Matrix Multiplication
The MATMUL block computes the multiplication of an the first input matrix by the second input matrix/scalar. When the Multiplication rule parameter is set to:
For integer inputs, when overflow occurs the block three different forms of results :
1- A normal non saturated result. By example, if type is int8 and the result 128, the block output value will be -128.
2- A saturated result. For the previous example the block output value will be 127.
3- An error message warning the user about the overflow.
The user can select one of these three forms by setting the Do on Overflow field to 0,1 or 2.
A=[1 2 3;4 5 6]
B=[9 8 7 6;5 4 3 2;9 7 5 3]
y=[46 37 28 19;115 94 73 52]