Rubberband box for rectangle selection
[final_rect,btn]=rubberbox(initial_rect, edition_mode)
: :final_rect a rectangle defined by [x_min, y_max, width, height] : :btn an integer, the number of the mouse button clicked :
rubberbox(initial_rect) tracks a rubberband box in the current graphic window, following the mouse. When a button is clicked rubberbox returns the final rectangles definition in final_Rect. If the argument initial_rect is not specified, a click is needed to fix the initial corner position.
a = `gca`_();
db = a.data_bounds;
x0 = (db(1)*2+db(2))/3;
dx = (db(2)-db(1))/3;
y0 = (db(3)+db(4)*2)/3;
dy = (db(4)-db(3))/3;
`disp`_(`gettext`_("With an initial starting corner:"))
r = rubberbox([x0 y0])
`disp`_(`gettext`_("With an initial box:"))
r = rubberbox([x0-dx/4 y0+dy/5 2*dx dy])
`disp`_(`gettext`_("In press -- drag -- release mode selection:"))
r = rubberbox(%t)
`disp`_(`gettext`_("In starting click -- drag -- stopping click mode selection:"))
r = rubberbox()