Chapter 8 Pointers

The purpose of this chapter is to expose the student to the use of pointer data types in the C and C++ language. Pointers are the most advanced feature of the C/C++ programming language and serve to set the language apart from other languages.

8.1 What is a pointer?

A pointer provides a way of accessing a variable without referring to the variable directly. The mechanism used for this is the address of the variable. A program statement can refer to a variable indirectly using the address of the variable as a sort of post office box. A pointer is a variable that can only hold a memory address.

8.2 Why are pointers used?

Pointers can be used to:

  1. return more than one value from a function

#. pass arrays and strings more conveniently from one function to another #. manipulate arrays more easily by moving pointers to them (or to parts of them), instead of moving the arrays themselves #. create complex data structures, such as linked lists and binary trees, where one data structure must contain references to other data structures #. communicate information about memory, as in the function malloc() and the operator new, which returns the location of free memory by using a pointer #. pointer notation compiles into faster, more efficient code than,

for example, array notation

8.3 Pointer Operators

There are two operators that are uniquely associated with pointers. These are:

**&**    => retrieves the memory address of the operand

*****    => retrieves the value stored at the address
         held in the pointer

8.4 Declaring a Pointer Variable

It must be remembered that a pointer is a data type. An example of a pointer declaration would be:

char *ptr;

The above declaration should be evaluated as: ptr is a pointer to char type data. char is not the data type of ptr. ptr is an identifier of type pointer and char is a modifier that is used to indicate what type of data is at the memory address that ptr is holding. Pointers are variables that hold memory addresses. At the memory address held in a pointer is a value, this value has a data type of one of the C data types or a constructed data type. In declaring a pointer variable, the programmer is actually declaring a variable that holds a memory address that points to a specific type of data value. Pointer type variables on most machines are unsigned int type items; so the address held in a pointer must fit in an unsigned ** **int field. Depending upon the machine architecture, the size of a pointer will range from being a 16-bit field on the IBM PC class of machine, to a 64-bit field on a Cray supercomputer.

int *a;

 **a** is a pointer type variable that points to  **int**
type data

float *t;

 **t** is a pointer type variable that points to
 **float** type data

Pointers can be initialized when they are declared.

char *myname="John Doe";

int x = 10;
int *ptr =

In the above example, myname is assigned the address of where the compiler stored the string constant “John Doe”. The pointer ptr is assigned the address of the integer variable x. Pointers must hold addresses that fall within the boundaries of the program. Those addresses can be that of other variables or identifiers that are declared within the program or the addresses can be obtained from the heap or free store that is associated with the program. But a pointer must not be used until it is assigned a meaningful address. To use a pointer that has not been initialized properly will cause unpredictable results. Sometimes the program will appear to run correctly but when the program terminates the message ‘Null Pointer Assignment’ will be displayed. This message is produced by the close- out routine of the program telling the programmer that the program is using an uninitialized pointer. In other cases, the use of an uninitialized pointer will result in a “Bus Error” or a “Memory Fault” runtime error. No matter what the result, the use of an uninitialized pointer is extremely dangerous, on PC type systems especially, and difficult to track down.

8.5 Pointers and Passing Arguments

Functions usually return only one value and when arguments are passed by value, the called function cannot alter the values passed and have those changes reflected in the calling function. Pointers allow the programmer to “return” more than one value by allowing the arguments to be passed by reference which allows the function to alter the values pointed to and thus “return” more than one value from a function.

Listing 8-1

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x = 4, y = 10;

     printf("X=%d  Y=%d",x,y);
     return 0;

int swap(int a,int b)
int temp;

     temp = a;
     a = b;
     b = temp;

The result of running the above example would be:

X=4  Y=10

The result prints the original values stored in x and y. The variables a, b, and temp are local to swap() and their values have no effect on the original variables. With the use of pointers and passing by reference, the function can affect the original variables and thus return more than the single value allowed thru the return statement.

Listing 8-2

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x = 4, y = 10;

     swap( ,  );
     printf("X=%d  Y=%d",x,y);
     return 0;

int swap(int *a, int *b)
int temp;
     temp = *a;
     *a = *b;
     *b = temp;

The result of running the above example would be:

X=10  Y=4

The values have been exchanged by the function swap(). Within the main() function the & operator causes the address of arguments x and y to be passed in the call to swap(). In the swap() function header, the addresses being passed from the calling function are received in pointer type variables ( int ** ***a, int *b). Within the swap() function body, the * operator is used to retrieve values held at the addresses that were passed. The following example attempts to demonstrate how identifiers or variables are assigned locations in memory and how values are stored in those locations. All addressing in the following example is assumed to be on a 16-bit machine.

Fig 8-1:

                              variable  memory    value
                              name      address
int main()
void swap( int *, int *);
     x = 4                    x         2000      4
     ,y = 10                  y         2002      10
     /* pass addresses */
     swap( ,  );
     return 0;

swap(int *a, int *b)          a         3000      2000
                              b         3002      2002
int temp;                     temp      4000      0

     temp = *a;               temp      4000      4
     *a = *b;                 *a        3000      10
     *b = temp;               *b        3002      4

In the above code, the addresses of x and y are passed to the function swap(). The arguments of the swap() function, int *a and int *b are pointers to integer type data. These pointers receive the addresses of x and y respectively that are passed in the call to swap(). Within the function swap(), a local variable temp is declared. The pointer a is dereferenced, meaning that the value at the address held in a is retrieved. This value is stored into temp. Then the value at the address held in b is retrieved and assigned to the value at the address held in a, thus exchanging values. The final statement in the function completes the exchange of values. Notice that the function does not return a value because of the void return type.

8.6 Pointers Without Functions

When the swap() function is called with the statement swap(,); the addresses of x and y are the values that are passed to the function and those values are assigned to the pointer type variables a and b. This is an automatic process of placing addresses into pointers. Without using a function call pointers must be assigned explicitly the address they are to hold.

Listing 8-3

#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio>
int main()
char myname[30];
char *ptr;

     ptr = myname;
     cout << "\nEnter your name: ";
     gets( ptr );
     cout << "\nHello " << myname
          << " welcome to C++!" << endl;
     return 0;


The above example uses a pointer to hold the address of the array myname. The name of an array is a constant that represents the beginning address of the array. Therefore, by using the name of the array, the address of myname is stored into ptr. There is no need to use the &, address of, operator to obtain the address although the following two statements are equivalent.

ptr = myname;         or        ptr = [0];

Both statements store the beginning address of myname into ptr.

8.7 Pointers and Arrays

Array notation is a form of pointer notation. The name of an array is the beginning address of the array. The array name is referred to as a ‘pointer constant’. An array can be subscripted to get to individual cells of data. With the name of the array actually being a constant that represents a memory address, the name of the array can be used as a pointer and an integer value can be used to represent an offset from the base. This alternate method can be used to get to individual cells of an array.

Listing 8-4A

// // example A - using normal array notation // #include <iostream.h>

int main() { int nums[]={10,20,30,40,50}; int indx; for(indx = 0; indx < 5; ++indx) cout << “n” << nums[indx]; return 0; }

Listing 8-4B

// // example B - using array name as pointer holding base // address and using integer variable as offset // #include <iostream.h> int main() { int nums[]={10,20,30,40,50}; int indx;

for(indx = 0; indx < 5; ++indx)
cout << “n” << *(nums+indx);

return 0;


In Listing 8-4b, the integer identifier indx is added to the base address of the array. The C compiler computes the resulting address that will be accessed by taking the value held in indx multiplied by the length in bytes of a unit of nums and adds the proper offset to nums to give the correct memory address.

Listing 8-5

#include <iostream.h>
int main()
char name[]="John Smith";
char *ptr;

     ptr = name;    // load address of name
                    // in the pointer
     while(*ptr)    // while the character
                    // being pointed to is
                    // non-zero
          cout << *ptr; // place character
                       // on screen
          ++ptr;       // increment address
                       // held in pointer
     return 0;

8.8 Strings Initialized as Pointers

Strings or arrays of characters that are terminated with a null byte can be initialized when they are declared. A pointer can be substituted for a character array.

Listing 8-6

#include <iostream.h>
int main()
char *msg = "Hello ";
char name[30];

     cout << "\nEnter you name:";
     cout << "\n" << msg << "\t" << name << endl;
     return 0;

The above example has a pointer, msg, that is initialized to hold the address of a string, “Hello”. The compiler will process this statement by assigning the null terminated string a storage location in memory and placing the beginning address of that storage area into the pointer msg. Either the pointer, msg, or the array, name, can be used to access individual bytes of the null terminated array or to print the entire string.

8.9 Arrays of Pointers

Arrays of pointers are analogous to two dimensional arrays. An array of pointers allows for the association of groups of strings, each item of the group can be of a different length. If a two dimensional array were used to store a list of strings that were to be used as a menu there would be some wasted or unused space within the two dimensional array.

Listing 8-7

//    MENUTEST.C - sample program showing a menu display
//    function
#include <iostream.h>

#define   MENUWIDTH 20

char MainMenu[][MENUWIDTH] = {"Add an Item"
                             ,"Edit an Item"
                             ,"Delete an Item"
                             ,"List Items"

int main()
int which, limit;
int showmenu( char [][MENUWIDTH], int, char [] );
     //    control loop for program
          which = showmenu( MainMenu
                          , sizeof(MainMenu)/MENUWIDTH
                          , "Main Menu"
          switch( which )
               case 0:
               case 1:
               case 2:
               case 3:
                    cout << "\n Selected: "
                         << which << ": "
                         << MainMenu[which]
               case 4:
                    cout << "\nInvalid Entry - Try Again!"
                         << endl;
     } while( which != 4 );
     return 0;

int showmenu( char menu[][MENUWIDTH]
            , int numelements
            , char title[]
int i, item;
     //    show menu title
     cout << "\n\t" << title;
     //    loop to show menu
     for( i = 0; i < numelements; ++i )
          cout << "\n" << i <<": "
               << menu[i];
     //   prompt for selection
     cout << "\n\tEnter Selection: ";
     cin >> item;
     return( item  );

Notice in the above example that the function showmenu() must be passed not only the array of strings to display, but how many strings there are. If an array of pointers is used instead of a two dimensional array, the function showmenu() becomes much simpler.

Listing 8-8

//    MENUTST1.C - sample program showing a menu display
//    function
#include <iostream.h>

int main()
//   menu is now an array of pointers to char data
char *mainmenu[] = {"Add an Item"
                   ,"Edit an Item"
                   ,"Delete an Item"
                   ,"List Items"

int which, limit;
int showmenu( char *[], char [] );
     //    control loop for program
          which = showmenu( mainmenu, "Main Menu" );
          switch( which )
               case 0:
               case 1:
               case 2:
               case 3:
                    cout << "\n Selected: "
                         << which << ": "
                         << mainmenu[which]
               case 4:
                    cout << "\nInvalid Entry - Try Again!"
                         << endl;
     } while( which != 4 );
     return 0;

int showmenu( char *menu[], char title[] )
int i, item;
     //    show menu title
     cout << "\n\t" << title;
     //    loop to show menu
     for( i = 0; menu[i]; ++i )
          cout << "\n" << i <<": "
               << menu[i];
     //   prompt for selection
     cout << "\n\tEnter Selection: ";
     cin >> item;
     return( item  );

Notice in the above example that the array of pointers mainmenu is initialized with the strings comprising the menu items, and the last initial value is NULL. The use of NULL places an address of all zeros to mark the end of the list of menu items. With the use of NULL as a sentinel marking the end of list, there is no need to pass the number of items in the menu.

8.10 Lvalue and Rvalue

All assignment statements in the C language have two components: lvalue and rvalue. These terms are important when any assignment statement is made, such as:

A1 = A2

where A1 is the lvalue or left side value because it appears on the left side of the expression. While A2 can be considered an rvalue. A1, and all lvalues, must refer to a data item whose value can be changed. The statement

2 = x;

is incorrect because the value of 2 cannot be changed, it is a constant, and constants cannot be lvalues. Variable names are always lvalues, except when that variable name is the name of an array, because array names are “pointer constants”. An array name can be associated with an operator which will allow a value to be assigned to an array element. Therefore, if an array is declared as follows

int x[10];

and the following statement is then issued

x = 10;

the compiler will issue an error message that mentions that the above statement has an “illegal lvalue”. The reason being that x is the name of an array. But if the following statement were to be issued

x[1] = 10;

it will compile correctly. The [] operator is used by the compiler to set the first array element to a value of 10. The operator [] can be used with an array name and still yield an lvalue.

8.11 Pointers to Functions

C and C++ compilers will support pointers to functions. This mechanism can be very useful in reducing the number of statements needed to determine which function to call in a given situation, and to give flexibility so that a any of a number of functions could be called through one statement. Pointers to functions allow the function to be referenced indirectly, just as a pointer to a data item allows the data item to be referenced indirectly. For a program to make use of a pointer to a function, the function to be pointed to must first be prototyped. The prototype will establish the address of the function for the compiler. For example

int afunction( char *, int, float );

Then a pointer to a function must be declared. To declare the pointer to the function, parentheses must be used to form the correct associations

int (*pfunc)( char *, int, float );

The above declaration can be read by using the order of precedence of operators. Always go to the identifier first and then move left or right depending on the order of precedence surrounding the identifier. By applying this rule, the above statement is read as

 **pfunc** is a pointer,  *****, to a function,  **()**, that is passed a
pointer to a  **char**, an  **int**, and a  **float** and that returns an

Notice that the pointer to the function must be declared in such a way that the declaration states the exact same argument types, and number of arguments as the function being pointed to, and the return type must also match the function being pointed at. To assign a pointer to a specific function, simply state the name of the prototyped function, without the parentheses and argument list.

pfunc = afunction;

Writing a function name without parentheses is treated the same as writing an array name without a subscript; the name of the function becomes a pointer constant which is the beginning address of the function. The program can call the function indirectly thru the pointer and pass the arguments needed

char name[30];
int result, age;
float salary;

     result = (*pfunc)(name, age, salary);

A common use for pointers to functions is in passing them as arguments to other functions. The standard library function qsort() requires that the name of a function to do comparsions be passed as an argument.

Listing 8-9

//   QSORTEX.C - demonstrate the use of a pointer to a
//   function in the call to the qsort() function
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define  MAXSTRING      30
//   array to be sorted
char names[][MAXSTRING] = {"Snider"
//   prototype of comparison function to be called by qsort()
int cmpNames( const void *, const void * );

int main()
int i;
size_t numOfNames = sizeof( names ) / MAXSTRING;
     //    print a list of names before the sort
     cout << "\nBefore Sort: there are "
          << numOfNames << " names in the list."
     for(i = 0; i < numOfNames; ++i )
          cout << "\n\t" << names[i];
     //    sort the list of names
     qsort( names        /* array of items to be sorted */
          , numOfNames   /* number of items to sort */
          , (size_t)MAXSTRING /* width of each item */
          , cmpNames     /* address of compare function */
     //    print the sorted list of names
     cout << "\nAfter Sort: there are "
          << numOfNames << " names in the list."
     for(i = 0; i < numOfNames; ++i )
          cout << "\n\t" <<  names[i] ;
     cout << endl;
     return 0;

 int cmpNames( const void *name1, const void *name2 )
     return strcmp( (char *)name1, (char *)name2 );

8.12 Arrays of Pointers to Functions

An array of pointers to functions can be declared as follows:

int ( *cmd [10] ) () ;

The above is an array of pointers to functions. Each element of the array holds an address of a unique function. In order to the addresses of functions into this array, first prototype all functions that will be in the array, then assign then to the array elements. All of the functions must be passed the same number and type of arguments, and all the functions must return the same type of value.

int func0(), func1(), func3(),
    func4(), func5(), func6(),
    func7(), func8(), func9();

int ( *cmd[] ) () =
                    {func0, func1, func2, func3,
                    func4, func5, func6, func7,
                    func8, func9 };

To call one of the functions in the array, the following is needed


If index has the value 3, then func3 is called. This mechanism is commonly called a dispatch table or jump table and is used frequently in the keyboard mapping for text editors and word processors. To build a dispatch table or jump table, the programmer must use structures to accomplish the task. First, create a composed data type

struct tagCOMMAND
     char *name;
     int (*func)();

this will establishe the template for a new data type, COMMAND. Next, prototype all functions that are to be called through the dispatch table. The declare an array variable of the above COMMAND type and initialze the array with a command to be scanned for and the associated function to execute when that command is encountered. Assume that the following declarations are made in a program

     add_entry( char *, int )
     ,edit_entry( char *, int )
     ,delete_entry( char *, int )
     ,print_entry( char *, int )
     ,quit( char *, int )

     dispatch[] = {
                    { "add",    add_entry },
                    { "edit",   edit_entry },
                    { "delete", delete_entry },
                    { "print",  print_entry },
                    { "quit",   quit }

Further assume that a command was read from the terminal into the variable char cmd[7];. The following code scans for a match on the command and executes the associated function. All functions in the dispatch table must have the same type of return value and have the same number and type of arguments to be passed, even if one or more of the functions does not actually require any of the arguments or one of more functions actually will not return any value.

#define INVALID     -1
#define MAXCMDS     5

int find_cmd( char *cmd )
int indx, result = INVALID;

     for(indx = 0; indx < MAXCMDS; ++indx)
               result = (*dispatch[indx].function)( x, y );

A linear search of the array of commands is performed and when a match is made, a call is executed to the associated function. If the command list is long, the commands could have been placed in sorted order and a binary search could have been performed.

8.13 Pointers to Pointers

Pointers can be declared that point to other pointers. In fact, there is no limit to levels of indirection for a pointer type variable. There is a limit to what a programmer can understand and therefore what is maintainable. It is not uncommon to see a pointer to a pointer type variable.

char **ptr;

The above declaration says that ptr is a pointer to a pointer to char type data. Pointers to pointers are used to dynamically allocate and thus manage space that will hold a list of items. At compile time the programmer does not know the number of items in the list nor does the programmer know the length of each item. Pointers to pointers are another way of expressing that an array of pointers is being used. In the chapter on functions, there was a discussion of how the main function receives command line arguments. The sample program that was given was:

Listing 8-10

#include <iostream.h>
int main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] )
int indx;

    cout << "\nNumber of arguments is " << argc;
    for( indx = 0; indx < argc; ++indx )
         cout << "\nARGV[ " << indx << "]= " << argv[indx];
    for( indx = 0; envp[indx]; ++indx )
         cout << "\nENVP[ " << indx << "]= " << envp[indx];
    return 0;

The arguments passed to main() that are of type char * [] can also be typed as **char ** ** so that the program would appear as follows:

Listing 8-11

#include <iostream.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv, char **envp )
int indx;

    cout << "\nNumber of arguments is " << argc;
    for( indx = 0; indx < argc; ++indx )
         cout << "\nARGV[ " << indx << "]= " << argv[indx];
    for( indx = 0; envp[indx]; ++indx )
         cout << "\nENVP[ " << indx << "]= " << envp[indx];
    return 0;

Nothing else in the program would have to be changed, as a pointer to a pointer has the same usage as an array of pointers. But, if pointer notation were to be used then the program would appear as follows:

Listing 8-12

#include <iostream.h>
int main( int argc, char **argv, char **envp )
int indx;

    cout << "\nNumber of arguments is " << argc;
    for( indx = 0; indx < argc; ++indx, ++argv )
         cout << "\nARGV = " << unsigned(argv);
         cout << "\t*ARGV = " << unsigned(*argv)
              << "\t: " << *argv;

    for( indx = 0; *envp; ++indx, ++envp )
         cout << "\nENVP = " << unsigned(envp);
         cout << "\t*ENVP = " << unsigned(*envp)
              << "\t: " << *envp;

    return 0;

The deferencing of pointers to pointers requires some thought. In Listing 8-12, argv holds the address of an array of addresses. Each address in the array is the address of where a string of characters is stored. The following will help to demonstrate.

argv      -    A pointer holding the beginning address of
               where a list of addresses is stored.

*argv     -    A pointer holding the address of where an
               array of characters with a NULL byte is

**argv    -    A character within an array of characters.

8.14 const, volatile and Pointers

It is possible to create a const pointer, a pointer to a const variable, a volatile pointer and a pointer to a volative variable.

const int x = 5;
int const *ptrX =

Here ptrX is a pointer to a const, not a const that also happens to ba a pointer. The const keyword modifies the item that is to the immediate right, which is the *, not ptrX. If the code had been as follows:

int y = 10;
int *const ptrY =

The const keyword in the above code would have modified ptrY, not the * and a const pinter to an integer would have been created. The pointer is constant, not the item being pointed to. If a pointer points at a const variable then the variable cannot be modified through that pointer. The pointer, which is not a const, can be modified. The pointer can be changed to point at a variable that is not const. If a pointer is defined as being a const pointer, then the pointer can never be modified but the memory to which it refers can be changed. In the above paragraphs, the keyword volatile can be substituted for wherever the word const is used. The syntax rules for using volatile are the same as those for const. The following program demostrates both correct and incorrect uses of const.

Listing 8-13

#include <iostream.h>

int const X = 1;   // X is a const

const int Y = 2;
const int *ptrY =    // ptrY is a pointer to a const int

const int Z = 3;
int const *ptrZ =    // ptrZ is also a pointer to const int

int W= 4;
int *const ptrW =    // const pointer to int

int T = 5;              // an integer

const int *const ptrT;  // uninitialized const pointer to const
                        // int

int main()
    X = 10;        // ERROR - cannot modify a const
    *ptrY = 11;    // ERROR - cannot modify a const through a
                   // pointer
    ptrY =      // OKAY - ptrY itself is not const
    *ptrZ = 12;    // ERROR - cannot modify a const through
                   // a pointer
    ptrZ =      // OKAY - ptrZ itself is not const
    *ptrW = 13;    // OKAY - ptrW does not point to a const
    ptrW =      // ERROR - cannot modify ptrW, it is a const
    ptrT =      // ERROR - cannot modify ptrT, it is a const

    return 0;

8.15 Pointers and Memory Addresses

Dynamic memory allocation is the ability to acquire blocks of memory for use by a program, while the program is executing, and then release those blocks back for use by some other task. In the C and C++ language, pointers can be used to hold the memory address of dynamically allocated areas of memory. Sometimes a program will not know the amount of data that needs to be stored until the program is actually executing, in those cases the program can request that memory be allocated for use by the program from the dynamic memory pool or more commonly the “heap”. In C++, the “heap” is now referred to as the “free store”. In C, there are four functions available for heap allocation and deallocation. In C++, the process has been simplified and only two functions are needed (of course the C functions can be used from C++). The C functions are:

void *malloc( size_t size );
void *calloc( size_t nitems, size_t size );
void *realloc( void *block, size_t size );
void *free( void *block );

Notice that each function above returns a pointer to void type data. In ANSI C, a void * is a generic pointer, that can be a memory address that can point to any type of data. Of the above functions, malloc(), and calloc() are used to acquire memory in an initial request. The difference between them being that calloc() guarantees that the memory acquired will be initialized to have all bits set to 0, and malloc() makes no guarantee about the contents of the allocated area. The function realloc(), is used to expand or contract an already allocated area of memory. The void *block parameter is a pointer to an already allocated area of memory, and the size parameter is the resized area in bytes. If realloc() cannot expand the current area, realloc() will make a new allocation of size bytes and copy all data from the previous area into the new area, then free the previous area, and return a pointer to the new allocation. The functions malloc(), calloc(), and realloc() all will return NULL if they are unable to allocate the desired amount of memory. When a program is finished with using an allocated area of memory, the area must be returned to the heap by using the free() function. calloc() provides access to the C memory heap. The heap is available for dynamic allocation of variable- sized blocks of memory.


void *calloc(size_t nitems, size_t size);

calloc allocates a block of size nitems * size. The block is cleared to 0. calloc returns a pointer to the newly allocated block. If not enough space exists for the new block, or nitems or size is 0, calloc returns NULL. malloc() allocates a block of size bytes from the C memory heap. It allows a program to allocate memory explicitly, as it is needed and in the exact amounts needed.


void *malloc( size_t size);

On success, malloc returns a pointer to the newly allocated block of memory. If not enough space exists for the new block, it returns NULL. The contents of the block are left unchanged. If the argument size == 0, malloc returns NULL. realloc() attempts to shrink or expand the previously allocated block to size bytes. The block argument points to a memory block previously obtained by calling malloc(), calloc(), or realloc(). If block is a NULL pointer, realloc() works just like malloc().


void *realloc( void *block, size_t size);

realloc() returns the address of the reallocated block, which may be different that the address of the original block. If the block cannot be reallocated, or size== 0, realloc() returns NULL. free() deallocates a memory black allocated by a previous call to calloc(), malloc(), or realloc().


void *free( void *block );

free() does not return any value. Pointers can also be used to address dynamically allocated blocks of memory that can be used as arrays. Dynamic allocation of a block of memory takes place during execution. The size of the dynamic block is specified using arguments to standard library functions such as malloc(), calloc(), and realloc(). This is in contrast to the dimension of an array, which is fixed by a constant or by a constant expression in a declaration. The following is a sample program written in C that uses a dynamically allocated array:

Listing 8-14

*   Program Name   :    sum_num.c
*   Description    :    Allocate a dynamic array of a
*                  :    stated size; load numbers into
*                  :    the array and then sum the
*                  :    numbers in the array


int main()
int retval;   /* value returned from scanf */
long *nums;   /* pointer to arrray of numbers to sum */
short how_many;/* number of numbers to input and sum */
short inum;   /* counter to index into nums array */
long sum;     /* sum of numbers in nums array */
    *    input number of elements to allocate
    printf("\nHow many numbers to sum? ");
    *    dynamically allocate memory for how_manay
    *    long's
    nums = (long *)calloc(how_many, sizeof(long) );
    if(nums == (long *)NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"\nCould not allocate memory");
         return 1;
    *    input numbers to store in array
    for( inum =0; inum < how_many; ++inum)
         printf("\nEnter #%d: ", inum + 1);
         retval = scanf("%ld",[inum] );
    *    sum the numbers in the array
    for( sum = inum = 0; inum < how_many; ++inum )
         *    add number to sum
         sum += nums[inum];
         *    show running total
         printf("\n%3d: %10ld %10ld",
    *    print the final total
    printf("\nThe sum of the %d numbers",how_many);
    printf(" entered is %ld\n",sum);
    *    free the memory back to the heap
    free( (char *)nums );
    return 0;

}/* end of main() ************************************/

Dynamically allocated arrays can also be expanded during the execution of the program.

Listing 8-15

*   Program Name   :    sum_num2.c
*   Description    :    Allocate a dynamic array of a
*                  :    stated size; load numbers into
*                  :    the array;when array is full
*                  :    prompt user to see if more
*                  :    numbers are to be input;
*                  :    if more numbers are desired
*                  :    then expand array

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main()
char ans;     /* response from Yes/No prompt */
int retval;   /* value returned from scanf */
long *nums;   /* pointer to array of numbers to sum */
long *save;   /* saves the address of the array of numbers */
short how_many;/* number of numbers to input and sum */
short inum;   /* counter to index into nums array */
long sum;     /* sum of numbers in nums array */
    *    input number of elements to allocate
    printf("\nHow many numbers to sum? ");
    *    dynamically allocate memory for how_manay
    *    long's
    nums = (long *)calloc(how_many, sizeof(long) );
    if(nums == (long *)NULL)
         fprintf(stderr,"\nCould not allocate memory");
         return 1;
    *    start outer loop
    inum = 0;
         *    input numbers to store in array
         for( ; inum < how_many; ++inum)
              printf("\nEnter #%d: ", inum + 1);
              retval = scanf("%ld",[inum] );
              *    no value input, terminate early
              if( retval != 1 )
                   how_many = inum;

         }/* end of for */
         *    see if array is to be expanded
         printf("\nExpand Array(Y/N)? ");
         ans = toupper(getchar());
         if( ans == 'Y' )
              *    if answer was Y, then expand array
              how_many += how_many;
              save = nums;
              *    expand on space already owned
              nums = (long *)realloc(nums,how_many);
              if( nums == (long *)NULL )
                   fprintf(stderr,"\nCould not reallocate");
                   *    reset pointer
                   nums = save;
    } while( ans == 'Y' );
    *    sum the numbers in the array
    for( sum = inum = 0; inum < how_many; ++inum )
         *    add number to sum
         sum += nums[inum];
         *    show running total
         printf("\n%3d: %10ld %10ld",

    }/* end of for */
    *    print the final total
    printf("\nThe sum of the %d numbers",how_many);
    printf(" entered is %ld\n",sum);
    *    free the memory back to the heap
    free( (char *)nums );
    return 0;

}/* end of main() *************************************/

Arrays of buffers can also be allocated from the heap. This allows for a dynamically allocated two dimensional array.

Listing 8-16

*   LINES.C - Dynamically allocate space from the heap
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
char **buf;
int height, width, i, j;
    *    acquire parameters concerning data to be input
    printf("\nEnter number of lines: ");
    scanf( "%d", );
    fflush( stdin );
    printf("\nEnter width of lines: ");
    scanf("%d", );
    fflush( stdin );
    *    allocate array of buffers for text
    buf = (char **)malloc( height * sizeof( char *) );
    if( buf == (char **)NULL )
         fprintf( stderr, "\nCannot Allocate a Space\n");
         return 1;
    *    allocate space for lines of text
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         buf[i] = (char *)malloc( width );
         if( buf[i] == (char *)NULL )
              fprintf( stderr,"\nCannot allocate text space.\n");
              *    release allocated space
              while( i >= 0 )
                   free( buf[i] );
              free( buf );
              return 1;
    *   get text from keyboard and save in array
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         printf("\nEnter text: ");
         gets( buf[i] );
    *    move down on the screen
    *    place text on the screen
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
    *    return space to heap
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         free( buf[i] );
    free( buf );
    return 0;

8.16 The new and delete Operators

The operators new and delete are introduced in C++ to provide reliable programmer-controlled allocation and deallocation of storage in the heap. The functions malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free() could still be used in C++, but it is preferred that the new and delete operators be used for dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory. A simplified syntax is

pointer-to-name = new name ;

delete pointer-to-name;

name can be of any type except “function returning...” (however pointers to functions are allowed). new tries to create an object of type name by allocating (if possible) sizeof(name) bytes in free store (also called the heap). The storage duration of the new object is from the point of creation until the operator delete kills it by deallocating its memory, or until the end of the program. If successful, new returns a pointer to the new object. A NULL pointer indicates a failure ( such as insufficient or fragmented heap memory). As with malloc, the programmer needs to test for NULL before trying to access the new object (unless the programmer uses a new-handler). However, unlike malloc, new calculates the size of name without the need for an explicit sizeof operator. Further, the pointer returned is of the correct type, “pointer to name”, without the need for explicit casting.

char *nameptr;

if( !(nameptr = new char ) )
     fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient memory for char");
     exit (1 );

delete nameptr;

There are two ways to handle the situation where the new operator cannot allocate the space requested. First, a conditional test can be made of the return value from new. If the return value is NULL, then the space could not be allocated. The second method is to define a function that will be called if the new operator fails (returns NULL). To tell the new operator about the new- handler function, call set_new_handler and supply a pointer to the new- handler. The prototype for set_new_handler is as follows (from new.h):

void (*set_new_handler( void (*) () )) ();

set_new_handler returns the old new-handler, and changes the function _new_handler so that it, in turn, points to the new- handler that the programmer defined.

Listing 8-17

//  LINES1.CPP - dynamically allocate space from the free store
//  using set_new_handler() to handle out of memory exceptions
#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <new.h>

int main()
char **buf;
int height, width, i;
void nospace();

    //   acquire parameters concerning data to be input
    cout << "Enter number of lines: ";
    cin >> height;
    cout << "Enter width of lines: " ;
    cin >> width;
    //   set a new handler
    set_new_handler( nospace );
    //   allocate array of buffers for text
    buf = new char *[height];
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         buf[i] = new char[width];
    //   get text from keyboard and save in array
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         cout << "Enter text: ";
         cin >> buf[i];
    //   move down on the screen
    cout << "\n\n\n\n\n";
    //   place text on the screen
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         cout <<  buf[i] << endl;
    //   return space to free store
    for( i = 0; i < height; ++i )
         delete buf[i];
    delete buf;
    return 0;

void nospace()
    cout << "ERROR: Could not allocate from free store"
         << endl;
    return 1;

8.17 Allocating Multi-dimensional Arrays

If name is an array, the pointer returned by new points to the first element of the array. When creating multidimensional arrays with new, all array sizes must be supplied (although the left-most dimension doesn’t have to be a compile-time constant):

mat_ptr = new int[3][10][12];
mat_ptr = new int[n][10][12];

8.18 Pointers to void and Functions That return void

ANSI C allows pointers to type void * to be assigned to any other pointer as well as any pointer to be assigned to a pointer of type void *. C++ does not allow assignment of pointer of type void * to any other pointer without an explicit cast. The following example illustrates the difference:

void *p_void;
int i, *p_i;

p_void =         /* allowed in both C and C++ */
p_i = p_void;       /* allowed in C but not in C++ */
p_i = (int*)p_void; /* cast makes it OK to use in C++ */