
writes a matrix in a file

Calling Sequence

fprintfMat(file,M [,format,text])


:file a string, the pathname of the file to be written : :M a matrix of real numbers : :format a character string giving the format. This is an optional

parameter, the default value is “%lf”. Supported format: %[width].[precision]type or %type, where: width: an optional number that specifies the minimum number of characters output; precision: an optional number that specifies the maximum number of characters printed for all or part of the output field, or the minimum number of digits printed for integer values; type: lf, lg, d, i, e, f, g (see scanf_conversion for details).
: :text a row (column) vector of strings giving non numerical comments
stored at the beginning of the file.



The fprintfMat function writes a matrix in a formated file. Each row of the matrix give a line in the file. If text is given then the elements of text are inserted elementwise at the beginning of the file one element per line.


n = 50;
a = `rand`_(n, n, "u");
fprintfMat(TMPDIR + "/Mat", a, "%5.2f");
a1 = `fscanfMat`_(TMPDIR + "/Mat");

// Lets we create a file Mat1 and insert a comment into it
some_comment = ["This is a comment","This the second line of the comment.","This is the third line of the comment."];
fprintfMat(TMPDIR + "/Mat1", a, "%5.2f",some_comment);

See Also

  • scanf_conversion scanf, sscanf, fscanf conversion specifications
  • mclose closes an opened file
  • meof check if end of file has been reached
  • mfprintf converts, formats, and writes data to a file
  • mfscanf reads input from the stream pointer stream (interface to the C fscanf function)
  • fscanfMat reads a matrix from a text file
  • mget reads byte or word in a given binary format and converts to a double type
  • mgetstr reads a character string from a file
  • mopen open a file in Scilab
  • mprintf converts, formats, and writes data to the main scilab window
  • mput writes byte or word in a given binary format
  • mputstr write a character string in a file
  • mscanf
  • mseek set current position in binary file.
  • mtell binary file management
  • mdelete deletes file(s)

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