
extraction of sparse LU factors

Calling Sequence



:hand handle, output of lufact : :P sparse permutation matrix : :L sparse matrix, lower triangular if hand is obtained from a non

singular matrix
: :U square non singular upper triangular sparse matrix with ones
along the main diagonal

: :Q sparse permutation matrix :


[P,L,U,Q]=luget(hand) with hand obtained by the command [hand,rk]=lufact(A) with A a sparse matrix returns four sparse matrices such that P*L*U*Q=A.

The A matrix needs not be full rank but must be square (since A is assumed sparse one may add zeros if necessary to squaring down A).

If A is singular, the L matrix is column compressed (with rk independent nonzero columns): the nonsingular sparse matrix Q’*inv(U) column compresses A.


`full`_(L), P*L*U*Q-A

See Also

  • sparse sparse matrix definition
  • lusolve sparse linear system solver
  • luget extraction of sparse LU factors
  • clean cleans matrices (round to zero small entries)

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