Thermal-hydraulic tank (reservoir)
The Bache block represents a thermal-hydraulic tank or reservoir. This block has two inlets and two outlets whose altitudes can be changed by the user. Conventionally, for input ports (black ports) flow direction is positive when fluid flows into the tank. On the other hand, for output ports (white ports) flow direction is positive when fluid flows out of the tank. The user can set the surface area of the tank, the initial temperature and initial level of the fluid in the tank. If an input or output port is left unused, it should be blocked by a stopper block.
Inputs :
- Modelica variable name : ‘Ce1’ Implicit variable.
- Modelica variable name : ‘Ce2’ Implicit variable.
Outputs :
- Modelica variable name : ‘Cs1’ Implicit variable.
- Modelica variable name : ‘Cs2’ Implicit variable.
- Modelica variable name : ‘yNiveau’ Explicit variable.
Parameters :
- Modelica parameter name : ‘Patm’ Default value : 101300 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘A’ Default value : 1 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘ze1’ Default value : 40 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘ze2’ Default value : 0 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘zs1’ Default value : 40 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘zs2’ Default value : 0 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘z0’ Default value : 30 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘T0’ Default value : 290 Is a state variable : no.
- Modelica parameter name : ‘p_rho’ Default value : 0 Is a state variable : no.
File name of the model : Bache