
Find node in Tree

Calling Sequence

nodeList = uiFindNode(tree, node)
nodeList = uiFindNode(tree, position)
nodeList = uiFindNode(tree, property, value)

Input parameters

:tree Tree in which we find the node : :node the node we find : :position a string, which is the position of the node we find in the

: :property a string, which finds node(s) by properties (label, icon
or callback)

: :value a string, which is the value of the property :

Output parameters

:nodeList a list of matching node(s) :


Finds node(s) in a tree.


// We should create nodes(subTrees) before creating trees
leaf11 = `uiCreateNode`_('leaf 1.1', 'iconLeaf1.1', 'callbackLeaf1.1')
leaf12 = `uiCreateNode`_('leaf 1.2', 'iconLeaf1.2', 'callbackLeaf1.2')
leaf31 = `uiCreateNode`_('leaf 3.1', 'iconLeaf3.1', 'callbackLeaf3.1')
leaf32 = `uiCreateNode`_('leaf 3.2', 'iconLeaf3.2', 'callbackLeaf3.2')
node1 = `uiCreateNode`_('Node 1', 'iconNode1', 'callbackNode1')
node2 = `uiCreateNode`_('Node 2', 'iconNode2', 'callbackNode2')
node3 = `uiCreateNode`_('Node 3', 'iconNode3', 'callbackNode3')
root = `uiCreateNode`_('Root', 'iconRoot', 'callbackRoot')

treeNode1 = `uiCreateTree`_(node1, leaf11, leaf12)
treeNode3 = `uiCreateTree`_(node3, leaf31, leaf32)
treeRoot = `uiCreateTree`_(root, treeNode1, node2, treeNode3)

// Creation of a node
myNode = `uiCreateNode`_('Node 2', 'iconNode2', 'callbackNode2')

// Find if treeRoot contains myNode
result = uiFindNode(treeRoot, myNode)
//will return 'result = list(node1)'

// Find node at position '1.1'
result = uiFindNode(treeRoot, '3.1')
//will return 'result = list(leaf31)'

// Find node where 'text' equals 'Node 2'
result = uiFindNode(treeRoot, 'label', 'Node 2')
//will return 'result = list(node2)'

See Also

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