employee");  // ofile can be reused

By default, files are opened in text mode. This means that on input, carriage-return/linefeed sequences are converted to the ‘n’ character. On output, the ‘n’ character is converted to a carriage- return/linefeed sequence. These translations are not done in binary mode. The file opening mode is set with an optional second parameter to the open function, chosen from the following table:

Table 13-1

Modes for File Open Mode Name Operation ios::app Appends data to the file. ios::ate When first opened, positions file at end-of-file ( ate stand for at end ). ios::in Opens file for reading. ios::nocreate Fails to open file if it does not already exist. ios::noreplace If file exists, open for output fails unless ios::app or ios::ate is set. ios::out Opens file for writing. ios::trunc Truncates file if it already exists. ios::binary Opens file in binary mode. Note that more than one mode can be specified for a file, simply use a bitwise OR of the required modes. For example, to open a file for output and position it at the end of existing data, bitwise OR the modes ios::out and ios::ate as follows:

ofstream outs("outfile",ios::out|ios::ate);

As an example of file I/O in C++, consider a utility program that copies one file to another. Assume that the utility is named filecopy and that when the following command is typed:

filecopy in.fil out.fil

filecopy copies the contents of the file named in.fil to a second file named out.fil.

Listing 13-6

//  filecopy.cpp - Source available on instructors diskette
#include <fstream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

const int bufsize=256;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
char ch;
ifstream f1;
ofstream f2(argv[2]);
char buff[bufsize];
    //   open the source file that is to be copied
    // argv[1], ios::in );
    if( !f1 )
         cerr << "Cannot open " << argv[1] << "for input"
              << endl;
         exit( 1 );
         cout << "File " << argv[1] << " opened for input."
              << endl;
    //   check to see if the destination file was opened
    if( !f2 )
         cerr << "File " << argv[2] << " was not opened "
              << "for output"
              << endl;
         exit( 2 );
         cout << "File " << argv[2] << " opened for output."
              << endl;
    //   copy one file to another
    //   the following will copy one character at a time
    //   from the file associated with f1 to the file
    //   associated with f2
//  while ( f2 && f1.get( ch ) )
//         f2.put( ch );
    //   the following will copy a line at a time
    while( !f1.eof() )
    { buff, sizeof( buff ) );
         f2.write( buff, sizeof( buff ) );
    return ( 0 );

There is another way to implement the last while loop that actually copies data between the files. The data can be read a line at a time and written a line at a time. To read a line, use the same get function but with the address of a buffer and the buffer’s size as arguments:

Fig. 13-26

const bufsize = 128;
char buf[bufsize];
// ...
f1.get( buf, bufsize );

The call to get will extract from the input stream into the specified buffer, up to bufsize-1 characters or until a newline character is encountered. The get places a terminating null character in the buffer. By default, the get function stops at the newline character, but another delimiter can be specified as a third argument to the get function. Note that this call to get is similar to the fgets function in C except that unlike fgets, get does not copy the newline character into the buffer. Nor does get skip over the newline character. Therefore, to read lines repeatedly from a file, the newline must be extracted separately after each line is read.

13.5.2 Positioning in a File

Many times files must be read containing binary data that have a specific internal structure. For instance, there may be a 128- byte header followed by blocks of data. Information extracted from the header might tell that the data needed is at a specific location inside the file. To read this data, the program must be able to position the stream properly before reading from the file. In ANSI C, functions such as fseek and ftell can be used for positioning within data streams. The iostream library also enables programs to reposition within streams and, as expected, classes provide member functions that accomplish this task. It is possible to position a stream in the iostream library by calling the member functions seekg or seekp of that stream. Because the same stream may be used for both input and output, the stream classes have the concept of a get position and a put ** **position that respectively indicate the location from which the next read or write will occur. The get position is set using seekg, whereas seekp alters the put position. For example, to position the stream at the 513th byte in the input stream ins, seekg can be called as follows:

ins.seekg(512);     // next get will start at 513th byte

On the other hand, the position can be specified relative to some reference point such as the end of the file. For example, to move 8 bytes backward from the end of the stream, use the following:

ins.seekg( -8, ios::end );

There are three reference points identified by constants defined in the ios class: ios::beg is the beginning of the stream, ios::end is the end, and ios::cur represents the current position. The current get or put position in a file can be determined by using the tellg function which returns the current location in an input stream, and tellp returns the corresponding item for an output stream. Both functions return a variable of type streampos. The returned position value can be saved and used with seekg or seekp to return to the old location in a file:

Fig. 13-27

streampos saved_pos = ins.tellg();
//   other operations on stream...
//   ...
//   get back to old location

13.5.3 Detecting Errors in File I/O

The iostream library provides a number of functions for checking the status of a stream. The fail function tells whether something has gone wrong with the last file access method. Thus, it is possible to check for problems by calling fail for the stream as follows:

Fig. 13-28

ifstream ins("infile");
if( )
     // stream creation has failed

In fact, the logical NOT operator ! has been overloaded to call fail for a stream so that the if test can be written more simply as:

Fig. 13-29

if( !ins )
     // handle error

13.5.4 Detecting the End-of-File

When reading from a file, it is desired to know whether the end- of- file is reached. The eof function returns true if the stream is at the end-of-file. Once a stream has reached the end-of- file, it does not perform any I/O even if the next I/O operation is attempted after moving the stream away from the end by using seekg or seekp. This is because the stream’s internal state remembers the encounter with the end-of-file. The method clear must be called to reset the state before any further I/O can take place. Thus, sometimes eof and clear are used as follow:

Fig. 13-30

//   "ins" is an istream.  If the stream reached eof, clear
//   the state before attempting the read from the stream
if( ins.eof() )
//   reposition stream and read again...
ins.seekg( -16, ios::cur );   // move back 16 bytes
ins.get( buf, 8 );  // read 8 bytes into buffer

Two other member functions, good and bad, indicate the general condition of a stream. As the names imply, good returns true (a nonzero value) if no error has occurred on the stream, and bad returns true if an invalid I/O has been attempted or if the stream has an irrecoverable failure. The functions good and bad could be used in tests such as this:

Fig. 13-31

if( ins.bad() )
     // invalid operation
if( ins.good() )
     // everything ok, continue using stream