Suggests a relative error, computed from the condition number.
rtol = assert_cond2reltol ( condition )
rtol = assert_cond2reltol ( condition , offset )
Depending on the condition number, returns the corresponding relative tolerance.
Any optional parameter equal to the empty matrix [] is set to its default value.
We emphasize that this relative tolerance is only a suggestion. Indeed, there may be correct reasons of using a lower or a higher relative tolerance.
Any scalar input argument is expanded to a matrix of doubles of the same size as the other input arguments.
We compute the number of required digits d, then the relative tolerance is 10^-d.
assert_cond2reltol ( 0 ) // 1.110D-16
assert_cond2reltol ( 1 ) // 1.110D-16
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e1 ) // 1.110D-15
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e2 ) // 1.110D-14
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e3 ) // 1.110D-13
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e16 ) // 1
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e17 ) // 1
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e18 ) // 1
// Matrix input.
condition = [0,1,10,100,1000,1.D13,1.D14,1.D15,1.D16,1.D17,1.D18];
expected = [1.110D-16 1.110D-16 1.110D-15 1.110D-14 1.110D-13 0.0011102 0.0111022 0.1110223 1. 1. 1.];
assert_cond2reltol ( condition )
// Using offset
// Negative offset : require less accuracy
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e2 , [0 -1] ) // [1.1D-14 1.1D-13]
// Positive offset : requires more accuracy
// See that the impact of offset is constrained.
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e2 , [0 1 2 3] ) // [1.1D-14 1.1D-15 1.1D-16 1.1D-16]
// Negative offset
// See that the impact of offset is constrained.
assert_cond2reltol ( 1.e14 , [0 -1 -2 -3] ) // [1.1D-02 1.1D-01 1 1]
// Plot the relative tolerance depending on the condition
condition = `logspace`_(0,18,1000);
r = assert_cond2reltol ( condition );
xt = h.children.x_ticks;
xt.locations = 10^(0:2:18)';
xt.labels = ["10^0";"10^2";"10^4";"10^6";"10^8";"10^10";"10^12";"10^14";"10^16";"10^18"];
yt = h.children.y_ticks;
yt.locations = 10^-(0:2:18)';
yt.labels = ["10^0";"10^-2";"10^-4";"10^-6";"10^-8";"10^-10";"10^-12";"10^-14";"10^-16";"10^-18"];
`xtitle`_("Relative tolerance","Condition","Relative tolerance");
r = assert_cond2reltol ( condition , +3 );
r = assert_cond2reltol ( condition , -3 );
Version Description 5.4.0 Function introduced