Xcos editor menu entries
This section presents briefly all the menu entries of the Xcos editor. Many items are also available in pull-down menus shown by a right click when the mouse cursor is on a block, a link or in the main Xcos window.
Simulation:Setup In the main Xcos window, clicking on the Setup menu item invokes the dialog box below that allows you to change integration (simulation) parameters:
- Final integration time: integration (simulation) ends at this time, it always starts from 0
- Real time scaling: forces real time simulation by setting Xcos simulation in unit of time to 1 second.
- Absolute and relative error tolerances: solver properties.
- Time tolerance: the smallest time interval for which the ode solver is used to update continuous states.
- Max integration time interval: the maximum time interval for each call to solver.it must be reduced if the error message “Too many calls” is encountered
- Solver: select the numerical solver to be used. You have the choice between an ordinary differential equations (ODE) solver and an algebraic differential equations solver (IDA). If Xcos detects that your model requires an IDA solver, Xcos displays an information box on the automatic switching to the IDA solver.
- Max step size: maximum time step taken by the solver. This parameter is useful to search localized singularities in a monotonic system response. For this type of response, the numerical solver increase automatically the step size for decrease the calculation time. If you think that your system is in this case, decrease the value of this parameter.
- Set context: see explanation below
- Default: this button reset the simulation parameters to their factory values.
For more information on the solver look at the See Also section.
Execution Trace and Debug Set Xcos in debug mode. This item opens the following dialog box in which you can choose the debugging mode. For more information, see the command scicos_debug
Simulation:Set Context When you select this menu item you obtain this dialog: You can enter here Scilab instructions for defining the symbolic Xcos parameters used in block definitions or to do whatever you want. These instructions will be evaluated each time the diagram is loaded. If you change the value of a symbolic Xcos parameters in the context, all the blocks that contains this symbolic parameter are updated when you click on OK. By example if you want to set the value of gain of several blocks to a value which depends on a single value, you can proceed like this :
- We have three GAINBLK_f blocks, open the Set context dialog and writes the symbolic variables:
A = 1.5;
B = 2*A;
C = 3*A;
#. Then, open successively each block parameters dialog and set for
the gain value the name of required symbolic value, here *A*, *B* and
Format:Rotate (Ctrl+R) Rotate allows to turn a block on the left with an of 90°. Rotation affects all the selected blocks.
Format:Flip (Ctrl+F) To reverse the positions of the activation inputs and outputs set at the top and the bottom of a block, select a block and select the Flip menu item. This does not affect the order, nor the position of the input and output event ports which are numbered from left to right. Flipping affects all the selected blocks.
Format:Mirror (Ctrl+M) To reverse the positions of the (regular) inputs and outputs set on the left and the right of a block, select a block and select the Mirror menu item. This does not affect the order, nor the position of the input and output ports which are numbered from top to bottom. Mirroring affects all the selected blocks.
Format:Show/Hide shadow This menu allows to select 3D shape for selected blocks and associated parameters.
Format:Align Blocks When you select several blocks, it is possible to align them on horizontal axis ( Top, Bottom and Middle) or on vertical axis ( Left, Right, Center).
Format: Border Color This menu allows to change the border color of the selected blocks.
Format:Fill Color This menu allows to change the fill color of the selected blocks.
Format:Link Style This menu allows to change the style of the link. First select the link and select the appropriate menu item or use the shortcuts ( H), S, V). The following list shows the results obtained.
- Horizontal ( H)
- Straight ( S)
- Vertical ( V)
Format: Diagram background This menu allows to change the background color.
Format:Grid This menu allows to activate / deactivate the grid. With the grid, the block and link placement on the working area is more easy and you obtain a more readable diagram.
Enter search terms or a module, class or function name.