
draw strings

Calling Sequence



:x,y real vectors or scalars, coordinates of the lower-left point of
the strings.
: :str matrix of strings. Starting from Scilab 5.2, it is possible to
write LaTeX or MathML expression.
: :angle real vector or scalar, clockwise angle in degree; default is

: :box integer vector or scalar, default is 0. :


If x is a real scalar, it’s regarded as a vector with the size of y whose elements are set to x.

If y is a real scalar, it’s regarded as a vector with the size of x whose elements are set to y.

xstring draws n strings at location (x[i], y[i]) in the current graphic scale.

If str contain n elements, these n elements are the n drawed strings.

Otherwise, each row of the matrix stands for a line of text and row elements stand for words separated by a white space.

If angle is a real scalar, it’s regarded as a vector of size n whose elements are set to angle.

angle(i)`gives the slope in degree used for drawing the strings at location `(x[i], y[i]).

If box is an integer scalar, it’s regarded as a vector of size n whose elements are set to box.

If box(i) is 1 and angle(i) is 0, a box is drawn around the strings at location (x[i], y[i]).



xstring(0.5,0.5,["$\overbrace{Scilab}$" "n''est ";"pas" "$\underbrace{Matlab}$"])
// LaTeX rendering (>= Scilab 5.2)

//Other example
alphabet=["a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" ..
          "h" "i" "j" "k" "l" "m" "n" ..
          "o" "p" "q" "r" "s" "t" "u" ..
          "v" "w" "x" "y" "z"];
xstring(0.1,1.8,alphabet)     // alphabet
xstring(0.1,1.6,alphabet,0,1) // alphabet in a box
xstring(0.1,1.4,alphabet,20)  // angle
`xset`_("font",1,1)              // use symbol fonts
`xset`_("font",1,3)              // change size font
xstring(0.1,0.6,"a") //big alpha

See Also

  • titlepage add a title in the middle of a graphics window
  • xnumb draw numbers
  • xstringb draw strings into a box
  • xstringl compute a box which surrounds strings
  • xtitle add titles on a graphics window

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