1. Write a program that allows the user to do a payroll
listing on any number of employees, up to a maximum of
20, for a one week period. This program must be
written using arrays and functions. The program is to
be broken into various tasks, each task will be coded
as a function. Each function will be passed
arguments and will return a value or values back from
the function. Several arrays will be used in the
program, no array will exceed 20 elements. One array
will hold the employee numbers that are input. Other
arrays will hold the Computed Gross Pay, Computed
Federal Tax, Computed State Tax and Computed
Net Pay values. When the user indicates he/she wishes
to stop the input of employee data, the program will
display a list of employee numbers, and the
corresponding computed values, plus a total for each of
the computed values.
The following shows a sample run of the program with
user inputs in **boldface**.
> **payroll**
BOJ Payroll v2.0
Enter Employee Number : **123-45-6789**
Enter Regular Hours Worked : **40**
Enter Overtime Hours Worked : **0**
Enter Hourly Pay Rate : **15.00**
Enter Marital Status( M or S ) : **M**
Enter number of Exemptions taken(0-4) : **2**
Computed Gross Pay : $600.00
Computed Federal Tax :-$126.90
Computed State Tax :-$ 63.45
Computed Net Pay : $409.65
Do you wish to do another(Y/N)? **Y**
Enter Employee Number : **234-56-7890**
Enter Regular Hours Worked : **40**
Enter Overtime Hours Worked : **0**
Enter Hourly Pay Rate : **20.00**
Enter Marital Status( M or S ) : **S**
Enter number of Exemptions taken(0-4) : **0**
Computed Gross Pay : $800.00
Computed Federal Tax :-$217.50
Computed State Tax :-$108.00
Computed Net Pay : $474.50
Do you wish to do another(Y/N)? **N**
Employee Payroll Roster
Employee Gross Federal State Net
Number Pay Tax Tax Pay
---------- --------- --------- --------- ----------
123-45-6789 $ 600.00 $ 126.90 $ 63.45 $ 409.65
234-56-7890 $ 800.00 $ 217.50 $ 108.00 $ 474.50
--------- --------- --------- ----------
Totals $1400.00 $ 471.30 $ 171.45 $ 933.65
Employee Number is declared as a variable and
assigned a value by the user as each employee's data is
processed. Character Data.
Regular Hours Worked is declared as a variable and is
input by the user as each employee's data is processed.
Integer Data.
Overtime Hours Worked is delcared as a variable
and is input by the user as each employee's data is
processed. Integer Data.
Hourly Pay Rate is declared as a variable and is
input by the user as each employee's data is
processed. Float Data.
Marital Status is declared as a variable and is input
by the user as each employee's data is processed. Only
M or S may be input.
Exemptions is declared as a variable and is input by
the user as each employee's data is processed.
This is the number of tax exemptions the employee is
taking. In this program, the only allowable
values for exemptions is 0 thru 4. Integer Data.
Weekly Gross Pay is a computed value derived from
Regular Hours Worked multiplied by Hourly Pay Rate
plus Overtime Hours Worked multiplied by the product
of Hourly Pay Rate multiplied by 1.5.
Deductions is a computed value to indicate the
amount of tax deductions, both federal and state,
needed to be subtracted from the Adjusted Gross
Pay. Adjusted Gross Pay is computed by
taking the number of Exemptions an employee has and
multiplying that by $13.50. This amount is then
subtracted from the Weekly Gross Pay amount to give
Adjusted Gross Pay. Adjusted Gross Pay is then used to
determine the amount of federal tax owed and the amount
of state tax owed. The following indicates how to
calculate the federal and state tax amounts based on
the Adjusted Gross Pay.
For Married Employees:
Of Amount
Adjusted Gross Pay Federal State Over
------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------------
$0.00 - $100 10% 5% $50.00
$101 - $300 $20.00 + 20% $10.00 + 10% $150.00
$301 - $600 $60.00 + 30% $30.00 + 15% $350.00
$601 - $9999 $180.00 + 50% $90.00 + 25% $650.00
For Single Employees:
Of Amount
Adjusted Gross Pay Federal State Over
------------------ ---------- ----------- ---------------
$0.00 - $100 10% 5% $50.00
$101 - $300 $20.00 + 10% $10.00 + 5% $150.00
$301 - $600 $60.00 + 15% $30.00 + 8% $350.00
$601 - $9999 $180.00 + 25% $90.00 + 12% $650.00
Weekly Net Pay a computed amount showing the take
home or net pay for the employee. Weekly Net Pay is
computed by subtracting Deductions from Weekly Gross
When all employee's payroll data has been
processed, display the totals for gross pay,
deductions and net pay.
Each numeric value displayed on the screen should be
formatted using output formatting code. After the user
enters each value, rewrite it to the screen in
proper format so that all entries will be aligned
in columns.
2. You are given several functions, **calcday()**,
**leapyear()**, **julian()**, and
**gregorian()**. Using these functions in
conjunction with functions that you will write, produce
a program that accepts as input a date in the form,
**MM-DD-YYYY**, where **MM** represents the month
of the year, **DD** represents the day within
the month and **YYYY** represents the century and
After input of the date, display the date in textual
format and a calendar of the month the date falls
within. Keep prompting for dates until the user inputs
a date of all zeros, 00-00-0000, then terminate the
program. Make sure that all values input are valid.
In addition to your **main()** function, you will
write a **builddate()** function, a
**buildmonth()** function, and a
**show_date_month()** function. This program will
require a two-dimensional array be used.
The following is an example run of the program with
user input in **boldface**.
Enter a date(MM-DD-YYYY): **10-26-1990**
Friday, October 26, 1990
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Enter a date(MM-DD-YYYY): **00-00-0000**
End of program.
* Function Name : int calcday( int, int, int );
* Description : Returns day of the week for a given
* : date where 1 = Sunday ... 7 = Saturday
* : For example, 12-25-1985 returns a value
* : of 4. Christmas was on a Wednesday
* : in 1985. Arguments passed:
* : mon : the month of the date that the
* : ordinal day value is desired
* : for.
* : date : the day of the date that the
* : ordinal day value is desired
* : value is desired for.
* : yr : the year of the date that the
* : ordinal day value is desired
* : for.
calcday( int mon, int date, int yr )
int day;
if( mon <= 2 )
mon += 12;
yr -= 1;
day = ( date + mon * 2 + (mon + 1) * 6 / 10 + yr + yr / 4 -
yr / 100 + yr / 400 + 2) % 7;
if( day == 0 )
return( 7 );
return( day );
}/* end of calcday() *******************************************/
3. Write a program that will compute the quarter/semester
for all the students in a class. This program will make use of
functions and arrays.
There is a maximum of forty students in any given class. Each
student has a maximum of twelve graded items. Each student is
given four tests, four programming assignments, and four homework
The program must prompt for and read the course identifier, and
section number, the student social security number, and then the
scores the student made on each of the twelve items, these scores
are a numerical value based upon a maximum score of 100. Also,
each of the items has a different weight in computing the grade.
This weight is a percentile. The sum of the three weights must
not exceed 1.00. The weights need only be input once for a
To terminate the input of student data, input a blank social
security number.
After all the students and their grades have been input, the
program will then compute the numerical and letter grades for
each student. The grade is arrived at by the sumation of the
scores of the items in each category, then computing the average
score of each category. Using the following formula the final
numerical grade can be computed:
numerical_grade = weight_of_test * average_test_score
+ weight_of_programs * average_program_score
+ weight_of_homework *
After the **numerical_grade ** is computed then the letter grade is
determined from the following chart:
100 - 93 A
92 - 85 B
84 - 77 C
76 - 70 D
69 - 0 F
Finally, the program will produce a report showing each student's
social security number, test score average, programming score
average, homework score average, numerical grade and letter