
Instanciate a new Xcos palette on Scilab.

Calling Sequence

pal = xcosPal();
pal = xcosPal(name);
pal = xcosPal(scs_m);
pal = xcosPal([], scs_m);
pal = xcosPal(name, scs_m);


name:string; the optional palette name

: :scs_m: diagram mlist; the optional source diagram : :pal: palette tlist; the palette instance :


Instanciate a new palette diagram.

The optional name argument can be used to set a name to the palette. The optional scs_m argument can be used to import diagrams as palettes.



// from scratch
pal = xcosPal("My sum palette");
pal = `xcosPalAddBlock`_(pal, "SUM_f");
pal = `xcosPalAddBlock`_(pal, "BIGSOM_f");

// from an old palette
`exec`_(SCI + "/modules/scicos/palettes/Integer.cosf", -1);
pal = xcosPal(scs_m);

See also

  • xcosPal Instanciate a new Xcos palette on Scilab.
  • xcosPalAddBlock Add a block to a Scilab/Xcos palette instance. Some optional properties can be added to customize the palette icon and the style of the block.

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