solve sparse linear system
x = umfpack(A,"\",b)
x = umfpack(b,"/",A)
:A a sparse (real or complex) square matrix n x n : :b in the first case, a column vector (n x 1) or a n x m matrix ; in
the second case, a row vector (1 x n) or a m x n matrix
: :2d arg string specifier “” or “/” :
This function is intended to work like the classic operators and / x = Ab and x = b/A) i.e. it solves a linear system Ax = b or xA = b with a sparse square (says n x n) real or complex matrix and with a compatible rhs b : n x m in the first case and m x n in the second.
First an LU factorisation of the matrix is computed ( P R^(-1) A Q = LU where P and Q are permutation matrices, R is a diagonal matrix (row scaling), L a lower triangular matrix with a diagonal of 1, and U an upper triangular matrix) then a first solution is computed with forward/backward subtitutions ; finaly the solution is improved by iterative refinement.
// this is the small linear test system from UMFPACK
// whom solution must be [1;2;3;4;5]
A = `sparse`_( [ 2 3 0 0 0;
3 0 4 0 6;
0 -1 -3 2 0;
0 0 1 0 0;
0 4 2 0 1] );
b = [8 ; 45; -3; 3; 19];
x = umfpack(A,"\",b)
// test the other form x A = b
b = [8 20 13 6 17];
x = umfpack(b,"/",A) // solution must be [1 2 3 4 5]
// test multiple rhs
b = `rand`_(5,3);
x = umfpack(A,"\",b)
`norm`_(A*x - b)
// test multiple rhs for x A = b
b = `rand`_(3,5);
x = umfpack(b,"/",A)
`norm`_(x*A - b)
// solve a complex system
A = `sparse`_( [ 2+%i 3+2*%i 0 0 0;
3-%i 0 4+%i 0 6-3*%i;
0 -1+%i -3+6*%i 2-%i 0;
0 0 1-5*%i 0 0;
0 4 2-%i 0 1] );
b = [ 3+13*%i ; 58+32*%i ; -19+13*%i ; 18-12*%i ; 22+16*%i ];
x = umfpack(A,"\",b) // x must be [1+i; 2+2i; 3+3i; 4 + 4i; 5+5i]
// A benchmark of several linear solvers
[A,descr,ref,mtype] = `ReadHBSparse`_(SCI+"/modules/umfpack/examples/bcsstk24.rsa");
b = 0*`ones`_(`size`_(A,1),1);
res = umfpack(A,'\',b);
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with umfpack: %.3f\n',`toc`_());
res = `linsolve`_(A,b);
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with linsolve: %.3f\n',`toc`_());
res = A\b;
`mprintf`_('\ntime needed to solve the system with the backslash operator: %.3f\n',`toc`_());