
Evans root locus

Calling Sequence

evans(H [,kmax])


:H SISO linear system given by a transfer or a state space
representation (see:syslin).

: :kmax real (maximum gain desired for the plot ) :


Gives the Evans root locus for a SISO linear system in state-space or transfer form H(s) (syslin). This is the locus of the roots of 1+k*H(s)=1+k*N(s)/D(s), in the complex plane. For a selected sample of gains k <= kmax ,the imaginary part of the roots of D(s)+k*N(s) is plotted vs the real part.

To obtain the gain at a given point of the locus you can activate the datatips manager and click the desired point on the root locus.


[Ki,s]=`kpure`_(H) // Gains that give pure imaginary closed loop poles
`plot`_([`real`_(s) `real`_(s)],[`imag`_(s) -`imag`_(s)],'*r')


See Also

  • syslin linear system definition
  • sgrid s-plane grid lines.
  • zgrid zgrid plot
  • kpure continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
  • krac2 continuous SISO system limit feedback gain
  • datatips Tool for placing and editing tips along the plotted curves.

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