Add a palette to the Scilab/Xcos palette manager. Optional property can be added to set the category of the palette.
xcosPalAdd(pal, category);
status = xcosPalAdd(pal);
status = xcosPalAdd(pal, category);
[status, msg] = xcosPalAdd(pal);
[status, msg] = xcosPalAdd(pal, category);
pal: | palette tlist or path string; the palette to add |
: :category: string array; the optional category path to use : :status: boolean; the status of the operation : :msg: string; the error message :
After setting the blocks into the palette, the user add this function to add a Scilab palette to the Xcos palette manager.
The optional category argument can be used to add the palette to a customized category path. If not specified, the root category is used.
pal = `xcosPal`_();
pal = `xcosPalAddBlock`_(pal, "SUM_f");
pal = `xcosPalAddBlock`_(pal, "BIGSOM_f");
xcosPalAdd(pal, "my Summation blocks")