
Create a menu or a submenu in a figure

Calling Sequence

h=uimenu([prop1,val1] [,prop2, val2] ...)
h=uimenu(parent,[prop1, val1] [,prop2, val2] ...)


:parent integer Handle of menu’s parent : :prop{1, 2 ...} string character name of a property to set up : :val{1, 2 ...} scilab object value to affect to the corresponding


: :h integer handle of the corresponding menu :


This allows to create menus in a figure. If parent is a figure, then the menu item will be added to the menu bar of the figure. If parent is a menu item , then the new item will be added to the parent item, allowing to create cascaded submenu. To create a customized menu, you can use the properties listed below:


:Callback String Instruction evaluated by the Scilab interpreter when
the menu is activated. Under MacOSX, the callback will not be executed for a “button menu” (a menu without children), you must specify at least a child.
: :Enable {on} | off Enable or disable the menu. If this property is
set to “on” (default), the menu is operational, but if this property is set to “off”, the menu will not respond to the mouse actions and will be grayed out.

: :Checked on | {off} Item check indicator. Setting this property to “on” the first time displays a checkbox in head of the item’s label, and then checks it. Setting “off” keeps the checkbox and unchecks it. This property can be used to display items indicating the state of particular options. Remarks:

  • There is no way to remove the checkbox after its creation, but deleting the item.
  • By default, no interactive checking or unchecking is possible. Such interactions can be implemented through the Callback property.
  • This property is ignored for parent menus.
: :ForegroundColor [1,3] real vector or string Foreground color of the
uimenu (font color). A color is specified as Red, Green and Blue values. Those values are real in [0,1]. The color can be given as a real vector, ie [R,G,B] or a string where each value is separated by a “|”, ie “R|G|B”.
: :Label String. This property represents the text appearing in the
menu. If the text is enclosed between two $ (dollar sign), then it will be considered as a LaTeX expression, and if it is enclosed between < and >, it will be considered as a MathML one.
: :Tag String This property is generally used to identify the menu. It
allows to give it a “name”. Mainly used in conjunction with findobj().
: :Visible {on} | off Set the visibility of the uimenu. If this
property is set to “on” (default), the uimenu is visible, but if this property is set to “off”, the uimenu will not appear in its parent figure.



f=`figure`_('position', [10 10 300 200]);
// create a figure
m=uimenu(f,'label', 'windows');
// create an item on the menu bar
m1=uimenu(m,'label', 'operations');
m2=uimenu(m,'label', 'quit scilab', 'callback', "exit");
//create two items in the menu "windows"
m11=uimenu(m1,'label', 'new window', 'callback',"show_window()");
m12=uimenu(m1,'label', 'clear  window', 'callback',"clf()");
// create a submenu to the item "operations"
// close the figure

Menus or menuitem can have a LaTeX or a MathML label

mlatex=uimenu(f,'label', '$\LaTeX$');
ml1=uimenu(mlatex,'label', '$\int_0^\infty\mathrm{e}^{-x^2}\,dx$');
ml2=uimenu(mlatex,'label', '$\frac\sqrt{\pi}2$');
mmathml=uimenu(f,'label', 'MathML');
mm1=uimenu(mmathml,'label', '<msup><mn>x</mn><mi>2</mi></msup>');
mm2=uimenu(mmathml,'label', '<mrow><msup><mn>a</mn><mi>2</mi></msup><mo>+</mo><msup><mn>b</mn><mi>2</mi></msup><mo>=</mo><msup><mn>c</mn><mi>2</mi></msup></mrow>');

See Also

  • figure create a figure
  • uicontrol create a Graphic User Interface object
  • uicontextmenu Creates a context menu
  • set set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
  • get Retrieve a property value from a graphics entity or an User Interface object.
  • LaTeX and MathML Display mathematical equations in Scilab graphics through the LaTeX or MathML languages.

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