
reads a matrix from a text file

Calling Sequence

M = fscanfMat(filename[, fmt]);
[M, text] = fscanfMat(filename [, fmt]);


:filename a character string giving the name of the file to be
: :fmt a character string giving the format. This is an optional
parameter, the default value is “%lg”. Supported format: %[width].[precision]type or %type where: width: optional number that specifies the minimum number of characters output; precision: optional number that specifies the maximum number of characters printed for all or part of the output field, or the minimum number of digits printed for integer values. type: lf, lg, d, i, e, f, g (see scanf_conversion).

: :M output variable. A matrix of real numbers. : :text output variable. A column vector of strings. It is comments in

the beginning of the file filename.



The fscanfMat function is used to read a real matrix from a text file. The first non-numeric lines of the file are returned in text if requested and all the remaining lines must have the same number of columns (column separator are assumed to be white spaces or tab characters). The number of columns of the matrix will follow the number of columns found in the file and the number of lines is fetched by detecting eof in the input file. This function can be used to read back numerical data saved with the fprintfMat (default separator used is a space).

fscanfMat supports files encoded as ANSI/ASCII and UTF-8.


fd = `mopen`_(TMPDIR + "/Mat", "w");
`mfprintf`_(fd, "Some text.....\n");
`mfprintf`_(fd, "Some text again\n");
a = `rand`_(6,6);
for i = 1:6 ,
for j = 1:6, `mfprintf`_(fd, "%5.2f ", a(i,j));end;
`mfprintf`_(fd, "\n");
a1 = fscanfMat(TMPDIR + "/Mat")

A = `ones`_(5,5) + 0.1;
`fprintfMat`_(TMPDIR + "/Matrix.txt", A, "%lg");
B = fscanfMat(TMPDIR + "/Matrix.txt", "%lg");
A == B

C = [%nan, %inf, -%inf, 1];
`fprintfMat`_(TMPDIR + "/MatrixNANINF.txt", C);
D = fscanfMat(TMPDIR + '/MatrixNANINF.txt')

See Also

  • scanf_conversion scanf, sscanf, fscanf conversion specifications
  • mclose closes an opened file
  • meof check if end of file has been reached
  • mfprintf converts, formats, and writes data to a file
  • fprintfMat writes a matrix in a file
  • mfscanf reads input from the stream pointer stream (interface to the C fscanf function)
  • fscanfMat reads a matrix from a text file
  • mget reads byte or word in a given binary format and converts to a double type
  • mgetstr reads a character string from a file
  • mopen open a file in Scilab
  • mprintf converts, formats, and writes data to the main scilab window
  • mput writes byte or word in a given binary format
  • mputstr write a character string in a file
  • mscanf
  • mseek set current position in binary file.
  • mtell binary file management
  • mdelete deletes file(s)

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