Shift/Rotates Bits
This block shifts the bits of the input signal. In this operation the digits are moved to the right or to the left.The user can choose the rule to shifts the bits that can be normal or cycle by setting the Shift Type parameter to 0 or 1. The number and the direction of the shifts are set with the Number of Bits to Shift Left. If this number is positive the input is shifted to the left, otherwise it is shifted to the right.
When the Shift Type parameter is :
The shift register makes a multiplication by 2 n ` (arithmetic left shift) or an integer division by `2 n ` (arithmetic right shift), where `n is the number of bit shifts. It can also be used to serialize data or to create a memory buffer.
The block supports the following types :
Data Type (3:int32, 4:int16, 5:int8, ...) It indicates the type of the input/output : between 3 and 8. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size 1.
Number of Bits to Shift Left (Negative number to shift right) It indicates the number of bits the input signal is shifted/rotated. A positive value indicates a shift left, a negative value a shift right. The index must be, when the type is :
- int32 or uint32: positive and less than 32.
- int16 or uint16: positive and less than 16.
- int8 or uint8: positive and less than 8.
Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size 1.
Shift Type (0:Arithmetic, 1:Circular) O or 1. It indicates the rule used to shift the bits. It can be arithmetic or circular. When it is :
- 0, an arithmetic shift is applied to the input signal.
- 1, a circular shift is applied to the input signal.
See description for more information. Properties : Type ‘vec’ of size 1.
In this example the Super block is a binary counter with 3 bits output. In order to obtain the corresponding decimal value, the outputs * `Q 1 `* and * `Q 2 `* of the counter are respectively shifted left of one bit and of two bits. Finally the * `Q 0 `* output, and the shifted outputs are added.
To better see the output change, set the parameter Real Time Scale to 0.5 in the Settings menu item of the Simulation menu. Open this example in Xcos
Below the details of the binary counter.