size of objects
sz = size(x)
[n1, n2] = size(x)
[n1, n2, n3, ...] = size(x)
n = size(x, sel)
:x a 2-D or n-D array of any type or a list : :sz 1 by `ndims(x)`_ integer vector. : :sel a positive scalar with integer value or one of the character
strings ‘r’, ‘c’ or ‘*’
: :n1, n2, ... numbers with integer values : :n a number with integer value :
:Applied to : an array or n-D array (constant, polynomial, string, boolean, rational)
sz = size(x) returns a 1-by- ndims(x) vector. Each entry gives the corresponding dimension value.
[n1, n2, ...] = size(x), the function returns in each argument the corresponding dimension value.
The syntax n = size(x, sel) may be used to specify what dimension to get:
- Set sel to 1 or ‘r’ to get the number of rows.
- Set sel to 2 or ‘c’ to get the number of columns.
- Set sel to m, where m is a positive integer to get the m`th dimension. If `m is greater than ndims(x), then size(x,m) returns 1.
- Set sel to ‘*’ to get the product of the dimensions.
[n, m] = size(`rand`_(3, 2))
[n, m] = size(['a', 'b'; 'c', 'd'])
x = `ssrand`_(3, 2, 4);
[ny, nu] = size(x)
[ny, nu] = size(`ss2tf`_(x))
[ny, nu, nx] = size(x)
// Returns the number of rows
n = size(`rand`_(3, 2), "r")
// Returns the number of columns
m = size(`rand`_(3, 2), "c")
// Returns the product of the dimensions
nm = size(`rand`_(3, 2), "*")