Chapter 9: Programming ProjectsΒΆ

 1. The information kept about a part includes part number,
    part description, unit of measure( pounds, ounces,
    liters, gallons, etc), unit cost, quantity on hand (in
    the inventory), reorder point (value for quantity on
    hand at which point an order for additional parts
    should be made), stock room ( four character
    identifier) and bin number ( four digits).

    Write a program that allows a user to enter part
    information for up to a maximum of 30 parts from the
    keyboard.  When the user is done, the program outputs a
    report about the parts.   The program must ask the user
    to select which report is to be produced.  A list of
    parts in ascending order by part number or a list in
    ascending order by stock room.  All output must be
    nicely formatted into columns with column headings.
    In addition, the program must pause when a screen is
    full and ask if the next page is to be seen or the
    program is to terminate. In addition, parts that have
    quantity on hand values that are equal to or below the
    reorder point should be flagged with an asterisk.

    Write a C++ type declaration for a data structure that
    will hold the information about a part as well as the
    bound methods for the part.

 2. Write this program as a C++ program using structures
    that have bound methods, functions.  Write a structure,
     **struct card**, that will represent a card in a
    standard deck of playing cards.  You will need to
    represent both the suit (clubs, diamonds, hearts, or
    spades) as well as the rank (A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7,
    6, 5, 4, 3, 2) of each card.  Note that a deck of
    playing cards can be represented as an array declared

    struct card deck[52];

    Also, the suit and the rank can both be expressed as
    enumerated data types:



    as a result of the enumerated types the card deck could
    be as follows:

    struct card
         enum rank rval;
         enum suit sval;

    Using the above structure write a program that will
    present a menu with the following options:

    1.   Deal Five Cards
    2.   Deal Seven Cards
    3.   Quit the Game

    Enter Selection:

    For either of the deal options, the program will call a
    function that performs a shuffle of the deck.  In a
    perfect shuffle, the deck is broken exactly in half and
    rearranged so that the first card is followed by the
    27th card, followed by the second card, followed by the
    28th card, and so on.  You may use a random number
    generator to shuffle the deck of cards and not worry
    about a perfect shuffle.  The program then asks for how
    many players are at the table. There can be no more
    than seven players at the table and no less than three
    players.  The program will then deal cards, either five
    cards per player or seven cards per player depending
    upon the menu selection, to the players at the table.
    The dealer, the program, always is dealt to last.
    Using a simple scoring method of where A=11, K=Q=J=10,
    and all other cards are of face value, compute and
    display which hand holds the most points.  For a seven
    card game, the highest five cards a player holds
    composes the players hand.

 3. Write this program as a C++ program using structures
    that have bound methods, functions.  You are to write a
    program that will read from  **stdin** a C program.
    The program you write will process the input program
    and break the program into keywords, identifiers,
    constants, and function calls.  Your program will
    build an array of structures that will represent a
    symbol table for the processed program.   **For this
    assignment the program you **  **write will only look
    for C keywords.** The structure will look as follows:

    struct symtbl
         *    type of symbol: K=keyword, I=identifier,
         *    C=constant, F=function
         char symtype;
         *    the symbol itself: the keyword, identifier,
         *    constant or function name
         char *symbol;
         *    the location of the symbol within the
         *    program,
         *    in our case we will use the line number with
         *    the first line being 1; multiple occurrences of
         *    the same symbol simply require another line number
         *    entry
         int *symloc;
         *    the symbol data type: this applies only to
         *    identifiers, variables, that the programmer
         *    declared; C=char, I=integer, S=short, L=long
         *    F=float, D=double, X=structure,
         *    U=union, E=enumerated
         char datatype;
         *    the size, in bytes of memory, that each of the
         *    above data types occupies
         int datasize;

The keywords for ANSI C are:

    auto      break     case      char      const     continue
    default   do        double    else      enum      extern
    float     for       goto      if        int       long
    register  return    short     signed    sizeof    static
    struct    switch    typedef   union     unsigned  void
    volatile  while

    When done processing the program, print the array out
    in sorted order by symbol type.

 **HINT:** To read from  **stdin**, simply use  **gets()** to read from the keyboard.  When the program
is run, then redirect the input to come from a file, the
source file holding the program to be processed.  Remember, that C supports 256 byte lines for source programs.  When printing the final report, use  **printf()** or
 **cout** and redirect the  **stdout** to a file, then
send that file to the printer.

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