Chapter 9 Structures, Unions and Enumerated Types

The C and C++ language allows for the composition of new data types. It is essential that the student learn to compose new data types for describing abstract data structures. This module shows the student how to compose and use these new data types.

9.1 Structures

A structure allows for the storage, in contiguous areas of memory, of associated data items. A structure is a template for a new data type whose format is defined by the programmer. A structure is one of a group of language constructs that allow the programmer to compose his/her own data types. The general form of a structure template is:

Fig. 9-1

struct [tag]

Where tag is optional and only needs to be present if no variable is present. The members are variables declared as any C supported data type or composed data type. A structure is a set of values that can be referenced collectively through a variable name. The components of a structure are referred to as members of a structure. A structure differs from an array in that members can be of different data types. A structure is defined by creating a template. A structure template does not occupy any memory space and does not have an address, it is simply a description of a new data type. The name of the structure is the tag. The tag is optional when a variable is present and the variable is optional when the tag is present. Each member-declaration has the form

data-type member-declaration.

9.2 Declaring structure variables

Storage is allocated for the structure when a variable of that structure type is declared. The following is an example of a structure template.

Fig. 9-2

/* define template */
struct Person
     char ssn[12]
     int age;
     float height
     double salary;

In the C language, a variable of the above data type would be declared as follows:

Fig. 9-3

/* declare variable of structure person type */
struct Person frank;

In the C++ language, the use of the keyword struct would not be required in the declaration of a variable of the above type.

Fig. 9-4

// declare variable of structure person type
Person frank;

Each member of a structure is in a contiguous memory location in relationship to its previous member and next member. To access individual members of a structure, the dot operator is used to connect a variable name with an element in the structure. For example


The composed name is treated as a variable of with the type of the member variable.

Fig. 9-5

#include int main() { struct Person ralph; printf( "\nEnter your first

name:” ); gets( ralph.first_name ); . . . printf( “nEnter your age:” ); scanf( “%d”, ); return 0; } or in C++

Fig. 9-6

#include int main() { Person ralph;

cout << “nEnter your first name:”; cin >> ralph.first_name;


cout << “nEnter your age:”; cin >> ralph.age; return 0;


9.3 Initializing Structures

Structures can be initialized when the template is created, if a variable of the structure type is declared with the template creation.

Fig. 9-7

Person employ = {"Ralph",
                 "123 Main",

9.4 Assignment of Structures

Values are assigned to individual members of the structure by using the structure variable name connected with the structure member name.

employ.age = 35;

The . operator is used to provide the connection between variable name and member name. When referencing a particular member of a structure, the resulting type of that expression is that of the member being referenced.

strcpy(employ.street,"3188 Trinity Drive");

The value of one structure variable can be assigned to another structure variable of the same type.

Person employ, employ2;

     employ = employ2;

The above assignment is a valid statement. The data stored in employ2 would be stored in employ, because objects of like type can be assigned to one another. Structure variables cannot be compared through a relational operator. The following example attempts to compare two structure variables of the same type.

Fig. 9-8

int main()
Person employee, staff;
     employee = staff;
     if( employee == staff )

The above code is invalid, each member of the structure must be compared in order to establish equality or non-equality.

9.5 Nested Structures

A structure variable can be a member of another structure template.

Fig. 9-9

struct Vital
     int age

struct Home
     char f_name[12]

struct Person
     Vital emp;
     Home place;
} employ;

In order to access a member of one of the nested structures, the dot operator is used until the lowest member is reached in the structure hierarchy.

Fig. 9-10

cout << "Enter your age: ";
cin >> employ.emp.age;

cout << "Enter your last name: ";
cin >>;

9.6 Arrays of Structures

Like any other data type in C, a variable of a structure type can be arrayed.

Fig. 9-11

struct Person
     Vital emp;
     Home place;
} stats[100];

The above declaration would allow for the storage of 100 items of type people. Any specific item could be referenced as:



Notice stats is the arrayed item, and requires the array operator, [].

9.7 Passing Structures to Functions

Structures can be passed as an argument to a function simply by writing the variable name in the argument list when calling the function.

Fig. 9-12

void getData( Person );  // function prototype
Person employee;

void getData( Person x )
     cout << "Enter last name: ";
     cin >> x.l_name;

Just like any other argument, a structure is passed by value; therefore, functions may not make permanent changes to the values of members of the structure. A structure may be used as the return-type of a function.

Fig 9-13

Person getData( Person newemp )
     return( newemp );

The calling routine can store the structure data returned into a like typed structure variable.

Fig 9-14

int main()
void getData( Person );
Person newemp, employee;
     newemp = getData(employee);

If the function being called is to modify or change the data within the structure, the address of the structure variable can be passed and the called function can work with the structure members through a pointer. This method is referred to as call by reference.

Fig. 9-15


void getData( Person * );
Person employ;

     getData(  );


void getData( Person *ptr )
     cout << "Enter first name:";
     cin >> ptr->place.f_name;
     cout << "\nEnter last name:";
     cin >> ptr->place.l_name;
     cout << "\nEnter age:";
     cin >> ptr->person.age;

Notice that the -> operator is used when referencing a pointer to a structure. Functions can also return pointers to structures.

9.8 Unions

A union is an aggregate variable that can declare several data types, but only store the value of one variable at any one time; each data type shares the same area of memory. The declaration of a union is similar to that of a structure:

Fig. 9-16

union [union_tag]
     data_type variable_1;
     data_type variable_2;
     data_type variable_3;
} {union_variable_name};

As with a structure, a union_tag is optional if a union_variable_name is present. The compiler allocates only the storage space of the largest data_type declared.

Fig. 9-17

union Data
     char str[6];
     int y;
     long z;
     float x;
     double t;
} var;

The union variable var is given eight(8) bytes of storage; all the elements start at the same address in memory; the compiler gives the amount of storage needed by the largest data type, in this case double which is eight bytes.

9.9 Accessing Members of a union

To access a member of a union the dot operator is used the same as with structures.

var.x = 123.45;

Unions passed to functions exactly as a structure would be passed.

9.10 Anonymous unions in C++

Unions without a name can be defined anywhere a variable or field can be defined. They allow sharing of memory storage among two or more fields of the structure for economy of memory storage.

Fig. 9-18

struct data-rec
     char *last_name;
     char *first_name;
     int id_number;
          float annual_salary;
          float hourly_wage;

All members of a union require only as much memory storage as the largest member. For the structure given above, storage for only one floating point entity is required. The union members annual_salary and hourly_wage are stored at the same memory address. Each instance of a data_rec can only store one of these members. One can access a member of an anonymous union as in the following:

data_rec  my_record;
     cout << "My annual salary = "
          << my_record.annual_salary
          << endl;

9.11 Bit Fields

With the use of unions and structures C can access individual bits of a word or byte. Bit fields are required to be unsigned integers. Bit fields are allowed to be declared in a structure that includes other data types. When mapping a area of memory to the bit level, it must be understood that hardware engineers number bits differently than software engineers. For example, assume that there is a one byte area of memory that is to be mapped to the bit level, a hardware engineer would describe the one byte area as follows:

Fig. 9-19

bit:  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

but a software engineer would describe the area of memory as follows:

Fig. 9-20

bit:  7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |

As the programmer can see, a reference to bit number 2 would mean one thing to a hardware person and an entirely different thing to a software person. Most specifications for hardware are produced by hardware engineers and the software to use that hardware is written by software people, so over the years an understanding has been reached. As an additional complication, the Intel family of processors used in IBM type personal computers, uses a different arrangement for words of memory than any other processor. With most computers a word of memory has a most significant byte (MSB) and a least significant byte (LSB). On most processors a word of memory would look as follows:

Fig. 9-21

|    Byte 1             |     Byte 0            |
|15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8 |7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|    MSB                |     LSB               |

But with the Intel processor, which uses something called “Big-Endian” and “Little-Endian” notation, the above word of storage will look as follows:

Fig. 9-22

|    Byte 0             |     Byte 1            |
|7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
|    LSB                |     MSB               |

For an illustration, there is a word in memory on all MS-DOS machines that is used to hold the status of keyboard toggles, such as Caps Lock, Insert, and others. The following example shows a union that is used to determine the status of those keyboard toggles.

Fig. 9-23

// address of segment and offset of
// keyboard control bits, byte address
// 0017 and 0018 on IBM PC running MS-DOS

#define BASE_ADDR   0x00400017
// layout of 16 bits of memory
union KeyBits
     unsigned keys;      // everything together

     // Pg. 223, Peter Norton's
     // "Inside the IBM PC".
     // Must reverse order of bits in each byte

     struct Bits
          // byte 0
          unsigned right_shift    :1; // bit 7
          unsigned left_shift     :1; // bit 6
          unsigned ctrl_pressed   :1; // bit 5
          unsigned alt_pressed    :1; // bit 4
          unsigned scroll_lock    :1; // bit 3
          unsigned num_lock       :1; // bit 2
          unsigned caps_lock      :1; // bit 1
          unsigned ins            :1; // bit 0
          // byte 1
          unsigned                :1; // bit 7
          unsigned                :1; // bit 6
          unsigned pcjr_click     :1; // bit 5
          unsigned hold_state     :1; // bit 4
          unsigned scr_pressed    :1; // bit 3
          unsigned num_pressed    :1; // bit 2
          unsigned caps_pressed   :1; // bit 1
          unsigned ins_pressed    :1; // bit 0
     } format; // structure variable

void keyCtrl()
// use a long far pointer; 'far'
// allows a pointer to hold
// a 32-bit address, instead of
// normal or 'near' of 16-bits
// this allows you to go indirectly
// and get value at address
unsigned far *p;
KeyBits keyWord;
     // initialize bits to off position
     keyWord.keys = 0;
     // establish pointer to absolute address
     p = (unsigned far *)BASE_ADDR;
     // retrieve bit settings
     keyWord.keys = *p;
     // print those toggles that are on
     cout << (keyWord.format.ins
               ?"Ins ":"" )
          << (keyWord.format.caps_lock
               ?"Caps Lock ":"")
          << (keyWord.format.num_lock
               ?"Num Lock ":"" )
          << (keyWord.format.scroll_lock
               ?"Scroll Lock ":"")
          << (keyWord.format.alt_pressed
               ?"Alt Pressed":"")
          << (keyWord.format.ctrl_pressed
               ?"Ctrl Pressed":"")
          << (keyWord.format.left_shift
               ?"Left Shift Pressed":"")
          << (keyWord.format.right_shift
               ?"Right Shift Pressed":"")
          << (keyWord.format.ins_pressed
          << (keyWord.format.caps_pressed
          << (keyWord.format.num_pressed
          << (keyWord.format.scr_pressed
}// end of keyCtrl()

Notice that for bit positions that have no meaning there is no element name, but there must be a length of the number of bits to skip.

9.12 Byte Alignment

Bit field with a length of zero (0) causes the next bit to be aligned at the next byte in memory. A bit mapping cannot map more than one word of memory. The length of a word will depend upon the machine the program is running upon.

Fig. 9-24

struct Data
     unsigned a     :1;
     unsigned b     :3;
     unsigned x     :0;
     unsigned y     :1;
     unsigned z     :2;
} bitfields;

bitfields.x causes the next bit field, bitfields.y to be positioned at the start of the next byte in memory.

9.13 Enumerated Data Types

Enumerated types provide the facility to specify the possible values of a variable by meaningful symbolic names. The general format for defining an enumerated type is

enum tag { value1, value2, ..., valueN };

where tag is an identifier that names the enumerated type, and value1, value2, ..., valueN are identifiers, called enumerated constants. For example, the declaration

enum Days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
          Friday, Saturday };

defines an enumerated type Days whose list of possible values are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each of the values in the enumerated type has an ordinal value associated with it. The default values start at 0 and proceed in increments of 1 until all values in the list have an ordinal value. In the list of values for Days, the default ordinal values are Sunday has 0, Monday has 1, Tuesday has 2, Wednesday has 3, Thursday has 4, Friday has 5, and Saturday has 6. An integer value may explicitly be associated with an enumeration constant by following it with = and a constant expression of integral type. Subsequent enumeration constants without explicit associations are assigned integer values one greater than the value associated with the previous enumerated constant. For example, the declaration

enum Days { Sunday=6, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday=2,
          Thursday, Friday, Saturday};

results in the value 6 being associated with Sunday, 7 with Monday, 8 with Tuesday, 2 with Wednesday, 3 with Thursday, 4 with Friday, and 5 with Saturday. Any signed integer value may be associated with an enumeration constant. The same integer value may be associated with two different enumerated constants in the same type declaration. An enumerated constant must be unique with respect to other enumerated constants and variables within the same name scope. Thus, in the presence of the declaration of days, the declaration

enum DaysOff { Saturday, Sunday };

is illegal because the identifiers Saturday and Sunday have already been defined to be enumerated constant values of days. Similarly, the variable declaration

float Monday;

following the declaration of Days, is also illegal. Variables may be declared to be of an enumerated type in the same declaration containing the enumerated type definition, or in subsequent declarations of the form

enum tag variablelist;

Thus, weekday and caldays may be declared to be of type enum days

    enum Days { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
              Friday, Saturday }  weekday, caldays;


    enum Days weekday, caldays;

The tag may be omitted from the declaration of an enumerated type if all the variables of this type have been declared at the same time. Thus, the programmer may write

enum  { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
          Friday, Saturday }  weekday, caldays;

but due to the omission of the enumerated tag, the programmer may not subsequently declare another variable whose type is the same as that of weekday or caldays. A variable of a particular enumerated type can be assigned enumerated constants specified in the definition of the enumeration type. For example, the programmer may write

weekday = Tuesday;

The programmer may also compare values as in

if( weekday == caldays )

All enumerated types are treated as integer types, and the type of enumerated constants is treated as int. However, the programmer should differentiate between enumerated and integer types as a matter of good programming practice and use casts if they have to be mixed, as show in the following example:

typedef enum { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday } DAYS; DAYS nextday( DAYS this ) { return( DAYS )( (int)this +1) % 7); }

Listing 9-1

/* * Example program using enumerated variables / #include #include / * employee categories / enum empcats {management, research, clerical, sales}; / * employee data */ struct empdata {

char name[30]; float salary; enum empcats category;


int main() { struct empdata employee;

/* * establish an employee / strcpy(, “Benjamin Franklin” ); employee.salary = 118.50; employee.category = research; / * show the employee data */ printf(“nName = %s”, ); printf(“nSalary = %6.2f”, employee.salary ); printf(“nCategory = %d”, employee.category );

if( employee.category == clerical )
printf( “nEmployee category is clerical.n”);
printf(“nEmployee category is not clerical.n”);

return 0;


9.14 Enumerated Types in C++

The name of an enumeration is a type name. It is not necessary in C++ to use the qualifier enum in front of the enumerated type name and as a result this streamlines the notation. In ANSI C, the list of constants appearing in an enum are known throughout the file. C++ considers the constants in an enum to be local to a class or a struct and known only to member and friend functions of the class.

Fig. 9-25

struct SWindow
     enum Operation {refresh, remove, clear, scroll};
     void execute( Operation op);

struct SDocument
     enum Document {brochure, pamphlet, report, book };
     void setDocument( Document type );

int main()
     SWindow win;
     win.execute( SWindow::scroll );

     SDocument doc;
     doc.setDocument( SDocument::scroll );

Notice the use of the :: operator, the scope resolution operator. This operator associates the structure with the enumerated value defined within that structure. Although scroll is defined as a value in two enumerated types in two different structures by using the scope resolution operator there is no difficulty for the compiler in determinining which scroll is being referred in each instance.

9.15 Structures as Abstract Data Types

The concept of struct is augmented in C++ to allow functions to be members. The function declaration is included in the structure declaration and is invoked by using access methods for structure members. The idea is that the functionality required by the struct data type should be directly included in the struct declaration. This improves the encapsulation of the Abstract Data Type (ADT) by packaging its operations together with its data representation. In traditional OOP terminology, a member function is a method. The following is an example of implementing a stack as an Abstract Data Type (ADT) using a struct

Listing 9-2:

//  stack.cpp - implementation with constructor and destructor


const int MAXSTACK = 100;

struct Stack
    char *s;
    int max_len;
    int top;
    enum { EMPTY = 0, FULL = MAXSTACK -1 };
         max_len = MAXSTACK;
         s = new char[max_len];
         top = EMPTY;
    Stack( int size )
         s = new char[size];
         max_len = size;
         top = EMPTY;
         delete s;
    void reset( void )
         top = EMPTY;
    void push( char c )
         s[top] = c;
    char pop( void )
         return (s[top--]);
    char top_of( void )
         return (s[top]);
    BOOLEAN empty( void )
         return ((top == EMPTY) ? TRUE : FALSE );
    BOOLEAN full( void )
         return ( (top == max_len - 1) ? TRUE : FALSE );

int main()
Stack z(50);
Stack t;
char *str = "My name is Don Knuth!";
char *str2 = "My dog has fleas and needs a bath.";
int i = 0;

    cout << str << endl;
    //   push data on the stack
    while( str[i] )
         if( !z.full() )
              z.push( str[i++] );
    //   pop characters from the stack and print
    while( !z.empty() )
         cout << z.pop();
    cout << endl;

    cout << str2 << endl;
    i = 0;
    while( str2[i] )
         if( !t.full() )
              t.push( str2[i++] );
    while( !t.empty() )
         cout << t.pop();
    cout << endl;
    return 0;

The member functions are written much as other functions. One difference is that they can use the data member names as they are. Thus the member functions in Stack use top and s in an unqualified manner. When invoked on a particular object of type Stack, they act on the specified member in that object. In OOP terminology an invocation is called message passing. In these terms a stack object receiving the message “pop” executes the pop method. The following example illustrates these ideas. If two Stack variables

Stack data, operands;

are declared, then


invoke the member function reset, which has the effect of setting both and to EMPTY. If a pointer to Stack

Stack *ptr_operands =

is declared, then


invokes the member function push, which has the effect of incrementing and setting operands.s[top] to ‘A’. Member functions that are defined within the struct are implicitly inline. As a rule only short, heavily used member functions should be defined within the struct. To define a member function outside the struct, the scope resolution operator :: is used. To illustrate this, the definition of push will be changed to a function prototype within struct Stack. The implementation of the push method will be defined outside the scope of the struct Stack which requires using the scope resolution operator to associate push with the struct Stack. In this case the function is not implicitly inline.

Fig. 9-26

struct Stack
    char *s;
    int max_len;
    int top;
    enum { EMPTY = 0, FULL = MAXSTACK -1 };
         max_len = MAXSTACK;
         s = new char[max_len];
         top = EMPTY;
    Stack( int size )
         s = new char[size];
         max_len = size;
         top = EMPTY;
         delete s;
    void reset( void )
         top = EMPTY;
    void push( char c );

void Stack::push( char c )
    s[top] = c;

The scope resolution operator allows member functions from the different struct types to have the same names. In this case, which member function is invoked depends on the type of object it acts on. Member functions within the same struct can be overloaded. Consider adding to the data type Stack a pop operation that has an integer parameter that pops the stack that many times before returning a value. It could be added as the following function prototype within the struct:

Fig. 9-27

struct Stack
    char pop( int n );

char Stack::pop(int n )
    while( n-- > 0 )
    return( s[top--] );

The definition that is invoked depends on the actual arguments to pop.

data.pop();         // invokes standard pop
data.pop(5);        // invokes repeated pop

The inline specification can be used explicitly with member functions defined at file scope. This avoids having to clutter the struct definition with function bodies.

Fig. 9-28

struct Stack
    void reset();
    void push( char c );

inline void Stack::reset()
    top = EMPTY;
inline void Stack::push( char c )
    s[++top} = c;

The grouping of operations with data emphasizes their “objectness”. Objects have a description and behavior. The data members hold the description or attributes of an object and the member functions implement the behavior of an object. The concept of struct is augmented in C++ to allow functions to have public, private, and protected members. For now the protected keyword is a synonym for private. Its real use will be shown when the topic of class inheritance is discussed. Inside a struct the use of the keyword private followed by a colon restricts the access of the members that follow this construct. The private members can be used by only a few categories of functions, whose privileges included access to these members. These functions include the member functions of the struct. In the above complete implementation of Stack, we can see that the data members s, max_len, and top are in the private section of the Stack. By placing data members within a private section only member functions of the Stack can modify the data members. For example, top can be modified by the member function reset but cannot be accessed directly by the main() function. The Stack has a private part that contains its data description and a public part that contains member functions to implement stack operations. It is useful to think of the private part as restricted to the implementor’s use and the public part as an interface specification that clients may use. At a later time implementor could change the private part without affecting the correctness of a client’s use of the stack type. Hiding data is an important component of OOP. It allows for more easily debugged and maintained code because errors and modifications are localized. Client programs need only be aware of the type’s interface specification. As a rule of thumb, data members should be placed in the private part of a structure and accessed using member functions. Such an accessing discipline ensures that a client cannot tamper with or misuse the implemented ADT.

9.16 Constructors and Destructors

Note that the Stack structure has two member functions named Stack and another named ~Stack. The two member functions named Stack are called constructors. The member function named ~Stack is called the destructor of the class. The C++ compiler calls a constructor, if one is defined, whenever an instance of a struct or class is created. In C terms, when an identifier of type Stack is declared a constructor is automatically called. The programmer can use the constructor to handle any specific requirements for initializing objects of a type. For example, if an object needs extra storage, the programmer can allocate memory in the constructor. In the Stack class, the constructor calls new to allocate space for the storage of data on the stack. Note that the constructor function always has the same name as that of the struct or class. Also, there are two functions with the name Stack. The constructor has been overloaded so that there is more than one way to initialize an instance of a Stack. Which constructor is call will depend upon how the instance variable of the Stack type is declared. For example

Stack mystack;

will cause the constructor function Stack(), which is the default constructor, to be called. But, with a declaration such as

Stack mystack(50);

the constructor function Stack( int size ) will be called. Also, notice that constructors do can return any values. Constructors and destructors cannot return a value. The programmer can also define a destructor function for a struct or class. There can be one and only one destructor for a struct or class. A destructor is called if there is any need to clean up after an object is destroyed ( for example, if the programmer wants to free memory allocated in the constructor). The C++ compiler generates code that calls the destructor function of a structure or class whenever an instance of that struct or class goes out of scope. The destructor has the same name as the type except for a tilde ( ~) prefix. Thus, the destructor function for the struct Stack is ~Stack(). A destructor is not called unless an explicit or implicit return statement is executed. If no explicit return statement is executed in a function that an instance of a structure or class, then the implicit return generated by encountering the closing curly brace of the function will cause the destructor to be called. Using the exit() function to terminate a program is discouraged because it exits the program immediately and does not allow for the class or structure destructors to be called.

9.17 What Is Object-Oriented Programming?

Up until now the book has addressed syntax of the C and C++ language, because until now both languages share the same syntax, except for a few minor exceptions. Now, a major difference is to be addressed. How a program is actually assembled from a structured oriented approach and from an object oriented approach. The topic of what makes a program object oriented must be understood before an attempt is made to develop such an application. The term object-oriented programming (OOP) is widely used, but experts cannot seem to agree on its exact definition. However, most experts agree that OOP involves defining abstract data types (ADT) that represent complex real-world or abstract objects and organizing the program around the collection of ADTs with an eye toward exploiting their common features. The term data abstraction refers to the process of defining ADTs. Object- oriented programming also involves the use of inheritance and polymorphism as the mechanisms that enable the programmer to take advantage of the common characteristics of the ADTs - the objects in the OOP. OOP is only a method of designing and implementing software. Use of object-oriented techniques does not impart anything to a finished software product that the user can see. However, as a programmer implementing the software, you can gain significant advantages by using object-oriented methods, especially in large software projects. Because OOP enables the programmer to remain close to the conceptual, higher-level model of the real-world problem he/she is trying to solve, the programmer can manage the complexity better than with approaches that force the programmer to map the problem to fit the features of the language. The programmer can take advantage of the modularity of objects and implement the program in relatively independent units that are easier to maintain and extend. The programmer can also share code among objects through inheritance and take advantage of the commonality among objects that are inherited with polymorphism. OOP has nothing to do with any programming language, although a programming language that supports OOP makes it easier to implement the object-oriented techniques, the programmer can use objects in C programs, assembly language programs or BASIC programs. OOP is more a way of conceptualizing the problem and of implementing the code.

9.18 Procedure-Oriented Programming

Before the programmer gets into OOP, take a look at conventional procedure-oriented programming in a language such as C. Using the procedure-oriented approach, the programmer views a problem as a sequence of things to do. The programmer organizes the related data items into **C structs **and write the necessary functions (procedures) to manipulate the data and in the process, complete the sequence of tasks that solve the problem. Although the data may be organized into structures, the primary focus is on the functions. Each C function transforms data in some way. For example, the programmer may have a function that prompts for and reads values into the members of a structure, another that computes the mean of a set of numbers, and one that prints the values held in a structure. The programmer does not have to look far to find examples of this kind of programming - C function libraries are implemented this way. Each function in a library performs a well-defined operation on its input arguments and returns the transformed data as a return value. Arguments may be pointers to data that the function directly alters or the function may have the effect of displaying graphics on a video monitor. For a concrete illustration of procedure-oriented programming, consider the following example. This is a classic example used in many C++ books for illustrating the advantages of OOP over structured methods. Suppose the programmer wants to write a computer program that handles geometric shapes such as rectangles and circles. The program should be able to draw any shape and compute its area. Here is a conventional approach to writing this program.

Listing 9-3

*   File:     cshapes.h
*   Defines data types for manipulating geometric shapes in C.

#ifndef  CSHAPES_H      /* Used to avid including file twice */
#define  CSHAPES_H

#define  PI               3.14156

/*  Define the types of shapes being supported */

enum tagSHAPE_TYPE

/*  Define each individual shape's data structure */

struct tagCIRCLE_SHAPE
    SHAPE_TYPE     type;     /* type of shape (THE_CIRCLE) */
    double         x, y;     /* coordinates of center */
    double         radius;   /* radius of circle */

    SHAPE_TYPE     type;     /* type of shape (THE_RECTANGLE) */
    double         x1, y1;   /* coordinates of the corners  */
    double         x2, y2;

/*  Now define a union of the two structures */

union SHAPE
    SHAPE_TYPE          type;          /* type of shape */
    CIRCLE_SHAPE        circle;        /* data for circle */
    RECTANGLE_SHAPE     rectangle;     /* data for rectangle */
}   SHAPE;

/*  function prototypes */

double   compute_area( SHAPE *p_shape );
void     draw_shape( SHAPE *p_shape );

#endif   /* #ifndef CSHAPES_H */

*   File :    cshapes.c
*   C functions to operate on geometric shapes.

#include "cshapes.h"

*   compute the area of the shape and return the area
double compute_area ( SHAPE *pShape )
double area;
    *    handle each shape according to its type
    switch( pShape->type )
         case A_CIRCLE:
              area = PI * pShape->circle.radius
                        * pShape->circle.radius;

         case A_RECTANGLE:
              area = fabs( (pShape->rectangle.x2
                             - pShape->rectangle.x1)
                        *  (pShape->rectangle.y2
                             - pShape->rectangle.y1)

              printf("Unknown shape\n");
    return area;
*   draw a shape (print information about shape)
void draw( SHAPE *pShape )
    *    handle each shape according to its type
    printf( "Draw: " );
    switch( pShape->type )
         case A_CIRCLE:
              printf( "Circle of radius %f at (%f, %f)\n",
                   pShape->circle.x, pShape->circle.y);

         case A_RECTANGLE:
              printf( "Rectangle with corners:"
                   "(%f, %f) at (%f, %f )\n",


              printf("Unknown shape\n");
*   program to test shape-handling functions
int main()
int i;
SHAPE s[2];
    *    initialize the shapes
    *    A 10 x 40 rectangle with upper left corner at
    *    (10, 10)
    s[0].type = A_RECTANGLE;
    s[0].rectangle.x1 = 10.0;
    s[0].rectangle.y1 = 10.0;
    s[0].rectangle.x2 = 20.0;
    s[0].rectangle.y2 = 50.0;
    *    A circle at (12.0, 40.0) with radius of 10.0
    s[1].type = A_CIRCLE;
    s[1].circle.x = 40.0;
    s[1].circle.y = 12.0;
    s[1].circle.radius = 10.0;
    *    compute areas
    for( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
         printf( "Area of shape[%d] = %f\n", i,
              compute_area( [i] ) );
    *    draw shapes
    for( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
         draw( [i] ) );
    return 0;

9.19 Adding a New Shape

To see one of the problems of conventional procedure-oriented programming consider what happens when the programmer wants the program to handle another type of geometric shape - say, triangles.

1. Define a data structure for triangles. typedef enum tagSHAPE_TYPE { A_CIRCLE ,A_RECTANGLE ,A_TRIANGLE } SHAPE_TYPE; typedef struct TRIANGLE_SHAPE { SHAPE_TYPE type; /* type of shape (T_TRIANGLE) / double x1, y1; / coordinates of the corners / double x2, y2; double x3, y3; } TRIANGLE_SHAPE; 2. Add a new member to the SHAPE union. typedef union SHAPE { SHAPE_TYPE type; / type of shape / CIRCLE_SHAPE circle; / data for circle / RECTANGLE_SHAPE rectangle;/ data for rectangle / TRIANGLE_SHAPE triangle; / data for triangle / } SHAPE; 3. In the cshapes.c file, add code in the functions **compute_area()* and draw() to handle triangles.

Fig. 9-29

/* * compute the area of the shape and return the area / double compute_area ( SHAPE *pShape ) { double area; / * handle each shape according to its type / switch( pShape->type ) { case A_CIRCLE: area = PI * pShape->circle.radius * pShape->circle.radius; break; case A_RECTANGLE: area = fabs( (pShape->rectangle.x2 - pShape->rectangle.x1) * (pShape->rectangle.y2 - pShape->rectangle.y1) ); break; case A_TRIANGLE: { double x21, y21, x31, y31; x21 = pShape->triangle.x2 - pShape->triangle.x1; y21 = pShape->triangle.y2 - pShape->triangle.y1; x31 = pShape->triangle.x3 - pShape->triangle.x1; y31 = pShape->triangle.y3 - pShape->triangle.y1; area = fabs ( y21 * x31 - x21 * y31 ) / 2.0; } break; default: printf(“Unknown shapen”); } return area; } / * draw a shape (print information about shape) / void draw( SHAPE *pShape ) { / * handle each shape according to its type */ printf( “Draw: ” ); switch( pShape->type ) { case A_CIRCLE: printf( “Circle of radius %f at (%f, %f)n”, pShape->circle.radius, pShape->circle.x, pShape->circle.y); break; case A_RECTANGLE: printf( “Rectangle with corners:” “(%f, %f) at (%f, %f )n”, pShape->rectangle.x1, pShape->rectangle.y1, pShape->rectangle.x2, pShape->rectangle.y2, break; case A_TRIANGLE: printf( “Triangle with vertices: ” “(%f, %f) (%f, %f) (%f, %f)n”, pShape->triangle.x1, pShape->triangle.y1 pShape->triangle.x2, pShape->triangle.y2 pShape->triangle.x3, pShape->triangle.y3 ); break; default: printf(“Unknown shapen”); } } 4. The programmer can now test operations on the triangle shape.

Fig. 9-30

/* * program to test shape-handling functions */ int main() { int i; SHAPE s[3];

/* * initialize the shapes * * A 10 x 40 rectangle with upper left corner at * (10, 10) / s[0].type = A_RECTANGLE; s[0].rectangle.x1 = 10.0; s[0].rectangle.y1 = 10.0; s[0].rectangle.x2 = 20.0; s[0].rectangle.y2 = 50.0; / * A circle at (12.0, 40.0) with radius of 10.0 / s[1].type = A_CIRCLE; s[1].circle.x = 40.0; s[1].circle.y = 12.0; s[1].circle.radius = 10.0; / * A triangle at (20, 5), (20, 40), and (5, 20) / s[2].type = A_TRIANGLE; s[2].triangle.x1 = 5.0 s[2].triangle.y1 = 20.0 s[2].triangle.x2 = 40.0 s[2].triangle.y2 = 20.0 s[2].triangle.x3 = 20.0 s[2].triangle.y3 = 5.0 / * compute areas */ for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )

printf( “Area of shape[%d] = %fn”, i,
compute_area( [i] ) );

/* * draw shapes */ for( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )

draw( [i] ) );

return 0;


The reason for going through this exercise is to point out the types of changes the programmer has to make when a new data type - a new object - has to be added to an existing program written in conventional procedure-oriented style. Notice that the programmer has to edit working code - the switch statements in the compute_area and draw functions - when he/she wants to handle triangles in addition to the rectangles and circles that the program was originally designed to accept. If this were a realistic program with many files, a change such as this would have required the programmer to edit switch statements in most of the files. The object-oriented approach avoids this problem by keeping data structures together with functions that operate on them. This approach effectively localizes the changes that become necessary when the programmer decides to add a new object to the program.

9.20 OOP Terminology

First the terminology of object-oriented programming needs to be defined. The following terms are required knowledge when doing object- oriented programming. Data Abstraction: The process of defining a data type, often called an abstract data type (ADT), together with the principle of data hiding. The definition of an ADT involves specifying the internal representation of the ADT’s data as well as the functions to be used by others to manipulate the ADT. Data hiding ensures that the internal structure of the ADT can be altered without any fear of breaking the programs that call the functions provided for operations on the ADT. Method: A function by any other name. A method is code bound to an object. The code provides an interface for messages requesting an operation and a means to perform the requested operation. Object: A conceptual entity, implemented in software, which has distinct boundaries and contains both data and code. There are two types of code in an object - methods, which transfer data across the object’s boundaries, and internal functions, which provide private services to the object. Class: A class is the template from which an object is derived. It defines what data, functions and methods can be bound to the object. An object is formed by creating an instance of the class and filling in the blanks. Inheritance: This is the ability to derive a new class from an existing one. The child class can be a sub or super set of the parent. Multiple Inheritance is the ability to derive a new class from more than one parent class. Polymorphism: Polymorphism is when two objects bind a different method but access it by the same name. The classic example is to create two classes, car and boat. An object from either class can perform an operation “Move” but the method which carries out the operation is different. The use of the same command to generate similar effects using different code is polymorphism. Information Hiding: Information hiding denies outside entities direct access to the object’s private data and functions. Instead it forces outsiders to access the data in a controlled fashion via the object’s methods. As with some government agencies, if the programmer do not need to know, then knowing will gum the works. Messaging: The act of communicating with an object to get something done. It consists of invoking a method, supplying that method with the information it requires, and receiving a reply from the method. Clearly, messaging can be something as simple as a function call.