
utility function used with umf_lufact

Calling Sequence

umf_ludel(LU_ptr) or umf_ludel()


:LU_ptr a pointer to a handle of umf lu factors (L,U,p,q,R) :


This function must be used in conjunction with umf_lufact and umf_lusolve. It clears the internal memory space used to store the LU factors (got with umf_lufact). Use without argument it frees the memory for all the current scilab umfpack LU factors.


see the example section of umf_lufact

See Also

  • umfpack solve sparse linear system
  • umf_lufact lu factorisation of a sparse matrix
  • umf_lusolve solve a linear sparse system given the LU factors
  • umf_luget retrieve lu factors at the scilab level
  • umf_luinfo get information on LU factors

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