Online help management
- add_help_chapter Add an entry in the help list
- apropos searches keywords in Scilab help
- del_help_chapter Delete an entry in the help list
- help on-line help command
- help_from_sci Generate help files and demo files from the head
comments section of a .sci source file.
- help_skeleton build the skeleton of the xml help file associated
to a Scilab function
- how_to_link_toolbox_help How to make hyperlink in toolbox help
pointing to Scilab’s items
- man on line help XML file description format
- manedit editing a manual item
- percenthelps Variable defining the path of help directories
- xmltochm converts xml Scilab help files to Microsoft Compressed
HTML format (Windows)
- xmltohtml converts xml Scilab help files to HTML format
- xmltojar converts xml Scilab help files to javaHelp format
- xmltopdf converts xml Scilab help files to pdf format
- xmltops converts xml Scilab help files to postscript format