
get the mouse events and current position

Calling Sequence

[rep [,win]]=xgetmouse([sel])


:sel boolean vector [getmotion, getrelease]. default value is `[%t,

: :rep vector of size 3, [x,y,ibutton]. : :win number of the figure where the event occurred. :


If the mouse pointer is located in the current graphics window, xgetmouse returns in rep the current pointer position (x,y) and the value ibutton. The ibutton value indicates the event type:

:ibutton==0 Left mouse button has been pressed : :ibutton==1 Middle mouse button has been pressed : :ibutton==2 Right mouse button has been pressed : :ibutton==3 Left mouse button has been clicked : :ibutton==4 Middle mouse button has been clicked : :ibutton==5 Right mouse button has been clicked : :ibutton==10 Left mouse button has been double-clicked : :ibutton==11 Middle mouse button has been double-clicked : :ibutton==12 Right mouse button has been double-clicked : :ibutton==-5 Left mouse button has been released : :ibutton==-4 Middle mouse button has been released : :ibutton==-3 Right mouse button has been released : :ibutton==-1 pointer has moved : :ibutton > =32 key with ascii code ascii(ibutton) has been pressed : :ibutton < =-32 key with ascii code ascii(-ibutton) has been

: :ibutton > =1000+32 key with ascii code ascii(ibutton-1000) has been
pressed while CTRL key pressed

: :ibutton==-1000 graphic window has been closed :

WARNING: In previous versions of Scilab (<5.0), the user could give a flag to precise if the mouse click event queue had to be cleared when entering xgetmouse. This option has been removed in Scilab 5.1.


//  rectangle selection
`clf`_();  // erase/create window
a=`gca`_();a.data_bounds=[0 0;100 100];//set user coordinates
`xtitle`_(" drawing a rectangle ") //add a title
`show_window`_(); //put the window on the top

[b,xc,yc]=`xclick`_(); //get a point
`xrect`_(xc,yc,0,0) //draw a rectangle entity
r=`gce`_();// the handle of the rectangle

while rep(3)==-1 do // mouse just moving ...
  r.data=[ox,oy,w,h]; //change the retangle origin, width a height

See Also

  • locate mouse selection of a set of points
  • xclick Wait for a mouse click or an event in a graphic window.
  • seteventhandler set an event handler for the current graphic window

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