Chapter 13: Programming ProjectsΒΆ

 1. Write a line oriented text editor program in C++ that
    accepts the input of the file to be edited on the
    command line.  If the file name is not input on the
    command line, the program indicates that the file does
    not exist and terminates.  If the file is present,
    the contents of the file are read into memory and
    placed into a list for further processing.

    A line editor is represented by a doubly linked list of
    nodes, each of which contains a pointer to the text of
    the line.  In addition, each node contains the number
    of bytes in the text line.  There is one external
    pointer to this list, which points to the "current"
    line position in the text being edited.  The
    list has a header node, which contains the string:

    '----Top of File----'

    and a trailer node, which contains the string:

    '----Bottom of File----'

    Write a line editor that only supports the listing of
    lines of text to the screen.  The program will execute
    and display the first line of text in the file along
    with the line number of that line.  The program will
    then show its prompt, a ' **?**', and is ready to
    accept commands.  For example:

    ----Top of File----
    1: main()

    If a list or print of lines goes to the end of the
    file, the trailer node holding

    ' **----Bottom of File----**'

    must be displayed as the last line.

    Each node of the linked list holds a  **CTextLine**
    class item.  A  **CTextLine** is a class that is
    derived from  **CRecord** which is an abstract base
    class that generically defines records that are
    held within a document.  The  **CTextLine** class has
    the following data members.

    char *textLine;    // the text of a line from the file
    size_t textLgth;   // the length of the line being held

    The abstract base class  **CRecord** defines two pure
    virtual functions for reading input from the disk and
    for placing data onto the disk.

     **virtual void readRecord( size_t length) const = 0;**
     **virtual void writeRecord( size_t length) const = 0;**

    The  **CTextLine** class implements its own versions
    of these functions in order to read and write data to

    This program will create the following C++ classes.

    CDocument - opens a disk file and stores or retrieves
                data from the file depending upon which
                method of the class is called. The
                constructor is passed two arguments:

                - the name of the file to open, if the file
                  does not exist a boolean is set                   indicating such.

                - the address of a  **CRecord** class or
                  derived class.

                This class has a pointer to the
                 **CRecord** class which holds the
                address passed as a parameter of the
                constructor.  Overload the following

         ++ : move to next item in document
         -- : move to previous item in document
         +  : add a new item to the document
         -  : delete an item from the document

               Use the pointer to the  **CRecord** type
               to access the correct derived class that
               knows how to read and write data of the
               correct type to and from the disk.

    CView - displays data on the screen, one screen at a

    CCommandSet - this class holds the commands allowed and
                  maps those keys to methods within this
                  class.  The initial command set will be
                  as follows:
                 ( **** means that the RETURN key is

                        show next line in file
                            m,np  show the lines of
                            text starting with line number
                             **m** and ending with line
                            number ' **n**'

                  n     show the text for line number
                            ' **n**'

                  np    show the next ' **n**' lines
                            of text in the file

            w filename  write the contents of the
                            linked list to the
                                ' **filename**' specified.

                  q     quit the editor

 2. Develop the following classes:

         CDataBase - a data base class that opens a data
                     file and an index file.  This class
                     supports a 'has-a' relationship with
                      **CRecord** and  **CIndex**.
                     This class will support methods for:

              - define the location of a key in each record
                as being a specified number of bytes from
                the beginning of the record and being a
                stated number of bytes in length.

              - receiving an address of  **CRecord** type
                object and placing the data held in the
                object on the data file through polymorphic

              - retrieving data from the data file by using
                an address of a  **CRecord** type object
                that reads the data file.

              - has an instance of  **CIndex** type data
                that is used to maintain a sorted list of
                keys into the data file.

         CRecord - an abstract base class that defines
                   generic behavior for a record that is to
                   be written to or read from the data file
                   of the data base.

         CIndex - a class that keeps a sorted array of keys
                  into the data file.  A key is a structure
                  that has a the following format:

              struct Key
                   char *keyValue;     // holds the value that is
                                       // used as a key to access
                                       // the associated data
                                       // record; keys are always
                                       // characters
                   long dataOffset;    // the number of bytes
                                       // from the beginning of
                                       // the data file where the
                                       // associated record is
                                       // stored

                The index is saved into an index file when
                the data base is closed.

    Also, develop a test program that will save student
    information,  **CStudent**, into the data base, using
    student social security number as the key.
     **CStudent** will be a derived class from
     **CRecord**.  Make the program present a
    menu,  **CMenu**, that has the following items.

         1. Add students
         2. View students
         3. Quit application

    The program must acquire student data interactively
    from the keyboard and store that data into the data
    base.  When processing a request to view the data, the
    data will be show in the ascending order of the key
    field, student social security number.

     **CStudent** has the following data members.

         Social Security Number
         Last Name
         First Name
         Area Code

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