Differential algebraic equations solver
[y [,hd]]=dae(initial,t0,t [,rtol, [atol]],res [,jac] [,hd])
[y ,rd [,hd]]=dae("root",initial,t0,t [,rtol, [atol]],res [,jac], ng, surface [,hd])
: :t0 a real number, the initial time. : :t a real scalar or vector. Gives instants for which you want the
solution. Note that you can get solution at each dae’s step point by setting ``%DAEOPTIONS`_(2)=1` .
: :res an external function computes the value of g(t,y,ydot). It may be
- :a Scilab function In this case, its calling sequence must be
- [r,ires]=res(t,x,xdot) and res must return the residue r=g(t,x,xdot) and error flag ires. ires = 0 if res succeeds to compute r. ires = -1 if residue is locally not defined for g(t,x,xdot). ires =-2 if parameters are out of admissible range.
: :a list This form of external is used to pass parameters to the function. It must be as follows:
where the calling sequence of the function `res` is now
`res` still returns the residual value as a function of
`(t,x,xdot,x1,x2,...)`, and `p1, p2,...` are function parameters.
: :a character string it must refer to the name of a C or fortran
routine, assuming that < `r_name`> is the given name.
+ The Fortran calling sequence must be
`<r_name>(t,x,xdot,res,ires,rpar,ipar)` `double precision
t,x(*),xdot(*),res(*),rpar(*)` `integer ires,ipar(*)`
+ The C calling sequence must be `C2F(<r_name>)(double *t, double *x,
double *xdot, double *res, integer *ires, double *rpar, integer
+ `t` is the current time value
+ `x` the state array
+ `xdot` the array of state derivatives
+ `res` the array of residuals
+ `ires` the execution indicator
+ `rpar` is the array of floating point parameter values, needed but
cannot be set by the `dae` function
+ `ipar` is the array of floating integer parameter values, needed but
cannot be set by the `dae` function
: :jac an external computes the value of dg/dx+cj*dg/dxdot for a given value of parameter cj. It may be
- :a Scilab function Its calling sequence must be r=jac(t,x,xdot,cj)
- and the jac function must return r=dg(t,x,xdot)/dy+cj*dg(t,x,xdot)/dxdot where cj is a real scalar.
: :a list This form of external is used to pass parameters to the function. It must be as follows:
where the calling sequence of the function `jac` is now
`jac` still returns `dg/dx+cj*dg/dxdot` as a function of
: :a character string it must refer to the name of a C or fortran
routine assuming that <j_name> is the given name.
+ The Fortran calling sequence must be `<j_name>(t, x, xdot, r, cj,
ires, rpar, ipar)` double precision `t, x(*), xdot(*), r(*), ci,
rpar(*)` integer `ires, ipar(*)`
+ The C calling sequence must be `C2F(<j_name>)(double *t, double *x,
double *xdot, double *r, double *cj, integer *ires, double *rpar,
integer *ipar)`
where `t, x, xdot, ires, rpar, ipar` have similar definition as above,
`r` is the results array
: :surface an external computes the value of the column vector surface(t,x) with ng components. Each component defines a surface.
- :a Scilab function Its calling sequence must be r=surface(t,x), this
- function must return a vector with ng elements.
: :a list This form of external is used to pass parameters to the function. It must be as follows:
where the calling sequence of the function `surface` is now
: :a character string it must refer to the name of a C or fortran
routine. Assuming that <s_name> is the given name,
+ `The Fortran calling sequence must be` `<s_name>(nx, t, x, ng, r,
rpar, ipar)` `double precision t, x(*), r(*), rpar(*)` `integer nx,
+ The C calling sequence must be `C2F(<s_name>)(double *t, double *x,
double *xdot, double *r, double *cj, integer *ires, double *rpar,
integer *ipar)`
where `t, x, rpar, ipar` have similar definition as above, `ng` is the
number of surfaces, `nx` the dimension of the state and r is the
results array.
The dae function is a gateway built above the dassl and dasrt function designed for implicit differential equations integration.
x(t0)=x0 `and`_ xdot(t0)=xdot0
If xdot0 is not given in the initial argument, the dae function tries to compute it solving g(t,x0,xdot0)=0.
if xdot0 is given in the initial argument it may be either a compatible derivative satisfying g(t,x0,xdot0)=0 or an approximate value. In the latter case `%DAEOPTIONS`_(7) must be set to 1.
Detailed examples using Scilab and C coded externals are given in modules/differential_equations/tests/unit_tests/dassldasrt.tst
//Example with Scilab code
function [r, ires]=chemres(t, y, yd)
r(1) = -0.04*y(1) + 1d4*y(2)*y(3) - yd(1);
r(2) = 0.04*y(1) - 1d4*y(2)*y(3) - 3d7*y(2)*y(2) - yd(2);
r(3) = y(1) + y(2) + y(3)-1;
ires = 0;
function pd=chemjac(x, y, yd, cj)
pd=[-0.04-cj , 1d4*y(3) , 1d4*y(2);
0.04 ,-1d4*y(3)-2*3d7*y(2)-cj ,-1d4*y(2);
1 , 1 , 1 ]
x0=[1; 0; 0];
xd0=[-0.04; 0.04; 0];
t=[1.d-5:0.02:.4, 0.41:.1:4, 40, 400, 4000, 40000, 4d5, 4d6, 4d7, 4d8, 4d9, 4d10];
y=dae([x0,xd0],0,t,chemres);// returns requested observation time points
%DAEOPTIONS=`list`_([],1,[],[],[],0,0); // ask dae mesh points to be returned
y=dae([x0,xd0],0,4d10,chemres); // without jacobian
y=dae([x0,xd0],0,4d10,chemres,chemjac); // with jacobian
//example with C code (C compiler needed) --------------------------------------------------
//-1- create the C codes in TMPDIR - Vanderpol equation, implicit form
code=['#include <math.h>'
'void res22(double *t,double *y,double *yd,double *res,int *ires,double *rpar,int *ipar)'
'{res[0] = yd[0] - y[1];'
' res[1] = yd[1] - (100.0*(1.0 - y[0]*y[0])*y[1] - y[0]);}'
' '
'void jac22(double *t,double *y,double *yd,double *pd,double *cj,double *rpar,int *ipar)'
'{pd[0]=*cj - 0.0;'
' pd[1]= - (-200.0*y[0]*y[1] - 1.0);'
' pd[2]= - 1.0;'
' pd[3]=*cj - (100.0*(1.0 - y[0]*y[0]));}'
' '
'void gr22(int *neq, double *t, double *y, int *ng, double *groot, double *rpar, int *ipar)'
'{ groot[0] = y[0];}']
`cd`_ TMPDIR;
`mputl`_(code, 't22.c')
//-2- compile and load them
`ilib_for_link`_(['res22' 'jac22' 'gr22'],'t22.c',[],'c',TMPDIR+'/Makefile',TMPDIR+'/t22loader.sce');
//-3- run
//simple simulation
//find first point where yy(1)=0
//hot restart for next point