New C

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This block creates skeleton of the C-computing function. It also creates library file and object files.

Dialog box

  • simulation function Name of the function to be generated. Properties : Type ‘str’ of size 1
  • is block implicit? If yes (y) is selected, it calls implicit solver (dasrt) else (n) it calls explicit solver, lsodar. Properties : Type ‘str’ of size 1
  • input ports sizes Number of regular input ports Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • output ports sizes Number of regular output ports Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • input event ports sizes Number of event input ports Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • output events ports sizes Number of event output ports Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • initial continuous state Initial Conditions Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • number of zero crossing surfaces Select to enable zero crossing detection. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size 1
  • initial discrete state Initial conditions of the discrete states. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • Real parameters vector Real Parameter vector that the function accepts. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • Integer parameters vector Integer Parameter vector that the function accepts. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size -1
  • initial firing vector A vector. Size of this vector corresponds to the number of event outputs. The value of the entry specifies the time of the preprogrammed event firing on the output event port. If less than zero, no event is preprogrammed. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size ‘sum(%6)’
  • direct feedthrough The input to the block at the current time determine the output of the block at the current time. This forces the input to feed through to the output, as if the system were operating at steady-state. Properties : Type ‘str’ of size 1
  • time dependence Create a signal that specifies the time dependence. Properties : Type ‘str’ of size 1

Default properties

  • always active: no
  • direct-feedthrough: yes
  • zero-crossing: no
  • mode: no
  • regular inputs: - port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1
  • regular outputs: - port 1 : size [1,1] / type 1
  • number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
  • number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
  • continuous-time state: no
  • discrete-time state: no
  • object discrete-time state: no
  • name of computational function:

Interfacing function

  • SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Misc/CBLOCK.sci

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