Polynomial Coefficient Computation
Block Screenshot
This block computes the coefficients of a polynomial given its root
values. This roots are given on the input in the form of a column
vector. The length of the root’s vector must be specified in the
input row size parameter.
Dialog box
- Datatype(1=real double 2=Complex) It indicates the type of the
output. It support only the two types double (1) and complex (2). If
we input another entry in this label xcos will print the message
“Datatype is not supported”. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size 1.
- input row size The input row size. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of
size 1.
Default properties
- always active: no
- direct-feedthrough: yes
- zero-crossing: no
- mode: no
- regular inputs: - port 1 : size [-1,1] / type 1
- regular outputs: - port 1 : size [-2,1] / type 1
- number/sizes of activation inputs: 0
- number/sizes of activation outputs: 0
- continuous-time state: no
- discrete-time state: no
- object discrete-time state: no
- name of computational function: root_coef
Interfacing function
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/macros/MatrixOp/ROOTCOEF.sci
Computational function
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/root_coef.c
- SCI/modules/scicos_blocks/src/c/rootz_coef.c