
Scilab object and list function definition

Calling Sequence



Creates a list with elements ai‘s which are arbitrary Scilab objects ( matrix, list,...). Type of list objects is 15. list() creates the empty list (0 element).

Operations on lists

:extraction [x,y,z...]=L(v) where v is a vector of indices;
[x,y,z]=L(:) extracts all the elements.
: :insertion at index i L(i)=a (note that it is not an error to use
L(i)=a with i > 1 + size(L) but some list entries are then undefined and their extraction gives raise to an error).

: :append an element in queue L($+1)=e. : :append an element in head L(0)=e. (note that after this operation

e is at index 1, the initial elements being shifted on the right).

: :deletion L(i)=null() removes the i-th element of the list L. : :concatenation of two lists L3 = lstcat(L1,L2). : :number of elements of a list you can use either nb_elm = size(L)

or nb_elm = length(L).
: :iterations with a list it is possible to use a list L with a
for loop: for e=L,...,end is a loop with length(L) iterations, the loop variable e being equal to L(i) at the i th iteration.



Scilab provides also other kinds of list, the tlist type (typed list) and the mlist type which are useful to define a new data type with operator overloading facilities (hypermatrices which are multi-dimensionnal arrays in scilab are in fact mlist).

Matlab struct are also available.


l = list(1,["a" "b"])
l(0) = "foo"
l($+1) = "hello"
l(2) = "toto"
l(3) = `rand`_(1,2)
l(3) = `null`_()
lbis = list("gewurtz", "caipirina" ,"debug")
lter = `lstcat`_(l,lbis)
`size`_(lter) - `size`_(lbis) - `size`_(l)  // must be zero

See Also

  • null delete an element in a list
  • lstcat list concatenation
  • tlist Scilab object and typed list definition.
  • mlist Scilab object, matrix oriented typed list definition.
  • insertion partial variable assignation or modification
  • extraction matrix and list entry extraction
  • size size of objects
  • length length of object

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