Define Scope of GOTO tag visibility
Block Screenshot
This block defines the accessibility of the GOTO block when it is
configure as “scoped”. The FROM block corresponding to that GOTO must
be in the same subsystem of the GotoTagVisibility or in subsystems
below it in the model hierarchy.
Dialog box
- GotoTag The Goto block tag whose visibility is defined by the
location of this block. Properties : Type ‘str’ of size -1.
Default properties
- always active: no
- direct-feedthrough: no
- zero-crossing: no
- mode: no
- number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
- number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
- continuous-time state: no
- discrete-time state: no
- object discrete-time state: no
- name of computational function: gototagvisibility
Interfacing function
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/Branching/GotoTagVisibility.sci