
set an event handler for the current graphic window

Calling Sequence



:sfun_name a character string. The name of the Scilab function which
is intended to handle the events



The function allows the user to set a particular event handler for the current graphic window. seteventhandler(‘’) removes the handler.

For more information about event handler functions see the event handler functions help.


function my_eventhandler(win, x, y, ibut)
  if ibut==-1000 then return,end
  `xinfo`_(`msprintf`_('Event code %d at mouse position is (%f,%f)',ibut,x,y))

//   -  move the mouse over the graphic window
//   -  press and release keys shifted or not with Ctrl pressed or not
//   -  press button, wait a little release
//   -  press and release button
//   -  double-click button

seteventhandler('') //suppress the event handler

See Also

  • addmenu interactive button or menu definition
  • xgetmouse get the mouse events and current position
  • xclick Wait for a mouse click or an event in a graphic window.
  • xchange transform real to pixel coordinates
  • event handler functions Prototype of functions which may be used as event handler.
  • figure_properties description of the graphics figure entity properties

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